/* * B E A S Y S T E M S * * C O M M E R C E C O M P O N E N T S * * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 BEA Systems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws * of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary * to and embodies the confidential technology of BEA Systems, Inc. The * possession or receipt of this information does not convey any right to disclose * its contents, reproduce it, or use, or license the use, for manufacture or * sale, the information or anything described therein. Any use, disclosure, or * reproduction without BEA System's prior written permission is strictly prohibited. * * $Header:$ */ package examples.axiom; import java.util.Properties; import com.sun.java.util.collections.*; import java.rmi.*; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.naming.*; import theory.smart.axiom.units.*; import theory.smart.axiom.util.*; import theory.smart.axiom.messaging.*; import theory.smart.axiom.contact.*; import theory.smart.axiom.workflow.*; import theory.smart.axiom.accounting.*; import theory.smart.foundation.*; import theory.smart.ebusiness.customer.*; /** * * Shows how to use Theory Center's Axiom package of eBusiness Smart Components. * * This example illustrates how to use the different types of * Axiom eBusiness Smart Components, including Belongings and * Entities. You can also see how to use the abstract factory * pattern and the Collections API
* * The Axiom package contains light weight components known * as belongings, as well as Entity and Session EJB * components. Belongings can be aggregated to other components by * value. EJBs are used alone or aggregated to other components by * reference or value.
* * Belongings are local. Whether client or server-side, the Belonging is * local. They are always passed by value. Although not EJBs, belongings * still are eBusiness Smart Components and use the abstract factory * pattern: you don't use new() to create one, instead, you * use Home.create(). * * This example also shows the use of Remote Iterators, one of * Theory Center's collection APIs. You can iterate through a collection both * locally and remotely. Locally, the whole collection is sent to you * from the server and you can traverse it. This is good for small * collections where you need to iterate a lot. For large * collections, you can use one or more remote iterators. Remote * iterators traverse the collection in the server. That way, you only * bring over the net the values that you need saving bandwidth. They * also serve as "bookmarks" on a collection, since they "remember" in * what position you leave them. * * @see theory.smart.foundation.Belonging * @see theory.smart.foundation.RemoteIterator * @see theory.smart.axiom.contact.Email * @see theory.smart.axiom.contact.CreditCard * @see theory.smart.ebusiness.customer.Customer * * */ public class AxiomExample { Context ctx = null; String user = null; String password = null; String url = "t3://localhost:7601"; String customerKey = "TerrySmith"; /** * The default constructor for the AxiomExample class */ public AxiomExample() { super(); } /** * Demonstrates the creation and use of Belongings * * Demonstrates the use of the abstract factory pattern to * create belongings. The newly created belongings are then aggreagated * to an entity bean by value using the collection APIs.
* * In this method, we have a customer entity bean in our hands. * Let's add belongings. Belongings are Theory Center's lightweight components. * They need to be "owned" by someone, and they only make sense within * the context of their owner (e.g. Email is owned by a customer). * * @param customer * */ public void addBelongings(Customer customer) { // Create a credit card CreditCard myVisa = CreditCardHome.create(); myVisa.setNumber("1234-5678-9999-0000"); myVisa.setType("Visa"); // Create some email addresses Email homeEmail = EmailHome.create(); homeEmail.setAddress("me@mywiredhome.net"); homeEmail.setDescription("my cool home network"); Email workEmail = EmailHome.create(); workEmail.setAddress("me@theorycenter.com"); workEmail.setDescription("work email-business only please!"); Email freeEmail = EmailHome.create(); freeEmail.setAddress("me@freeEmail.com"); freeEmail.setDescription("web email-all spam goes here"); // // Now we are ready to add belongings to our customer. // If you look that the Customer API, you'll notice that // it has "collections" of belongings. This collections // have a rich API that we can use... // try { // // Add belogings // customer.putCreditCard("visa", myVisa); customer.putEmail("home", homeEmail); customer.putEmail("work", workEmail); customer.putEmail("free", freeEmail); } catch (RemoteException e) { exitExample("Got RemoteException adding belongings", e); } // // Now, get the belongings and print them. // try { // // Get the credit card // CreditCard aCreditCard = customer.getCreditCardByKey("visa"); System.out.print("Customer " + customer.getFirstName() + " " + customer.getLastName()); System.out.println(" has a creditcard: " + aCreditCard.getType() + " " + aCreditCard.getNumber()); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); // // To make things interesting, lets use a collection API to get the emails. // You can iterate through a collection locally. // Locally, the whole collection is sent to you from the server and you can // itereate through it. This is good for small collections where you need to // iterate a lot. // Collection collEmail = customer.getEmails().values(); Iterator it = collEmail.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Email anEmail =(Email)it.next(); System.out.println("Found an email: " + anEmail.getAddress() + " [" + anEmail.getDescription() + "]"); } System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); // You can also find an email by key, like so: Email emailByKey = customer.getEmailByKey("work"); System.out.println(customer.getIdentifier() + "'s work email is " + emailByKey.getAddress()); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (RemoteException e) { exitExample("Got RemoteException getting belongings", e); } } /** * Shows how to remove belongings from a larger component. * * It also shows how to obtain information about belonging collections * from a larger component. * * @param customer The customer that has the belongings * */ public void removeBelongings(Customer customer) { // // Lets remove all emails and creditcards using the API // try { // // remove CreditCards // System.out.println("Customer " + customer.getIdentifier() + " has " + customer.getNumberOfCreditCards() + " creditcard before removing"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); customer.removeAllCreditCards(); System.out.println("After removing, " + customer.getIdentifier() + " has " + customer.getNumberOfCreditCards() + " creditcards"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); // // remove Emails // System.out.println("Customer " + customer.getIdentifier() + " has " + customer.getNumberOfEmails() + " emails before removing"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); customer.removeAllEmails(); System.out.println("After removing, " + customer.getIdentifier() + " has " + customer.getNumberOfEmails() + " emails"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (RemoteException e) { exitExample("Got RemoteException removing belongings", e); } } /** * * Finds or Creates a customer with the given customerKey. * * @param customerKey the key for the customer * @return the customer's entity bean * */ public Customer findOrCreateCustomer(String customerKey) { // Try to find our customer. // If we don't find the customer, create a new one CustomerHome customerHome = null; Customer customer = null; // // Get the customer's home using JNDI // try { customerHome = (CustomerHome) getInitialContext().lookup("theory.smart.ebusiness.customer.Customer"); } catch (Exception e) { exitExample("Could not get Customer Home", e); } // // Try to find customer using primary key. We need to use a primary key object. // Since the Customer entity EJB extends the Stakeholder entity EJB, // we will use a StakeholderPk primary key object // CustomerPk customerPk = new CustomerPk(); customerPk.identifier = customerKey; // // Since we'll be messaging numerous remote methods, we need to perform our work // within a try catch to catch any java.rmi.RemoteExceptions that may get thrown // System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); try { customer = customerHome.findByPrimaryKey(customerPk); System.out.println("Found customer " + customerKey); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (FinderException fe) { // // Ok, customer does not exist. No sweat, we'll create one. // try { customer = customerHome.create(customerPk); System.out.println("Did not find customer " + customerKey + ", customer has been created"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (Exception e) { exitExample("Could not create Customer " + customerKey, e); } } catch (RemoteException e) { exitExample("Got RemoteException while finding", e); } return customer; } /** * * Controls the examples sequence. * *
  1. Finds (or creates) a customer. *
  2. Adds belongings to this customer. *
  3. It removes the belogings. *
* * The customer object is not removed (so we can find it next time) * */ public void run() { Customer customer = null; // find (or create) our customer customer = findOrCreateCustomer(customerKey); // Lets give our customer a name, shall we? try { customer.setFirstName("Terry"); customer.setLastName("Smith"); } catch (Exception e) { exitExample("Could not set customer's name", e); } // now that we have a customer, let's add some belongings to it. addBelongings(customer); // and now, remove the belongings... removeBelongings(customer); System.out.println("Example exits normally"); } /** * Gets an initial context for the current user, password and url. * * @return Context * @exception NamingException If the context provider can not * be found while getting the Initial Context */ public Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException { if (ctx == null) { Properties p = new Properties(); p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"); p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url); if (user != null) { p.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user); if (password == null) password = ""; p.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); } ctx = new InitialContext(p); } return ctx; } /** * * Terminates the program, displaying the message and exception * * @param message the exit message * @param e the exception that was raised * */ public void exitExample(String message, Exception e) { if (message != null) { System.out.println("Example exited: " + message); } if (e != null) { System.out.println("Exception thrown: " + e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } System.exit(-1); } /** * Parses the command line and runs the example. * * The command-line arguments are optional, but if any are supplied, * they are interpreted in this order: *
  1. customerKey: Customer Key, default "TerrySmith" *
  2. url: URL such as "t3://localhost:7601" of Server *
  3. user: User name, default null *
  4. password: User password, default null *
* You can also get the usage by passing -? * */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("----------AxiomExample running---------"); AxiomExample example = new AxiomExample(); // Parse the argument list if ((args != null) && (args.length > 0)) { if (args[0].equals("-?")) { System.out.println("Usage: AxiomExample "); return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0 : example.customerKey = args[i]; break; case 1 : example.url = args[i]; break; case 2 : example.user = args[i]; break; case 3 : example.password = args[i]; break; default : } } } } example.run(); } }