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Class bea.jolt.pool.servlet.weblogic.SessionPoolManagerAdmin


public class SessionPoolManagerAdmin
extends Object
This class reports the administrative aspects of a session pool manager. It exposes admininstration properties using a bean to wrap the ServletSessionPoolManager. It also contains child beans (SessionPoolAdmin) that wrap the ServletSessionPool instances. There is also an associated class that provides more detailed property information about this class.

Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
SessionPoolManagerAdminBeanInfo, ServletSessionPoolManager, SessionPoolAdmin

Method Index

 o getIcon()
Property: icon
 o getName()
Property: name
 o getSessionPools()
Property: sessionPools
 o hashCode()
Provides the hashcode of the contained session pool manager.


 o hashCode
 public int hashCode()
Provides the hashcode of the contained session pool manager.

Hashcode of the session pool manager represented by this bean
hashCode in class Object
 o getName
 public String getName()
Property: name

 o getIcon
 public String getIcon()
Property: icon

 o getSessionPools
 public Enumeration getSessionPools()
Property: sessionPools

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