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ISNAT Messages 1200-1299


INFO: .SysClientState: User usrname on LMID state change to state


This message indicates that the specified client application changed to a new state. A complete listing of the current attributes of the client application is sent in the posted buffer.


This is an informational message.

See Also

The EVENT_MIB(5) and TM_MIB(5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


WARN: .SysClientSecurity: User usrname on LMID authentication failure


This message indicates that the specified client application failed security validation when trying to join the application. A complete listing of the current attributes of the client application is sent in the posted buffer.


Make sure that a hacker is not trying to gain access to your application data.

See Also

The EVENT_MIB(5) and TM_MIB(5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure error_info


An attempt to allocate memory dynamically from the operating system failed while a client application message was being decompressed. Additional information about the problem is printed as part of the message.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure error_info


An attempt to allocate memory dynamically from the operating system failed while a message was being compressed. Additional information about the problem is printed as part of the message.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Type switch uninitialization failure


While processing a client application buffer, the buffer uninitialization function, _tmuninitbuf(), returned an error.


Check the buffer type switch to see that it is correctly set up (that is, that the right uninitialization function is associated with the correct buffer type). If the buffer type is application defined, check the uninitialization function to see that it is coded correctly.

See Also

The buffer (3c) and typesw (5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Type switch uninitialization failure


While processing a client application buffer, the buffer uninitialization function, _tmuninitbuf(), returned an error.


Check the buffer type switch to see that it is correctly set up (that is, that the right uninitialization function is associated with the correct buffer type). If the buffer type is defined by the application, check the uninitialization function to see that it is coded correctly.

See Also

The buffer(3c) and typesw(5) commands. For information about these commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


ERROR: Expected numeric argument to -z option


An invalid argument was passed to the IIOP Server Listener command-line option. The argument to the ISL command -z option needs to be numeric. This error causes the IIOP Server Listener not to be booted.


Make sure the argument to the ISL command -z option is numeric.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see Administration in the WebLogic Enterprise online documentation.


ERROR: Expected numeric argument to -Z option


An invalid argument was passed to the IIOP Server Listener command-line option. The argument to the ISL command -Z option needs to be numeric. This error causes the IIOP Server Listener not to be booted.


Make sure the argument to the ISL command -Z option is numeric.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see Administration in the WebLogic Enterprise online documentation.


WARN: A client failed encryption negotiation


A client application attempted to log in to the system, but could not negotiate an acceptable encryption level.


When client applications log into the system, they negotiate an encryption strength with the IIOP Server Listener. If the client application and listener cannot agree on the level of encryption (for example, if the IIOP Server Listener demands 128-bit encryption and the client application can only speak 40-bits encryption) this message is displayed. The system administrator can change the encryption policy either of the IIOP Server Listener or client application.


ERROR: Invalid security protocol


An invalid opcode was attempted while the IIOP Server Listener was insecure.


Monitor your network for malicious use. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation error


While negotiating the Diffie-Hellman parameters, the IIOP Server Listener ran out of memory.


Make sure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Encryption negotiation protocol error


An invalid opcode was attempted while the IIOP Server Listener was insecure.


Monitor your network for malicious use. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to get encryption handle


While negotiating the Diffie-Hellman parameters and attempting to get an encryption handle, the IIOP Server Listener experienced an error.


Make sure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Unable to establish negotiation parameters


An invalid opcode was attempted while the IIOP Server Listener was insecure.


Monitor your network for malicious use. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to send negotiation parameters


While attempting to send the Diffie-Hellman parameters to the client application, the IIOP Server Listener experienced an error.


The network may have experienced an error, or the client application waiting for the security packet may have been killed. If neither of these events has occurred, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to begin encryption


After the shared key was established, an error occurred while encryption was starting.


Monitor your network for malicious use. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: tpnotify(TPACK) failed to reply, tperrno = tperrno


The IIOP Server Handler sent an acknowledged unsolicited message to a client application. However, that client application never acknowledged the message.


The network may have experienced an error, or the client application waiting for the notification may have been killed. The tperrno process may provide clues as to the cause of this failure. If neither of these events has occurred, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Invalid security parameters


The encryption level of the IIOP Server Listener is greater than zero bits, but the link level encryption package is not installed on this machine.


The MIB may have changed the minimum encryption bits for this IIOP Server Handler. If the new value of the minimum encryption bits is greater than zero and the link level encryption package is not installed, no client applications is able to log into the IIOP Server Handler. Change the minimum encryption value via the -z option to the IIOP Server Listener, or through the MIB with the TA_MINENCRYPTBITS member of the T_WSL class.


ERROR: Invalid security parameters


The encryption level of the IIOP Server Listener is greater than forty bits, but only the 40-bit link level encryption package is installed on this machine.


The MIB may have changed the minimum encryption bits for this IIOP Server Handler. If the new value of the minimum encryption bits is greater than forty, no client applications is able to log into the IIOP Server Handler. Change the minimum encryption value via the -z option to the IIOP Server Listener, or through the MIB with the TA_MINENCRYPTBITS member of the T_WSL class.


ERROR: Failed to read server table entry, tperrno = tperrno


The IIOP Server Listener was rebooting after a failure and could not read the server table.


The Bulletin Board may be corrupted. The tperrno process may provide clues as to the cause of this failure. Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Sending of reply to tpbroadcast() or tpnotify() call to client failed


The IIOP Server Handler received an acknowledgment from a client application but was unable to forward the acknowledgment of the tpnotify to the sender.


The originator of the tpnotify may have been killed. If the originator of the notify has not been killed, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Bad Internet type of listening address provided: address


The address is not a valid Internet address.


Any address that starts with // must be a valid Internet address. The following formats are recognized by the system: //hostname:port_number and //#.#.#.#:port_number. Other formats may be recognized. Change address to comply with the known formats. If you believe that your address is in the proper format, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: -H and -n have different length of network address


If you are using an external address, that address must have the same format as the -n option.


Change the -H option to have the same format as the -n option.


ERROR: Bad conversational sequence number


Conversations are sequenced to provide protection. One of the conversational messages arrived out of order. The conversation has been disconnected, and if a transaction was active, it has been set to the ABORTONLY state.


Look at the user log to determine whether the BRIDGE has given up sending any messages to the message queue for the IIOP Server Handler. If it has given up, the operating system may need to be tuned to handle a high volume of messages properly. This problem may also be alleviated by using compression. This error may also occur when the BRIDGE is failing over to a new network link or failing back to a high priority link.


ERROR: Received message with unknown release number value


The IIOP Server Handler received a packet with an unknown release number value. The network may be having difficulty. If link-level encryption is in use, this error may indicate that an attack is in progress.


If this error happens consistently, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to allocate memory dynamically from the operating system using malloc() failed while the IIOP Server Listener or the IIOP Server Handler was being initialized.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Address conversion error


The IIOP Server Handler had a problem converting an address from a binary format to a text format.


If this error happens consistently, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: descriptor allocation error


The IIOP Server Handler was unable to allocate a network resource for the listening end point.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Could not initialize network (error)


The IIOP Server Handler or IIOP Server Listener could not initialize its network.


Ensure that the network is viable on the machine. If the network is viable, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Could not initialize global information (error)


The IIOP Server Handler or IIOP Server Listener could not initialize its network.


Ensure that the network is viable on the machine. If the network is viable, contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Network error (error) servicing network event


The IIOP Server Listener encountered a severe error while handling network events.


Ensure that the network is viable on the machine. If the network is viable, contact BEA Technical Support.


WARN: Failed to allocate a network resource (error)


The IIOP Server Handler or IIOP Server Listener could not allocate a network descriptor for a remote connection.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Either reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: -K argument must be client, handler, both, or none


The -K option for the ISL command requires an argument of client application, handler, both, or none.


Ensure that the -K option of the ISL command is client application, handler, both, or none. Check your spelling.


WARN: Forced shutdown of client; user name 'name'; client name 'name'; client address ''


This error may result from an IIOP Server Handler being shut down when client applications are connected, a client application connection has timed out, the IIOP Server Handler was unable to send a network message to the client application, or an incorrect APP_PW (application password) was rejected during tpinit().


If APP_PW is turned on, see your UBBCONFIG file and ubbconfig(5), and then check with your system administrator to verify that you are using the correct application password for your WLE application.


WARN: setsockopt() for SO_KEEPALIVE failed


The KEEPALIVE handler-side networking option was configured for a IIOP Server Listener/Handler pair, but could not be enabled.


This error is ignored and IIOP Server Handler processing continues normally. However, network errors may not be reported, or may be reported less promptly. Consider enabling the inactive client application timeout (ISL command -T option) to reclaim resources associated with dead network connections.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


WARN: KEEPALIVE option requested but not available on this platform


The KEEPALIVE handler-side networking option is configured for a IIOP Server Listener/Handler pair, but cannot be enabled because it is not available on this platform.


This error is ignored and IIOP Server Handler processing continues normally. However network errors may not be reported, or may be reported less promptly. Consider enabling the inactive client application timeout (ISL command -T option) to reclaim resources associated with dead network connections.

See Also

The ISL command. For information about the ISL command, see the Administration Guide.


ERROR: Can't parse the address address


While the networking software was attempting to resolve address, an error occurred.


Any address that starts with // must be a valid Internet address. The following formats are recognized by the system: //hostname:port_number and //#.#.#.#:port_number. Other formats may be recognized. Make sure that DNS is working properly in your network, and that the host name and port number portion of address can be located by your server.


ERROR: Can't resolve host name in address address


While the networking software was attempting to resolve the host name portion of address, an error occurred.


Any address that starts with // must be a valid Internet address. The following formats are recognized by the system: //hostname:port_number and //#.#.#.#:port_number. Other formats may be recognized. Make sure that DNS is working properly in your network, and that the host name portion of address can be located by your DNS server.


ERROR: Unknown address type: address


The given address does not correspond to a type known by the system.


The WLE software understands several types of address format. Addresses that start with // must be Internet addresses. Other formats may or may not be understood by the WLE software.


ERROR: Can't resolve port number in address address


While the networking software was attempting to resolve the port number portion of address, an error occurred.


Any address that starts with // must be a valid Internet address. The following formats are recognized by the system: //hostname:port_number and //#.#.#.#:port_number. Other formats may be recognized. Make sure that DNS is working properly in your network, and that the port number portion of address can be located by your server.


ERROR: Can't convert the address address to binary format


While the WLE software was trying to convert an address to an internal binary representation, an error occurred.


Contact BEA Technical Support.


ERROR: Illegal character in the address address


There is an illegal character in the port portion of address. Ports may only have alphanumeric characters.


Remove the illegal character from the port portion of the address.


ERROR: Missing port number in the address address


The address must have a port number portion.


Supply a port number portion in the given address. Otherwise, the IIOP Server Listener or IIOP Server Handler cannot determine its listening end point properly.


ERROR: Port number cant be bigger than value in the address address


The port number portion of address is larger than the largest allowable port number of value.


Change the port number to be within the specified range.