Managing Service Providers and Applications

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Managing Application Accounts

The following sections describe how to administer application accounts:

All management operations are performed using Network Gatekeeper Management console in the managed object ESPA_access.


Listing application accounts

There are two ways to list application accounts:

Finding an existing application account ID through the service provider account ID

To identify an application account ID through the service provider account ID:

  1. Find the service provider account ID, see List application accounts for a service provider.

Finding an existing application account ID through the application group ID

To find an application account ID through the application group ID:

  1. Use Operation: getNumberOfApplicationsInApplicationGroup.
  2. Use Operation: listApplicationAccountsInGroup. Based on the number of application accounts associated with the application group, choose a suitable offset (start listing) and length (how many to list) for the list.
  3. The selected range of application account IDs is displayed in alphabetic order.

  4. If the range you have chosen does not include the application account ID you are checking for, repeat the process using a new range.


Creating an application account

Notes: The service provider account and the application group to which this application account is to be connected must be created before the application account is created. See Creating and maintaining service provider and application accounts for more information on the relationship.

To create an application account:

  1. Find the ID of the service provider account to which the application account is to be assigned, see Listing service provider groups.
  2. Find the ID of the application group to be used for the application account, see Listing application groups.
  3. Choose a suitable (descriptive) ID for the application account according to your naming conventions.
  4. Verify that the application account ID is not already in use, see Listing application accounts.
  5. Use Operation: addApplicationAccount.
  6. The new application account is created.

Notes: To add application instance group IDs (login usernames) to the application account, see Creating an application instance group ID.

The application account must be activated before the application account's application instance group ID users can access any services in the network. See Activating an application account. The account is activated when it is created.

If the application is to access services in the network through an OSA/Parlay gateway, the application account must be connected to the OSA/Parlay gateway.


Activating an application account

Note: The application account must be activated before the application can start accessing services in the network.

To activate an application account:

  1. Find the application account ID, see Listing application accounts.
  2. View the application account's current state, see View the application account's state.
  3. Use Operation: activateApplicationAccount.
  4. The application account's current state is now Activated.


Viewing information about an application account

Follow the steps below to view information about an application account. The following types of information can be viewed independently of each other:

View the application account data

  1. Find the application account ID, see Listing application accounts.
  2. Use Operation: getApplicationAccount.
  3. The related application group's ID, the application reference, if any, and the account's OAM properties, if any, are displayed.

View the application account's state

  1. Find the application account ID, see Listing application accounts.
  2. Use Operation: getStateForApplicationAccount.
  3. The application account's current state is displayed. See Table 2-1 for information about the state.

View the SLA for the application account

The SLA is associated with the application group. To view the SLA, see View SLA file for the application group.

Get number of application instance group IDs associated with an application

To get the number of application instance group IDs (login usernames) associated with a certain application:

  1. Find the application account, see List application accounts for a service provider.
  2. Operation: getNumberOfApplicationInstanceGroupsInApplications.
  3. The number of application instance group IDs assigned to the application account is displayed.

List application instance group IDs

To list application instance group IDs:

  1. Find the application account, see List application accounts for a service provider.
  2. Get the number of application instance group IDs associated with the application account, see Get number of application instance group IDs associated with an application.
  3. Use Operation: listApplicationInstanceGroups. Based on the number of application instance group IDs associated with the application account, choose a suitable offset (start listing) and length (how many to list) for the list.
  4. The selected range of application instance group IDs is displayed in alphabetic order.

  5. If necessary, browse the list by repeating the above steps with a different offset and length


Changing the SLA associated with an application account

To change the SLA associated with an application account, that account must be reassigned to a different application group:

(As an alternative, the SLA for the whole group can be updated, see Registering an updated SLA for an application group)

  1. Examine which SLA suits the application by repeating the procedure described in View SLA file for the application group or create a new group, see Creating an application group.
  2. Use Operation: updateApplicationAccount.
  3. The application account is reassigned to the new application group and its associated SLA.


Logging out an application account

WARNING: This procedure logs out all application instance group ID users associated with this application account. To log out only a single application instance group ID (a single login username), see Logging out an application instance group.

To log out an application account:

  1. Find the application account ID, See Listing application accounts.
  2. Use Operation: logoutApplicationAccount.
  3. All application instance group ID users related to the application account are logged out.


Deactivating an application account

To deactivate, or temporarily stop the flow of traffic to and from, this account's applications:

  1. Find the application account ID, see Listing application accounts.
  2. Use Operation: deactivateApplicationAccount.
  3. The application account's state is changed to deactivated.


Deleting an application account

WARNING: Deleting an application account also deletes all the application instance group IDs assigned to that account.

To delete an application account:

  1. Find the application account ID, see Listing application accounts.
  2. Use Operation: deleteApplicationAccount.
  3. The application account and all related application instance group IDs are deleted.

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