Step 3: Edit Content Hierarchy and Content Properties

In this step, you will reorganize your content hierarchy and edit a content property.

  1. In the Content Hierarchy Resource tree, navigate to the AdCampaign node.
  2. Right click AdCampaign and select Add Node.
  3. Name the node External, and click OK.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to create another node inside the AdCampaign node and call it Internal. Your directory should look like this:

  5. Right click collegePlanningCampaign.jpg and select Move.
  6. Click the External node. The content item is now a child of the External node.
  7. Click IRACampaign.jpg, and select Move.
  8. Click the Internal node. The content item is now a child of the Internal node.
  9. Click personalInvestmentAdvisor.jpg, and select Move.
  10. Click the Internal node. The content item is now a child of the Internal node.

  11. In the Content Hierarchy Resource tree, select collegePlanningCampaign.jpg.
  12. Select the Create and Edit Content tab.
  13. Scroll down to Audience property in the first column, and select Internal in the drop-down menu.
  14. Click Update at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.