WebLogic Commerce Server
Search Page

Search Tips

Search Tips

  • Select the type of documents you want to search by using the "Search in:" pull-down menu.
  • Click inside the Query input box, and enter one or more keywords. Then click the Find button, or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  • Searches are not case sensitive.
  • Do not use "quotes" around keywords.
  • You can use an expression like personalized content to find only those pages containing both words. The "AND" Boolean expression is used by default.
  • You can use an expression like personalized OR content to find pages containing either keyword.
  • You can also use parentheses in Boolean expressions. For example, you can enter (content and users) OR rules.
  • You can use the asterisk (*) as a suffix wildcard character in keywords. For example, enter com.beasys.commerce.axiom.* to find pages with keywords such as com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.advisor or com.beasys.commerce.axiom.jsp or com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.content.

    Or enter theory.smart.* to find pages with keywords such as theory.smart.foundation.SmartValue or theory.smart.ebusiness.item.ItemValue. Note: the asterisk (*) can only be used as a suffix. Placement at the beginning or middle of your search string will give the results "No Matches".

  • If no matches are found, reword your query and try again.
  • If matches are listed, double-click a matched entry.
  • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in some browser versions may be incompatible with the classes used in the search applet. For example, there is a JVM bug in some builds of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0. This JVM bug affects applets and may affect the performance of this search. Microsoft has issued a patch. This same bug might affect late builds of the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x browser. To run the search applet from a web site in Internet Explorer 5.0 you need Microsoft's latest Java Build. The Microsoft Java update can be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/java/download/32updates.htm. This is not a problem for local CD searches. For more information, see the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server Release Notes.