-------------------------------------------- Release notes for Cyclone Interchange and Activator Series 5.4 SP2 ( -------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Cyclone Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. This information supplements the user documentation. ------------------------------ Table of contents - What's new for 5.4 1. New tool provides information about profiles 2. Peer network can connect multiple clusters 3. CSOS applet can be configured to render CSOS order 4. Statistics monitor provides real-time performance view 5. Most links for deleting community profiles removed 6. Embedded servers can have same URI, different ports 7. Method for running UI over HTTPS enhanced 8. EDI version and release information put in meta-data 9. Tracker can search for inbound, outbound messages 10. Duplicate CSOS orders can be rejected 11. CSOS root, intermediate certificates added 12. User security enhanced 13. CPA can be found based on meta-data 14. SDK users can implement custom EDI splitter 15. API for retrieving a message added to SDK 16. Tool exports community, partner profiles 17. MQSeries meta-data added 18. Two-year retention enforced for CSOS documents 19. UI has separate tabs to show enabled, disabled pickups 20. User interface log files moved to main logs directory ------------------------------ - Known issues 1. Secure e-mail protocol does not authenticate sender 2. Tracker fails to update receipt of resubmitted message 3. Message details show incorrect routing ID for partner 4. Receipt is not rejected when resend limit is reached 5. Multiple users can cause delete-change conflict 6. Multiple community imports adds multiple integration 7. Conditions for parsing payload for addresses 8. Possible port conflict with global HTTP server 9. Positive acknowledgment sent to non-partner 10. E-mail addresses for AS1, secure e-mail must be unique 11. Message action condition can be deleted, not changed 12. Avoid AS2 and ebXML in same partner profile 13. Starting a second node might generate false error 14. Invalid file name in XPath wizard displays blank page 15. SSL client authentication support suspended 16. Oracle 10g Recycle Bin may interfere with processing ------------------------------ - resolved issues 1. Pre-5.3.2 versions could not upgrade 2. HTTP client could not read response with long header 3. RosettaNet "To service" incorrect in receipts 4. RosettaNet date stamp in error for January documents 5. CA certificate could lead to poor trading performance 6. CSOS-related events provide extended meta-data ------------------------------ - resolved issues 1. Fatal exception in Activator during light trading 2. SFTP could not transfer file of 1 GB or greater 3. Error with FTPS for community delivery exchange 4. Partner-specialized collaborations sorted alphabetically 5. SFTP supports SSH2/SECSH public key formatted files 6. Meta-data control party ID in packaging ebXML message 7. Collaboration page shows async, sync receipts requested ------------------------------ - 5.4 resolved issues 1. Hex codes used in place of illegal characters for JMS 2. Delivery criteria of "document class" did not save 3. Sending asynchronous receipts via HTTPS failed 4. Inbound MMD had too many payload elements 5. EDI splitter behavior changed 6. Unable to back up message to file 7. Update to the latest MQSeries JAR 8. Node 2 did not do ebXML processing when node 1 stopped 9. Fatal exception in Activator during light trading 10. Document with apostrophe in the file name caused error 11. Retries started over as node failed-over to other node 12. Collaboration builder tried to use incomplete exchange 13. XML elements added to event information for JMS 14. Clicking links in quick succession caused errors 15. User interface log files use node name as prefix 16. Resubmitted message no longer shows delivery exchange 17. Prefix for FTP file names becomes optional 18. Cannot designate an already used port for HTTPS ------------------------------ - What's new for 5.4 ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- 1. New tool provides information about profiles A new command-line tool, partyInfo, lists the names and details about the community, partner and WebTrader profiles configured in the trading engine and the totals for each profile type. This tool provides a way to obtain information about profiles outside of the user interface. 21766 --------------------------------------------- 2. Peer network can connect multiple clusters The peer network is a powerful tool for distributing trading capability, enabling disaster recovery, and providing a staging platform for growing communities or application upgrades. The peer network is a management layer on top of the usual e-commerce trading relationships between parties, represented in Cyclone Interchange by community and partner profiles. A peer network can connect multiple instances of Cyclone Interchange managed by your company or enterprise. An instance can range from one trading engine running a single processing node to many trading engines running on multiple clustered machines with many nodes. Each instance has its own database. Peers are communities and partners who are linked in a peer network for the purpose of sharing synchronized trading partner profiles. Although peers exchange messages with each other, these are messages related only to the peer network. Trading communities and their partners separately carry on the usual e-commerce traffic. Peer communities and partners are distinct from trading communities and partners, although peer and trading profiles have many similarities. 21748, 21409 ----------------------------------------------------- 3. CSOS applet can be configured to render CSOS order The CSOS WebTrader applet can now be configured to render a CSOS order in human readable form. 21691 --------------------------------------------------------- 4. Statistics monitor provides real-time performance view The statistics monitor lets you build charts for tracking system performance indicators in real time. For instance, you can set up a chart for tracking heap memory usage, database response time, message consumption and production rates. There are many types of charts you can construct. The charts provided by default are examples of the types you can set up. You can organize charts on tabs, one or many charts per tab. 21723 ----------------------------------------------------- 5. Most links for deleting community profiles removed Links for deleting community profiles have been removed from most pages in the user interface to avoid accidentally deleting community profiles. The delete link remains on the community summary page. 21838 ------------------------------------------------------ 6. Embedded servers can have same URI, different ports The trading engine now allows configuration of multiple embedded servers (HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP) with the same URI and different ports. 21786 -------------------------------------------- 7. Method for running UI over HTTPS enhanced The method has been enhanced for running the user interface over HTTPS. Configuration details are in the user documentation. 21738 ------------------------------------------------------- 8. EDI version and release information put in meta-data Version and release information are parsed from EDI documents and put in the message meta-data. When parsing X12 and EDIFACT documents, the version and release information is stored as message meta-data named ediint.DocumentVersion. 21712 ---------------------------------------------------- 9. Tracker can search for inbound, outbound messages Message tracker has been given the ability to show the inbound and outbound direction of traded messages. An inbound message is one received over the Internet from a partner and routed to integration. An outbound message is one the trading engine has picked up from integration, packaged and sent to a partner. Tracker has an optional search results column for identifying messages as inbound and outbound. Tracker also has a new direction field that lets you search for inbound or outbound messages. 21686, 21682 ----------------------------------------- 10. Duplicate CSOS orders can be rejected The UI page for identifying CSOS purchase orders has a new tab that lets you reject or allow duplicate CSOS documents. You also can set up duplicate exceptions on a per-partner basis. 21609 ---------------------------------------------- 11. CSOS root, intermediate certificates added To make CSOS certificate management easier, the DEA-issued root and intermediate certificates are included in the trading engine's certificate store. 21590 -------------------------- 12. User security enhanced Controls have been added to the user interface that let administrators with a role permission of "manage users and roles" set rules for user IDs and passwords. These include rules for user ID and password character length. Administrators also can control: Elapsed days before passwords can be reused Days passwords remain valid before they must be reset Elapsed days before disabling inactive users Force new users to reset password upon initial log-in In addition, administrators can specify whether users can log on to the user interface multiple times simultaneously. 21512, 20538 --------------------------------------- 13. CPA can be found based on meta-data The ability has been added to dynamically determine an ebXML CPA ID based on meta-data. If the MMD for an outgoing ebXML message does not include the CPA ID, the following meta-data are used to find the correct CPA: Service, Action, FromRole, ToRole, From and To. If two or more CPAs match these conditions, the trading engine chooses the CPA with the most recent Start date. However, if the MMD contains a ConversationId, the trading engine selects the CPA used for an earlier related document. 21494 ----------------------------------------------- 14. SDK users can implement custom EDI splitter SDK users can implement their own EDI splitter to use in place of one or all three of Cyclone Interchange’s built-in splitters for X12, EDIFACT and TRADACOMS documents. 21488 --------------------------------------------- 15. API for retrieving a message added to SDK SDK now permits custom code to retrieve a message object along with its meta-data and payload. Meta-data have been added to API classes for querying messages by CoreId, MessageId and IntegrationId. 21481 -------------------------------------------- 16. Tool exports community, partner profiles A new tool, exportProfile, exports community and partner profiles to XML files. Community profiles are exported as partner profiles. The advantage of this tool is the exporting of partner profiles as partner profiles, an option not available in the user interface. Run exportProfile without parameters to display directions for using the tool. 21477 ---------------------------- 17. MQSeries meta-data added Data from MQSeries messages have been added to the trading engine's message meta-data. The meta-data are: Expiry, Priority and ReplyToQueue. These attributes are put in the message meta-data on receive and are set on the MQ message on send. 21437 -------------------------------------------------- 18. Two-year retention enforced for CSOS documents To comply with DEA requirements, the trading engine is configured to retain database records and backup copies of CSOS documents for two years. The two-year retention of CSOS documents is observed, regardless whether non-CSOS records and backups are purged at shorter intervals. 21059 ---------------------------------------------------------- 19. UI has separate tabs to show enabled, disabled pickups As a convenience for managing exchanges, the user interface displays integration pickup transports on two tabs. On one tab the enabled transports are listed. On the other tab the disabled transports are displayed. A toggle button is provided for ease of enabling and disabling the transports. 20766 --------------------------------------------------------- 20. User interface log files moved to main logs directory User interface log files have been moved to the main logs directory to make them easier to find. The logs are at [install directory]\[build number]\logs\ui. 09764 ------------------------------ - Known issues ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Secure e-mail protocol does not authenticate sender When using the secure e-mail message protocol, the system does not check whether the certificate used to sign an inbound message belongs to the message sender. 9238 --------------------------------------------------------- 2. Tracker fails to update receipt of resubmitted message When a message is resubmitted after receiving a negative response receipt, message tracker fails to update the receipt to received, although the status changes to delivered. 9326 -------------------------------------------------------- 3. Message details show incorrect routing ID for partner If a message is sent to a partner who has multiple routing IDs in the partner's profile, the message details view in message tracker only show the first ID as displayed on the partner's routing ID page in the user interface. This does not affect correct parsing of sender and receiver IDs in messages. 9368 ------------------------------------------------------- 4. Receipt is not rejected when resend limit is reached If an outbound message fails because the resend limit is reached and a receipt for a delivered message is later received, the system erroneously accepts the receipt rather than reject it. 9393 -------------------------------------------------- 5. Multiple users can cause delete-change conflict When one user deletes a community or partner while another user is trying to modify the same community or partner, the second user will notice errors. This can be avoided by setting a policy for deleting communities and partners. 9419 ------------------------------------------------------- 6. Multiple community imports adds multiple integration If a community is imported multiple times, multiple integration delivery exchanges for retrieving messages are added, each with the same directory to poll. If you import a community more than once, check the integration delivery to make sure the configuration is correct and there are no conflicts. 9389 ----------------------------------------------- 7. Conditions for parsing payload for addresses Only configure to use payload parsing for "to" and "from" addresses when address information is in the EDI or XML payload and is for parties known to the trading engine. If this is not the case, choose the setting to use the "from" and "to" address provided by the message protocol. 9426 ------------------------------------------------- 8. Possible port conflict with global HTTP server The global embedded HTTP server connects on port 4080 by default. If you set up another HTTP server, both cannot use 4080. You must change the port for one or the other. 9460 ---------------------------------------------- 9. Positive acknowledgment sent to non-partner When a message is received from a partner who is not a member of the community, the trading engine rejects the message but returns a positive acknowledgment to the sender. The partner does not know the message was rejected. 9629 ---------------------------------------------------------- 10. E-mail addresses for AS1, secure e-mail must be unique If you use both the AS1 and secure e-mail message protocols in a profile, the e-mail address must be unique for each delivery exchange. 9832 -------------------------------------------------------- 11. Message action condition can be deleted, not changed After a condition has been set up for a message action, the condition can be deleted or other conditions can be added. An existing condition cannot be changed. To change a condition, delete the existing condition and add it back with the desired change. 10007 ----------------------------------------------- 12. Avoid AS2 and ebXML in same partner profile Avoid setting up a partner profile to send messages by both the AS2 and ebXML message protocols. The two protocols do not work in the same profile unless AS2 is the default. 10008 ----------------------------------------------------- 13. Starting a second node might generate false error When you add and start a second node for the trading engine when a node with embedded SMTP and HTTP servers already is running on the same machine, error messages are written to the trading engine log file. Although this might have the appearance of a serious error, trading processes are not affected and you can ignore the messages. 10686 --------------------------------------------------------- 14. Invalid file name in XPath wizard displays blank page Pointing the XPath wizard to an invalid file name results in the display of a blank page in the user interface. 10149 ----------------------------------------------- 15. SSL client authentication support suspended SSL client authentication is not supported in version 5.4. This is a consequence of third-party security technology not upgrading in tandem with version 5.4 to JRE 1.5. This is expected to be a temporary condition until third-party technologies move to support JRE 1.5. 21629 -------------------------------------------------------- 16. Oracle 10g Recycle Bin may interfere with processing When using Oracle 10g, steps are required to make sure the Oracle Recycle Bin does not interfere with processing. When you drop tables from your database schema, or manually delete all of the tables to clear your schema, Oracle does not really delete them. It moves the tables to the Recycle Bin. This allows restoring the tables later. Oracle renames the dropped tables as BIN$xxxxxxxxx. However, when the trading engine server is started against an Oracle schema with tables in the Recycle Bin, the server does not start, and the following error appears in the control node log: [Startup] FATAL (ControlNode.initialize:56) – java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01424: missing or illegal character following the escape character The error occurs because the Oracle JDBC driver cannot handle the $ character in the Recycle Bin table names, which are returned when the trading engine asks for meta- data. To run on Oracle 10g, make sure there are no tables in the Recycle Bin. To view the tables and owners in the Recycle Bin, use the following command: SELECT * FROM DBA_RECYCLEBIN; To clear the Recycle Bin tables for your user, issue the following command from a SQL Plus window: PURGE recyclebin; 21971 ------------------------------ - resolved issues ------------------------------ --------------------------------------- 1. Pre-5.3.2 versions could not upgrade Users with a pre-5.3.2 version could not upgrade to 5.4.x in a specific case. This was when the upgrade occurred at the same time a new license.xml file was applied. The new license authorized use of both Cyclone Interchange and Transaction Director, and the former license authorized only Cyclone Interchange. This has been resolved so the upgrade occurs seamlessly while at the same tme changing from a single application to a dual application license. 22124 ------------------------------------------------------- 2. HTTP client could not read response with long header The trading engine's HTTP client could not read a response from an HTTP server that contained a header longer than 1024 bytes. This was an unusual case where a load balancer was setting a longer than normal header length of 1138 bytes. This issue has been resolved by enabling the HTTP client to handle header lengths of up to 4096 bytes 22100 ------------------------------------------------ 3. RosettaNet "To service" incorrect in receipts Receipts sent to acknowledge inbound RosettaNet RNIF 2.0 messages contained the incorrect value for "To service" in the service header. The value was that of the message receiver rather than the sender. This issue has been resolved. 22091 ------------------------------------------------------- 4. RosettaNet date stamp in error for January documents A date-time stamp error in headers for RosettaNet documents was resulting in delivery failure for documents with January dates. This error caused documents to be stamped with month 0 rather than month 1 for January. This issue has been resolved. 22089 -------------------------------------------------------- 5. CA certificate could lead to poor trading performance Using a certificate issued by a certificate authority for a community profile could result in poor trading performance as a result of multiple verification checks within the application. This has been resolved by changing underlying code to speed up performance. 22087 ------------------------------------------------- 6. CSOS-related events provide extended meta-data CSOS-related events have been enhanced to provide extended CsosMetadata content for one or more of the following: CsosDeaRegistrationNumber CsosPoNumber X509Certificate These meta-data are reported when available. For example, if a CSOS order verification failed event occurs because the signing certificate is not trusted, the DEA number and purchase order number are not available because the CSOS signature could not be validated. In this case, the event contains only the certificate meta-data. In addition, these other events also contain extended CsosMetadata content if generated when CSOS messages are handled: Messaging.Message.MessageRejected Messaging.Message.Duplicate.Payload 22109 ------------------------------ - resolved issues ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Fatal exception in Activator during light trading Activator at times experienced a fatal exception requiring server re-start. This could occur even when trading volume was light. This issue has been resolved. 21881 (21493) -------------------------------------------------- 2. SFTP could not transfer file of 1 GB or greater A file of 1 gigabyte or more could not be transferred using SFTP message protocol. This issue has been resolved. The trading engine has no upper limit on file size; that is subject to the operating system or hardware capability. 21714 (21713) -------------------------------------------------- 3. Error with FTPS for community delivery exchange When a community used client-authenticated FTPS as its delivery exchange for receiving messages from partners, fatal SSL handshake errors occurred. This issue has been resolved. 21693 (21638) ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. Partner-specialized collaborations sorted alphabetically Partner-specific collaboration settings are now sorted by name in the user interface, rather than displaying in the order added. 22011 ------------------------------------------------------ 5. SFTP supports SSH2/SECSH public key formatted files SFTP now supports importing SSH2/SECSH public key formatted files, in addition to supporting OpenSSH formatted files. 22009 -------------------------------------------------------- 6. Meta-data control party ID in packaging ebXML message The ebXML packager has been modified to respect the routing IDs passed in meta-data. If the message meta-data specify routing IDs to use, and the routing IDs are in the CPA, those IDs are used. Otherwise either the default routing IDs for the parties if contained in the CPA or the first IDs from the CPA are used. 21762 ---------------------------------------------------------- 7. Collaboration page shows async, sync receipts requested The page in the user interface for showing collaboration settings has been revised to display whether synchronous or asynchronous receipts have been requested. 20806 ------------------------------ - 5.4 resolved issues ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hex codes used in place of illegal characters for JMS A change has been made to enable JMS queues to handle meta- data element names that include characters such as periods. When the trading engine encounters a meta-data element containing characters that JMS cannot recognize, it changes the offending characters into the hex representation of the ASCII code of the characters. For example, the meta-data element ediint.DocumentType becomes ediint$2eDocumentType. The $2e is the hex representation of a period. When submitting JMS messages to the trading engine, the properly encoded hex names are required for transforming into the proper meta-data names. 21946 ----------------------------------------------------- 2. Delivery criteria of "document class" did not save When trying to set a delivery criteria of "document class" for a deliver exchange, the condition did not save. This issue has been resolved. 21814 ------------------------------------------------- 3. Sending asynchronous receipts via HTTPS failed Although sending AS2 messages to a partner's HTTPS delivery exchange was working correctly, an asynchronous receipt sent to the same partner failed. It was determined that the following collaboration switch was not working: "When receiving messages, return asynchronous receipts to the first enabled AS2 delivery exchange for the partner instead of the disposition notification URL from the message." This has been repaired. 21773 -------------------------------------------- 4. Inbound MMD had too many payload elements When the file system with message meta-data integration transport was used, the trading engine was erroneously doubling the number of payloads in the generated message meta-data document. This issue has been resolved. 21719 -------------------------------- 5. EDI splitter behavior changed When the EDI splitter was enabled for an integration pickup exchange, the trading engine would split not only documents retrieved from integration, but documents received by the community as well. This has been tuned so the EDI splitter is enabled only for the desired exchange. 21614 ------------------------------------ 6. Unable to back up message to file Occasionally, the trading engine could not write a message to the backup directory. This generated an unable to back up failure message. Retries have been added to handle file system errors when creating a backup directory or writing to it. 21611 ------------------------------------ 7. Update to the latest MQSeries JAR The JAR from MQSeries 6.0 Server has been included in this version of the application. 21586 --------------------------------------------------------- 8. Node 2 did not do ebXML processing when node 1 stopped This was a condition that could occur in a cluster with machines A and B, each with one node. Trading was ebXML via HTTP with synchronous receipts. If machine A's node stopped with documents in process, machine B could not complete the messages in process. Machine B could not access the synchronous connection that machine A had before the node went down. When B tried to process the documents, an error null pointer exception occurred. The documents that B tried to process remained in an in-process state. This issue has been resolved so processing is completed by another node when a node stops. 21519 ---------------------------------------------------- 9. Fatal exception in Activator during light trading Activator at times experienced a fatal exception requiring server re-start. This could occur even when trading volume was light. This issue has been resolved. 21493 ---------------------------------------------------------- 10. Document with apostrophe in the file name caused error When a document whose name included apostrophes (for example, 'filename.edi') was encountered, this caused a database error and the trading engine could not process the document. This issue has been resolved so documents with apostrophes in file names are handled correctly. 21484 ---------------------------------------------------------- 11. Retries started over as node failed-over to other node If a node stopped while attempting to retry sending a message, the fail-over node that picked up processing started the retry procedure anew. The fail-over node did not pick up the stopped node's retry count or interval. This has been resolved so the retry count and timing, as set in the user interface, are followed from node to node. 21381 ---------------------------------------------------------- 12. Collaboration builder tried to use incomplete exchange Deleting the URL in a partner's delivery exchange resulted in an "incomplete" exchange point. The binary collaboration builder tried to use the incomplete exchange, which it should not have done. This has been changed so the binary collaboration builder does not build binary collaborations using incomplete exahcange points. 21323 --------------------------------------------------- 13. XML elements added to event information for JMS The following XML elements have been added to the event information as transmitted over JMS: SenderPartyName ReceiverPartyName BackupFilename ConsumptionFilename ProductionFilename Note that the information present depends on the message and its state at the time of the event. The party names should show up early in the life of the message and stay with the message. The consumption file name should show up when the message is first consumed from a file and stay with the message. The production file name should show up and stay with the message when first produced to a file. The backup file name will change for each message state transition and will only be present for those state transitions that caused the message contents to be backed up. (Message contents are backed up when they change.) 21303 ---------------------------------------------------- 14. Clicking links in quick succession caused errors Rapidly clicking next page and previous page links in message tracker without waiting for pages to refresh could result in a fatal exception. This also could occur while clicking the find button many times in rapid succession. Tracker's behavior has been changed so errors do not occur despite clicking links rapidly. 21216 ---------------------------------------------------- 15. User interface log files use node name as prefix User interface log files have been renamed to associate each log file with the control node. The name of the control node has been added as a prefix to the log file name. 20777 --------------------------------------------------------- 16. Resubmitted message no longer shows delivery exchange When a document was resubmitted in message tracker, tracker reported the delivery exchange for the resubmitted message as "unknown". This behavior has been changed. Tracker now does not report a delivery exchange for resubmitted messages. 10975 ---------------------------------------------- 17. Prefix for FTP file names becomes optional In the trading engine, the FTP client has been adding a prefix of "a" to file names that begin with a numeral. Rather than do so automatically, use of the prefix has become optional. A new check box for the option has been added to the advanced tabs on the maintenance pages for the FTP and SFTP transports. 10865 --------------------------------------------------- 18. Cannot designate an already used port for HTTPS It is no longer possible to add an HTTPS delivery exchange that uses the port of an already configured HTTP delivery exchange. This resolved a condition that could result in trading failure. 10639 ----------------- End release notes -----------------