Add Properties to a Content Type

As an administrator, you can add property definitions to a content type.

To add properties to a type:

  1. In the Type List Resource tree, right-click the content type to which you want to add properties.
  2. Choose Add Property from the pop-up menu. The Add Property window appears.
  3. Define the property you are adding. Use the following table for guidance.

    For this Field: Enter This Information:
    Name The name of the property.
    Required Indicate whether this property value is required.
    Read-Only Marks a property as readonly. If a property is marked as readonly, it's value cannot be edited.
    Primary Property Marks this property as the primary property for this content type. Primary properties can be used within content searches and placeholders to optimize queries. For example, you can retrieve a list of content according to the primary property of it's content type.
    Description Enter a description of the property that you are creating.
    Data Type Indicate which data type to use for the property value.
    Choice Type Indicate whether you want to use a choice list of values for this property. You can choose whether to accept a single value or multiple values. You can also indicate if you want to restrict property values to a list you provide.
    Value Choices Enter the suggested value(s) that you want to provide to the user.
    Is Explicit?

    The Is Explicit property flag allows you to map this property value directly to a value contained in the content management database where your content is stored.

    If you mark "Is Explicit?", you must indicate the database column within the CM_Node database table to which you want to derive the property value.

  5. Click Create.
  6. Add as many properties as you want for this content type, using the above steps.
  7. When finished, select the content type within the Resource Tree to view a summary of the created content type.

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