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LIBWSC Messages 1000-1099


ERROR: Unable to send message


An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpacall. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to get reply


An attempt to receive an acknowledgment to a tpacall request failed. This could be the result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: tpcommit() message send failure


An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpcommit. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to set type switch index


An attempt to check a buffer type or subtype failed during a call to tpalloc because the type or subtype is not in the buffer type switch.


Check that the type and/or subtype is listed in the file tmtypesw.c.


ERROR: Unable to set type switch index


An attempt to check a buffer type or subtype failed during a call to tprealloc. This is caused by specifying a type or subtype that is not in the buffer type switch.


Check that the type and/or subtype is listed in the file tmtypesw.c.


ERROR: tpcall() message send failure


An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpcall. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: tpcall() get reply failed


An attempt to receive an acknowledgment to a tpcall request failed. This could be the result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to create temporary file


An attempt to open a file for temporary storage of a reply message failed. This is an operating system error that could be a result of insufficient space in the file system or improper permissions on the device.


The amount of the space on the specified device should be checked. If the environment variable TMPDIR has been specified, be sure the indicated directory exists and is writable by the application.


ERROR: Unable to write to temporary file


An attempt to write to a file opened for temporary storage of a reply message failed. This is an operating system error that could be a result of insufficient space in the file system.


The amount of the space on the specified device should be checked.


ERROR: Unable to open temporary file


An attempt to open a file failed. This file was created for temporary storage of a reply message. This is an operating system error that could be a result of an accidental deletion of the file, a change in file permissions, or a hardware problem.


Files created for this purpose have a prefix of WS. Check for the existence of such files in the specified directory. If none are found, restart the client.


ERROR: Unable to read from temporary file


An attempt to read from a temporary file failed. This file was created for temporary storage of a reply message. This is an operating system error.


This error would occur after the file has been successfully opened for reading. This could indicate a permissions problem or a hardware failure.


ERROR: Too many outstanding handles


The application has exceeded the limit (50) of allowable outstanding handles.


The application must not have more than 50 outstanding handles at any one time. This error message also indicates an internal problem within the system because tpcall should have returned TPELIMIT. If this error occurs, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Invalid array index


The application has received an unknown handle from the Workstation Handler. An attempt to delete this handle entry has failed.


The application should be restarted. If the problem still occurs, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to obtain authentication level


An attempt to connect to the BEA TUXEDO application has failed during a tpchkauth call. There are a number of reasons this could happen. The most obvious ones are the network address, WSNADDR, is incorrect or the network device, WSDEVICE, is not specified or is incorrect. Other possibilities for this failure are the network may be down, the Workstation Listener process may not be running, or the site of the Workstation Handler may be down.


The WSNADDR must be same as the listening address of the Workstation Listener specified in the configuration file. The WSDEVICE must be specified for TLI. If these are not the problem, then check with the system administrator for the status of the Workstation Listener and its site. Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support for any other problem.


ERROR: tpcommit() message receive failure


An attempt to receive a reply from the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpcommit. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to send init request


An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpinit. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to get reply to init request


An attempt to receive a reply from the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpinit. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to send tpterm() request


An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpterm. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and inform the BEA TUXEDO system administrator. The administrator will have to remove the client entry.


ERROR: Unable to get reply to tpterm() request


An attempt to receive a reply from the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpterm. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and inform the BEA TUXEDO system administrator. The administrator may have to remove the client entry.


ERROR: Unable to connect to WSH


An attempt to connect to the TUXEDO System/T application has failed during a tpchkauth call. There are a number of reasons this could happen. The most obvious ones: the network address, WSNADDR, may be incorrect, the network device, WSDEVICE, may be incorrect or not specified. Other possibilities: the network may be down, the WSL may not be running, or the site of the WSH may be down.


The WSNADDR must be set to the listening address of the WSL specified in the configuration file. WSDEVICE is required for TLI. If both settings are okay, check with the system administrator for the status of the Workstation Listener and its site. If this fails to resolve the problems, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to allocate memory failed while creating an in-memory buffer type switch. This allocation is not very large and it happens only once when the client is joining the application. This failure would indicate a more serious problem of lack of machine resources.


Consult your UNIX system administrator.


ERROR: Unable to retrieve stored reply


An attempt to retrieve a stored reply failed. This message was either stored in memory or in a temporary file.


If the message was stored in memory, then this indicates an internal BEA TUXEDO problem. In this case the client should be shut down and restarted. Your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support should be informed. If the message was stored in a temporary file, this could indicate a permissions problem or a hardware failure. Consult your UNIX system administrator in this case.


ERROR: Handle not stored


The application has asked for a reply with a handle unknown to the system. This error should have been detected in tpgetrply. If the handle is valid, this would indicate an internal BEA TUXEDO error.


The application should be restarted. If the problem still occurs, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Send of OWS_GETRPLY message failed


An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to receive expected reply


An expected reply from the Workstation Handler process was not received. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down. It could also indicate the client process and the Workstation Handler are out of sync. This should not happen if the Workstation Handler is running.


Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Workstation Guide


ERROR: Failure to get a message reply


An attempt to receive a reply from the Workstation Handler process failed. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down.


Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The BEA TUXEDO administrator will have to remove the old client entry.


ERROR: Received unexpected message with opcode opcode


An unexpected reply was received from the Workstation Handler process. This would indicate the client and Workstation Handler processes are out of sync.


Shut the client down and report this message to your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The BEA TUXEDO administrator will have to remove the old client entry.


ERROR: Unable to save a message reply


An attempt to save a message failed. There are two possible causes. The first is that the environment variable WSRPLYMAX was set too high and an attempt to allocate space for the message failed. The second is an attempt to write to a file opened for temporary storage of a reply message failed. This is an operating system error that could be a result of insufficient space in the file system.


In the first case, the value of WSRPLYMAX should be lowered. The client must be restarted to get the new value. In the second case, the amount of the space on the specified device should be checked.


ERROR: Unexpected opcode returned opcode


An unexpected reply was received from the Workstation Handler process. This would indicate the client and Workstation Handler processes are out of sync.


Shut the client down and report this message to your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The BEA TUXEDO administrator will have to remove the old client entry.


ERROR: Network message receive failure


An attempt to receive a message from the network failed. This does not mean there was no message. This could be a result of the network going down or a memory failure in LIBNET.


Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The BEA TUXEDO administrator will have to remove the old client entry.


ERROR: Received message of unknown type 'type' subtype 'subtype'


An message with an unknown type or subtype was received.


Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The buffer type switch for this client may need to be rebuilt.


ERROR: Received message of unknown type 'type'


An message with an unknown type was received.


Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support. The buffer type switch for this client may need to be rebuilt.


ERROR: Post receive on message failed


An attempt to post-receive a message failed. This is done in a buffer-type switch function.


Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Presend on message failed


An attempt to presend a message failed. This is done in a buffer-type switch function.


Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: tpsetunsol() not called, dropping unsolicited message.


An unsolicited message was received but this client has not set the unsolicited message handling function to receive these messages.


This is not necessarily an error. If no message handling function is specified, messages are dropped. This error documents that action. If the client does wish to receive unsolicited messages, the tpsetunsol function should be called to set the function to process them.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to set environment variables


An attempt to read environment variables from the file designated by WSENVFILE failed.


Check that WSENVFILE is set and it is describing the correct file. Also check that the contents of the file follow the form VARIABLE= string. Full path names must be entered for those variables describing files.


ERROR: Environment variable WSNADDR not set


The environment variable WSNADDR is not set.


The environment variable WSNADDR must be set to allow the Workstation Client to connect to the BEA TUXEDO application. This variable must be exported into the environment or it must be placed in a file designated by WSENVFILE.


ERROR: Unable to access network


An attempt to open the device specified by the environment variable WSDEVICE failed.


Check that the value of the environment variable WSDEVICE is correct for the networking used.


ERROR: Unable to establish WSL connection


An attempt to connect to the Workstation Listener process failed. There are a number of reasons that could cause this problem. The address could be incorrect. Other causes could be that the Workstation Listener process is not running, the network is down, or the host machine is down.


Check that the value of the environment variable WSNADDR matches the listening address of the Workstation Listener as specified in the configuration file.


ERROR: Unable to send message to WSL


An attempt to send a message to the Workstation Listener process failed.


Check that the machine types have not been set to be the same when they should be different. If the architectures are different, the environment variable WSTYPE should be different than the machine type in the configuration file. Also check that the Workstation Listener process is running.


ERROR: WSL returns error on connection request


An attempt to get the reply to a connection request has failed. This could happen if the Workstation Listener process went down before it could send the reply.


Check that the Workstation Listener process is running. If this is not the case, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to establish connection on native site


The return value on a connection request to the Workstation Listener Process indicates an error.


Check the value of tperrno for some indication of the cause of the error.


ERROR: Network address too long


The address specified by WSNADDR contains too many characters.


Check that the value of the environment variable WSNADDR matches the listening address of the Workstation Listener as specified in the configuration file.


ERROR: Environment variable TUXDIR must be set


The environment variable TUXDIR is not set.


The environment variable TUXDIR must be set to allow the Workstation Client to run. This variable must be exported into the environment or it must be placed in a file designated by WSENVFILE.


ERROR: Unable to open WSH connection


An attempt to open a network connection failed. This is a rare event because the client has just connected successfully to the Workstation Listener. It is now failing to open a network connection to the Workstation Handler.


Contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to establish WSH connection string


An attempt to connect to the Workstation Handler process failed. This is a rare occurrence because the application has just communicated successfully with the Workstation Listener process. It is possible that the Workstation Handler process is not running, the network has just gone down, or the host machine has just gone down.


If none of the above is true, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to close WSH connection


An attempt to close the connection to the Workstation Handler process failed. This is a rare event because the application has just communicated successfully with the Workstation Handler process. It is possible the network has just gone down. This would not affect the disconnect from the BEA TUXEDO application. It might indicate a network problem.


Contact your system administrator.


ERROR: Path name of TUXDIR is too long


The environment variable TUXDIR is set but the path specified is greater than 78 characters.


The file system may need to be reorganized in order to shorten the path from root to the location of the BEA TUXEDO software. Consult with your system administrator.


ERROR: Handle not active


A request to retrieve a message failed because the entry is not valid. If the application requested a message with an invalid handle, it should have been detected at a higher level. Detection at this level indicates an internal error.


Please make a record of the actions that caused this error and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to allocate memory to save a message failed.


The value of WSRPLYMAX should be lowered. This will cause messages to be stored in temporary files rather than memory. The client must be restarted to get the new value. Another solution is to do synchronous requests with tpcall. This will make it unnecessary to store replies.


ERROR: Unable to store message in temporary file


An attempt to save a reply message in a temporary file has failed. If the application has the necessary permissions, then the device must be full.


Check the setting of the environment variable TMPDIR. This may be set to a file system with restrictive permissions, or it may be full. Resetting this variable to a file system with sufficient space may solve the problem. Another solution is to use the synchronous method, tpcall, to make service requests. This will make it unnecessary to save replies.


ERROR: Invalid handle


An attempt was made to retrieve a message with an invalid handle.


Check for an application error that would cause this situation. If no errors are found, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to resize message buffer


An attempt failed to reallocate a buffer to hold a message that had been saved in a temporary file.


This is a memory problem. Attempt to free up resources for system use. There may be some unnecessary buffers in the application. Another solution is to use synchronous service requests with tpcall. This will make it unnecessary to store replies.


ERROR: Unable to read message from temporary file


An attempt to read from a temporary file failed. This file was created for temporary storage of a reply message. This is an operating system error.


The error would occur after the file has been successfully opened for reading. It could indicate a permissions problem or a hardware failure.

See Also

BEA TUXEDO Workstation Guide


ERROR: Unable to get data


An attempt was made to send a broadcast message with a buffer that was not obtained with tpalloc. The system is unable to get the data from an unknown buffer type.


Allocate the buffer for the broadcast message with tpalloc and attempt to do the broadcast again. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to send unsolicited message


An attempt to send a broadcast or tpnotify message failed on a network send. The error could be that an invalid buffer type was used. The buffer must be obtained by a call to tpalloc. If there is no problem with the application, then it could be either a network problem, a problem with the host machine, or the Workstation Handler process is no longer running.


For these situations, consult the BEA TUXEDO system administrator.


ERROR: Unable to get reply to unsolicited message request


An attempt to receive the acknowledgment reply for a broadcast or tpnotify message failed on a network receive. This would indicate either a network problem, the host machine is down, or that the Workstation Handler process is no longer running.


Consult the BEA TUXEDO system administrator.


ERROR: Unable to get reply to unsolicited message request


An attempt to do a network receive failed during a check for unsolicited messages. This does not mean there were no messages. This would indicate either a network problem, the host machine is down, or that the Workstation Handler process is no longer running.


Consult the BEA TUXEDO system administrator.


ERROR: Invalid arguments passed to program


An attempt to build a DOS workstation client failed because invalid arguments were passed to the buildclt command.


Correct the arguments to buildclt and re-execute the command. If unsure about the proper arguments, refer to the on-line usage message.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot execute command compiler


An attempt to execute the compiler failed.


Check the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual for the proper use of the buildclt command.

See Also



ERROR: Commit error due to outstanding handles


An attempt to commit a transaction with outstanding handles failed. This is an application error.


Ensure that there are no outstanding handles before calling tpcommit.

See Also



ERROR: Unable to allocate system buffer


An attempt to allocate memory for a system buffer failed.


The system can not operate without sufficient space for system buffers. There are several strategies that an application can employ to solve this problem. Be sure there are no large application buffers that are not necessary. If asynchronous messages are being used, the value of WSRPLYMAX could be lowered. This will cause messages to be stored in temporary files rather than memory. The client must be restarted to get the new value. An alternative to the last solution is to do synchronous requests with tpcall. This will make it unnecessary to store replies.


ERROR: Unable to get buffer for tpabort() request, transaction will time-out


An attempt to allocate memory for a system buffer to send an abort request failed. The system will time the transaction out so it will eventually be aborted.


Whenever an allocation of a system buffer fails, the advice is the same. Try to reduce the memory usage of the application. There are several strategies that an application can employ to solve this problem. Be sure there are no large application buffers that are not necessary. If asynchronous messages are being used, the value of WSRPLYMAX could be lowered. This will cause messages to be stored in temporary files rather than memory. The client must be restarted to get the new value. An alternative to the last solution is to do synchronous requests with tpcall. This will make it unnecessary to store replies.


ERROR: Unable to get buffer for tpabort() reply, transaction will time-out


An attempt to allocate memory for a system buffer to receive an abort reply failed. The system will time the transaction out so it will eventually be aborted.


Whenever an allocation of a system buffer fails, the advice is the same. Try to reduce the memory usage of the application. There are several strategies that an application can employ to solve this problem. Be sure there are no large application buffers that are not necessary. If asynchronous messages are being used, the value of WSRPLYMAX could be lowered. This will cause messages to be stored in temporary files rather than memory. The client must be restarted to get the new value. An alternative to the last solution is to do synchronous requests with tpcall. This will make it unnecessary to store replies.


ERROR: Unable to send tpabort() request, transaction will time-out


An attempt to send a request to abort a transaction failed. The system will time the transaction out so it will eventually be aborted. For that reason an error is not returned. However, this is an indication of some other problem that should be investigated.


This problem is the result of either a network failure, or the Workstation Handler or its site being down. Contact your BEA TUXEDO system administrator for advice with these problems.


ERROR: Unable to receive tpabort() reply


An attempt to receive a reply from the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpabort. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down. In any event, the transaction will be timed out.


If any of the above problems happened, the client should be shut down and restarted when the problem has been resolved. This work should be coordinated with the BEA TUXEDO system administrator.