Ad Service Configuration Parameters

Field Name Description
Display Flush Size Determines the number of display counts that are stored in memory before updating the database. The Campaign Service uses display counts to determine whether a Campaign has met its end goals. Each time an ad placeholder displays an ad as a result of a scenario action, the Campaign Service updates the display count. With the default setting of 10, the Campaign Service does not update the display count in the database until 10 ads have displayed as a result of one or more scenario actions placing queries in ad placeholders. For sites with high traffic, increase this number to a range of 50 to 100. Minimum value: 1.

Rendering Class

Specifies the class that generates the HTML elements that the browser requires to display an ad through the <ad:adTarget> JSP tag. WebLogic Portal provides only one class.
Event Tracker Class Determines the class that the adTarget tag uses to access the Event Service. The WebLogic Portal installer configures this property. If you write your own class, it must implement the interface. If you use the adTarget tag as part of Campaigns, use this attribute to specify the com.bea.Campaign.AdTracking class. Default behavior: Uses
Ad Clickthru URI Specifies the name of the servlet to which the AdService forwards clickthroughs on ads. The name must correspond to a servlet mapping of an AdClickThruServlet, which you create in the Web application's web.xml file. Default behavior: the AdService forwards clickthrough to a servlet identified as AdClickThru.
Show Doc URI Specifies the name of the servlet that the AdService uses to display ads. The name must correspond to a servlet mapping of a ShowDoc servlet, which you create in the Web application's web.xml file.