Architectural Overview

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Technical Specifications

The following sections summarize the technical specifications of WebLogic Network Gatekeeper:


Supported Configurations

The following sections describe the supported configurations for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

Overview of Network Gatekeeper Base platform

Below is a summary of the operating systems and hardware platforms for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper:

The next sections describe the configuration requirements for access tier, network tier and database tier servers. For a description of the different tiers, see Network Configuration

Common configuration requirements

All servers in the cluster building up the Network Gatekeeper must be dedicated servers.

The directory in which the software is installed must reside on the server's local file system.

There must be at least 1 GB of diskspace available under /user/local.

HP-UX 11.23 on Intel Itanium2

Configuration requirements for Access tier servers

Table 11-2 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper access tier servers on HP-UX 11.23 on Intel Itanium2
Operating System Version and Patches
HP-UX 11.23 with HP-UX patches for JavaTM
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
Intel Itanium2 (1.5 GHz)
HP-UX JDK for the Java 2 Standard Edition platform version 5.0.03 with Java HotSpotTM Server VM (32-bit) and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs for development and production deployment on HP-UX
1 GB required; 2 GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card

Configuration requirements for Network tier servers

Table 11-3 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper network tier servers on HP-UX 11.23 on Intel Itanium2
Operating System Version and Patches
HP-UX 11.23 with HP-UX patches for JavaTM
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
Intel Itanium2 (1.5 GHz)
HP-UX JDK for the Java 2 Standard Edition platform version 5.0.03 with Java HotSpotTM Server VM (32-bit) and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs for development and production deployment on HP-UX
1 GB required; 2 GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card

Configuration requirements for Database tier servers

Table 11-4 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper database tier servers on HP-UX 11.23 on Intel Itanium2
Operating System Version and Patches
HP-UX 11.23 with HP-UX patches for JavaTM
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
Intel Itanium2 (1.5 GHz)
HP-UX JDK for the Java 2 Standard Edition platform version 5.0.03 with Java HotSpotTM Server VM (32-bit) and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs for development and production deployment on HP-UX
2 GB required; >6 GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card
Database storage system
Network attached storage using fibre channel interface.

Linux Redhat AS4 on Intel Xeon

Configuration requirements Access tier servers

Table 11-5 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper access tier servers on Linux Redhat AS4 on Intel Xeon
Operating System Version and Patches
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2) Kernel version 2.6.9-22.Elsmp glibc-2.3.4-2.13 and later updates and errata levels
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
Intel Xeon (3.4 GHz)
Sun: Version 1.5.0_10 and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs
JRockit: Version 1.5.0_11, build R27.3.1
1 GB required; 2 GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card

Configuration requirements for Network tier servers

Table 11-6 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper network tier servers on Linux Redhat AS4 on Intel Xeon
Operating System Version and Patches
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2) Kernel version 2.6.9-22.Elsmp glibc-2.3.4-2.13 and later updates and errata levels
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
Intel Xeon (3.4 GHz)
Sun: Version 1.5.0_10 and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs
JRockit: Version 1.5.0_11, build R27.3.1
1 GB required; 2 GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card

Configuration requirements for Database tier servers

Table 11-7 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper database tier servers on Linux Redhat AS4 on Intel Xeon
Operating System Version and Patches
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2) Kernel version 2.6.9-22.Elsmp glibc-2.3.4-2.13 and later updates and errata levels
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
Intel Xeon (3.4 GHz)
Sun: Version 1.5.0_10 and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs
JRockit: Version 1.5.0_11, build R27.3.1
2 GB required; >6GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card
Database storage system
Network attached storage using fibre channel interface.

Solaris 9 or Solaris 10 on Sun UltraSPARC

Configuration requirements Access tier servers

Table 11-8 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper access tier servers on Solaris 9/10 on UltraSPARC
Operating System Version and Patches
Solaris 9/10
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
UltraSPARC IIIi (1.5 Ghz)
Sun - Version 1.5.0_10 and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs
1 GB required; 2 GB recommended
2 x 35 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card

Configuration requirements for Network tier servers

Table 11-9 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper network tier servers on Solaris 9/10 on UltraSPARC
Operating System Version and Patches
Solaris 9/10
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
UltraSPARC IIIi (1.5 Ghz)
Sun - Version 1.5.0_10 and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs
1 GB required; 2 GB recommended
2 x 35 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card

Configuration requirements for Database tier servers

Table 11-10 Requirements for WebLogic Network Gatekeeper database tier servers on Solaris 9/10 on UltraSPARC
Operating System Version and Patches
Solaris 9/10
Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed
UltraSPARC IIIi (1.5 Ghz)
Sun - Version 1.5.0_10 and all later JDK 5.0.* service packs
2 GB required; >6 GB recommended
2 x 36 GB
Network cards
2 x LAN interface card
Database storage system
Network attached storage using fibre channel interface.

Supported databases

Oracle 10g RAC
Full DB Failover and Fault Tolerance
Oracle 10g Single Instance
MySQL 4.1.22 Single Instance

Load balancer and tier 3 switches

Per customer preference.


Optional. Per customer preferences.

Disc storage

While disc storage can be an ordinary disk system, for performance and high availability reasons, a RAID system should be used.


General characteristics

CORBA version
Java version
JRE 1.5, JDBC 3.0
Oracle, Single Instance or RAC:
  • Oracle 10g R1 (Oracle and later patch sets of 10.1.x)
  • Oracle 10g R2 (Oracle and later patch sets of 10.2.x)
MySQL 4.1.22 Single Instance only
Orbacus 4.3
Parlay X
Rule engine
JRules 6.5.2
SNMP version
v1, v2
SOAP version
1.1, 1.2
SOAP engine


Programmable Interfaces

Plug-in interfaces for:
  • Audio Call
  • Third Party Call
  • Call Handling
  • Call Notification
  • Short Messaging
  • Multimedia Messaging
  • Terminal Location
  • Terminal Status
  • Presence
  • Payment
  • WAP Push
Makes it possible to add new network plug-ins for extended network/protocol support.
Parlay X 2.1 based interfaces:
  • Audio Call
  • Third Party Call
  • Call Handling
  • Call Notification
  • Short Messaging
  • Multimedia Messaging
  • Terminal Location
  • Terminal Status
  • Presence
  • Payment
Provides high level telecom Web Services APIs
Extended API based interfaces for:
  • Access/Session Management
  • WAP Push
Provides high level telecom Web Service APIs
API for Callable Policy
Provides access to the Policy Engine via Web Service API
Utility service interfaces for:
  • Alarm handling
  • Charging
  • Event handling
  • Time
  • Trace
Facilitates development by providing support functions.

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