Modify a Placeholder

Placeholders allow you to target content to a desired user, also called a visitor. You use the tools provided in the WebLogic Administration Portal to modify a Placeholder by editing the queries that determine the content displayed in a Placeholder on a JSP page.

To modify a Placeholder:

  1. In the Placeholders Resource tree, select the Placeholder and the content search item you want to modify.
  2. In the Editor pane, under the Properties tab, change the descriptor by clicking on the bracketed text in the characteristics pane.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the new value for the descriptor and click OK. This descriptor governs what content is selected for display in the Placeholder. The value is based on a property set definition, typically a user profile property set.

Note: To quit the modification of the descriptor, click Cancel.

  1. To preview the modified content search for the Placeholder, click Show Previews. To hide it, click Hide Previews.

The content search for the Placeholder has been modified.

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