Configure Cache Service Configuration Parameters

Field Name Description
Enabled Check this item to enable a cache. When not checked, the cache is not populated or used for retrieval. Clearing this check box also flushes the cache and causes the fetch, add, and remove methods to do nothing.
Time to Live Specifies in milliseconds how long an item can live in the cache before it is automatically expired.
Maximum Number of Entries

Determines the maximum number of items that the cache maintains. This is an integer number; no commas or decimals are allowed. If a cache already contains the maximum number of entries and a service tries to add an item, the cache determines whether the item already exists in the cache. Then it does one of the following:

  • If the item already exists, the cache replaces the entry.
  • If the item does not already exist, it is added to the cache.

If the cache is at the maximum capacity, then the least recently used element is removed to accommodate the new element.

Flush the Entire Cache? Allows you to clear the cache contents for every instance of that named cache in the cluster (or just the single instance, if not running in a cluster). Select it, then click Flush.
Invalidate a Specific Key Allows you to remove the entry corresponding to that key (in a key/value pair) for every instance of that named cache in the cluster (or just the single instance, if not running in a cluster). Enter the item key in the Invalidate a Specific Key box, then click Flush.