Edit a Portlet Preference

If you have the appropriate Delegated Administration rights, you can edit a portlet's preferences to change the way a portlet behaves.

To edit a portlet preference:

  1. In the Portal Resources tree, expand the Library.
  2. Expand All Portlets, and select a portlet from the list.
  3. Select the Portlet Preferences tab in the Editor pane if not already selected.
  4. Click Edit next to the preference you want to modify.
  5. Fill in the information in the fields. Use the table below for guidance.
For this Field: Enter This Information:
Preference Name The name you want to give this preference. It will be listed this way.
Preference Description A meaningful description of this preference.
Preference Value A value for a preference. For example: True or False.
Is Multi-Valued (checkbox) Identify this preference as one that will have more than one value. Use the Add New Value field allows you to input additional values for this preference.
Is Modifiable (checkbox) Allows you to designate whether end users can modify this portlet.
  1. Click Save Portlet Preference.
  2. Click Propagate to Instances if you wish to designate this preference to be propagated through every instance of this portlet.

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