Overview of Interaction Management

Interaction Management enables you to develop, manage, and measure personalized portal applications. Personalization and Campaign management combine to form the foundation of Interaction Management. These functions help you target content to a desired audience.

WebLogic Workshop extensions support development of personalized applications, while the WebLogic Administration Portal enables administrators to adapt site interaction to fit the needs of the audience. The core of the Interaction Management system is the underlying rules engine that matches users with appropriate content. Content Selectors and Placeholders are the aspect of Interaction Management visible to administrators. User Segments contain the criteria, such as gender or browser type, that define the target visitor.

Administrators have control over the personalized content displayed in a portal by defining rules for Content Selectors and Placeholders. Content Selectors are rules that target specific content stored in a content repository to specific site visitors. Placeholders are rules that control which content is displayed on a Web page. Placeholders are primarily used to display images and can only display a single content item and its properties at one time. Content Selectors are used to render arrays of content items and their properties.

By using Interaction Management tools, you reduce the effort needed to maintain a personalized site. Users are grouped into User Segments based on individual attributes.

Interaction Management solves the problems of information overload and the proliferation of audience-specific sites. It accommodates the delivery of the right content to the right person at the right time. Using the browser-based tools, administrators directly modify Campaigns, Content Selectors, Placeholders, and User Segments. Administrators interact indirectly with event tracking in the tools by using events as a predicate for personalization.

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