Updating Portal Resources

When you create a desktop using a template (.portal file) in WebLogic Administration Portal, each resource of that desktop (such as books, pages, and portlets) has a Definition Label that serves as a unique ID for that component in the database.

If you create a new desktop out of a template that contains portal resources with Definition Labels that are identical to resources already stored in the database, you will receive the following warning.

Use the following information for guidance in updating portal resources when you receive this warning:

Option Description
Keep Portal Resources already in the Library Ignores the resources in the template and leaves the database version of the resources intact, including any user customizations that have been made.
Replace conflicting Portal Resources with Template version Uses the template to replace the database version of all conflicting resources and adds new, non-conflicting resources to the database.
Replace markup with Template version Keeps user customizations but allows replacement of resource XML markup; for example, a change in a portlet's modes or a change in a portlet's Content URI.

If you want to replace specific portal resources, use the WebLogic Workshop Portal Designer to create a "dummy" .portal file containing the portal resources you want to update (portal components with the Definition Labels you want to update in the database), create a new desktop with that template in the WebLogic Administration Portal, and select the appropriate "Replace" option in the warning box that appears.

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