This file lists the valid debug flags that can be used in the BPM component of WLI. To set any one of these, on the WLS command line, add the following: -D=1 For example, to turn on event debug statements: -Dwli.bpm.server.eventprocessor.debug=1 These will print debug messages to WebLogic server's log. NOTE: Any new flags should be added here. The format is wli.bpm.server..[functionality].debug where functionality is an optional piece of functionality within the subcomponent. /******************************/ /******* Debug flags **********/ /******************************/ wli.bpm.server.busop.debug wli.bpm.server.eventprocessor.debug wli.bpm.server.jms.debug wli.bpm.server.plugin.debug wli.bpm.server.timeprocessor.debug wli.bpm.server.workflow.debug wli.bpm.server.xml.debug wli.bpm.server.xslt.debug