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Installing WebLogic SIP Server

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Installing WebLogic SIP Server Using Graphical-Mode Installation

The following sections describe how to install WebLogic SIP Server using a graphical user interface:


Before You Start

Before you start installing WebLogic SIP Server, please review the following information:


Starting the Installation Program in Graphical Mode on Windows Platforms

Note: If you are installing WebLogic SIP Server on a Windows system that supports more than one monitor, you must disable all but one monitor before starting the installation program.

To start the installation in graphical mode on a Windows system:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.
  2. If you are installing WebLogic SIP Server from CD-ROM, go to step 3. If you are installing from a Web download, complete the following procedure:
    1. Download the software as described in WebLogic SIP Server Distribution Methods.
    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program and double-click the installation file:
    3. wlssXXX_win32.exe (WebLogic Server package installer)

      In these filenames, XXX represents the version number of the software you are installing.

      The installation program begins to install WebLogic SIP Server.

      Proceed to Running the Installation Program.

  3. If you are installing WebLogic SIP Server from CD-ROM:
    1. Insert the WebLogic SIP Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
    2. If the installation program does not start automatically, open Windows Explorer and double-click the CD-ROM icon.
    3. Navigate to the folder for the Windows installation and double-click the installation file for your platform:
    4. wlssXXX_win32.exe (package installer)

      In this filename, XXX represents the version number of the software you are installing.

      The installation program begins to install WebLogic SIP Server.


Starting the Installation Program in Graphical Mode on UNIX Platforms

The WebLogic SIP Server installation program requires a Java run-time environment (JRE) to run. A JRE is bundled in the Windows installation program, and in some UNIX installation programs (those with filenames ending in .bin). For other UNIX platforms, the WebLogic SIP Server installation program does not include a JRE. Filenames for these installation programs end in .jar. To run the .jar installation programs, you must have an appropriate version of a Java 2 SDK installed on your system, and include the bin directory of the Java 2 SDK at the beginning of your PATH system variable.

Notes: It is important that you use an SDK because the installation process sets the JAVA_HOME and related variables to point to this directory. All scripts installed with WebLogic SIP Server use this SDK by default, including scripts to start sample applications, the Configuration Wizard, and other WebLogic development tools.

To run graphical-mode installation, your console must support a Java-based GUI. If the installation program determines that your system cannot support a Java-based GUI, it automatically starts running in console-mode. For details, see Installing WebLogic SIP Server Using Console-Mode Installation.

Starting Graphical-Mode Installation for .bin Installation Files

If you have an installation program for UNIX platforms with a filename that ends in .bin, complete the following steps to start the installation in graphical mode:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.
  2. If you are installing WebLogic SIP Server from CD-ROM, go to step 3. If you are installing from a Web download, complete the following procedure:
    1. Download the software as described in Web Distribution.
    2. Go to the directory in which you downloaded the installation program.
    3. Launch the installation by entering the following commands:
    4. chmod a+x filename.bin

      Here filename.bin is the name of the WebLogic SIP Server installation program specific to your platform.

      Note: You can also include the -log=full_path_to_log_file option in the command line to create a verbose installation log. For example:

      java -jar pj_platformXXX_generic.jar

      For more information, see Generating a Verbose Installation Log.

      The installation program begins to install WebLogic SIP Server.

  3. If you are installing WebLogic SIP Server from CD-ROM:
    1. Insert the WebLogic SIP Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and go to the CD-ROM directory.
    2. Navigate to the folder that contains the installation program for your platform.
    3. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:
    4. ./filename.bin

      Here filename.bin is the name of the WebLogic SIP Server installation program specific to your platform, for example platformXXX_solaris.bin, where XXX represents the version number of the software you are installing.

      Note: You can also include the -log=full_path_to_log_file option in the command line to create a verbose installation log. For example:

      java -jar pj_platformXXX_generic.jar

      For more information, see Generating a Verbose Installation Log.

Starting Graphical-Mode Installation for .jar Installation Files

If you have an installation program for UNIX platforms with a filename that ends in .jar, follow these steps to start the installation in graphical mode:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.
  2. Add the bin directory of the appropriate SDK to the beginning of the PATH variable definition on the target system. For example:
    export PATH

    Here JAVA_HOME represents the full path to the SDK directory.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Download the software as described in Web Distribution.
    • If you are installing from CD-ROM, insert the WebLogic SIP Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and go to the CD-ROM directory.
  5. Go to the directory that contains the installation file and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:
  6. java -jar filename.jar

    Here, filename.jar is the name of the WebLogic SIP Server installation file, for example pj_platformXXX_generic.jar.


Running the Installation Program

The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

In this window . . .

Perform the following action . . .


Click Next to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

BEA License Agreement

Read the BEA Software License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by selecting Yes. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Next.

Choose BEA Home Directory

Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all BEA products installed on the target system. If you already have a BEA Home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create a new BEA Home directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the WebLogic SIP Server installation program automatically creates the directory for you. For details about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory.

Choose Product Directory

Specify the directory in which you want to install the WebLogic Platform software and click Next. You can accept the default product directory (wlss210) or create a new product directory.

For additional information, see Choosing a Product Installation Directory.

If you choose to create a new directory, the installation program automatically creates the directory for you.

Install Complete

Specify whether you want to run the QuickStart application. QuickStart, designed to assist first-time users in evaluating, learning, and using WebLogic Platform, provides quick access to the WebLogic Platform Tour and other samples, other development tools, and the online documentation. Clear the check box for this option if you do not want to launch QuickStart.

Click Done to exit the installation program and launch QuickStart, if selected.



What's Next?

You can start using the product immediately after installing it for the first time because, by default, WebLogic SIP Server uses the development license that is installed in BEA Home directory. For additional information, see Configuring a WebLogic SIP Server Domain.


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