Campaign Service Configuration Parameters

Field Name Description
Goal Check Time Configures a cache that Campaigns use to determine whether they have reached their goals. If you want to disable the cache, provide a value of 0 or less. The default value is 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes).
Base Directory for Email Browsing Specifies the directory within a Web application that contains Campaign emails. Default directory: Campaigns/emails.
Email URI Extensions Specifies the filename extensions for files within the
EmailBrowseBaseDir that are to be considered Campaign emails. Enter one per line.
JNDI Name of Campaign Service Specifies the JNDI name of the CampaignService EJB. The default value is ${APPNAME}.BEA_Campaign.CampaignService.
Default From Email Address Specifies the default address that receives any replies from email that the Campaign sends. In a standard mail header, this is the From address. Each Campaign scenario can specify its own From address. A scenario-provided From address overrides this DefaultFromAddress property. Default value is
Email Address Property Name Specifies the name of the property (within the property set name in the following field) that contains customer email addresses.
Property Set Name Containing Email Address Property Specifies the name of the property set that contains customer email properties. Default value is Customer Properties.
Email Opt In Property Name Specifies the name of a property that contains a customer's Campaign-related email preferences. Default value is Email_Opt_In.
Property Set Name Containing Opt In Property Specifies the name of the property set that contains the OptIn property. Default value is Demographics.