Using the Application Integration Design Console

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Introduction to Application Integration

Familiarizing Yourself with Basic Concepts

Creating an Interface to an Adapter

When to Define an Application View

When to Write Custom Code

Defining an Application View

What Is Defined by an Application View Definition

How to Define an Application View

Step 1: Deploy Adapters

Step 2: Log On to the Application Integration Design Console

Step 3: Define the Application Context for an Application View

Step 4: Add Folders

Step 5: Define Application View

Step 6: Create New or Select Existing Connection

Step 7: Add Services and Events to the Application View

Step 8: Perform Final Configuration

Step 9: Test Services and Events

Step 10: Publish Application View

Using an Application View in a Business Process

Using an Application View in WebLogic Workshop

Choosing a Method for Implementing a Business Process

When to Use WebLogic Workshop to Create a Business Process

Using an Application View Control in Business Processes

Defining an Application View

Before You Begin

Application View Design Considerations

High-Level Procedure for Defining an Application View

Sample Detailed Procedure for Defining an Application View

Step 1: Deploy Adapters

Step 2: Log On to the Application Integration Design Console

Step 3: Select an Application

Step 4: Add a Folder

Step 5: Define an Application View

Step 6: Establishing a Browsing Connection

Step 6A: Create a New Browsing Connection

Step 6B: Reuse an Existing Browsing Connection

Step 7: Add Services and Events

Step 7A: Add a Service to an Application View

Step 7B: Add an Event to an Application View

Step 8: Perform Final Configuration Tasks

Step 9A: Test an Application View's Services

Step 9B: Test an Application View's Events

If You Select Service

If You Select Manual

Step 10: Publish an Application View

Editing an Application View

Setting Transaction Timeout Values for Application Views

Environment Variables for Application Views

Database-Specific Error Messages

Using Application Views with Business Processes

Before You Begin

Integrating Application Views and Business Processes Using a Control

Sample Application View Control Files

Application View Control Interface

Application View Control (JCX) and Business Process (JPD) Samples

Receiving Events

Handling Application View Local Transactions in Business Processes

Local Transaction Management Contracts

Connector Support for Local Transactions with No User Defined Transaction Demarcation

Connector Support for XA Transactions

Using the Application Integration Design Console

Logging On to the Application Integration Design Console

Creating a Folder

Removing an Application View

Removing a Folder

Administering an Application View

Using Application Views by Writing Custom Code

Scenario 1: Creating Connections with Specific Credentials

Implementing ConnectionSpec

Calling setConnectionSpec() and getConnectionSpec()

Using the ConnectionSpec Class

Scenario 2: Custom Coding a Business Process

About This Scenario

Before You Begin

Creating the SyncCustomerInformation Class

Code for Sample Java Class

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