Assign Delegated Administration to Portal Resources

Delegated Administration roles are dynamic classifications used to qualify users to have the correct access rights to specific tasks and resources. These roles are used to determine whether to grant or deny access to resources, and to determine which capabilities on those resources are available to the administrator.

You can assign individual portal resources to predefined Delegated Administration roles and then assign specific users and groups to roles in order to grant them administrative capabilities for the desired portal resources.

Before you can assign portal resources to a Delegated Administration role, you must make sure the role exists and has Delegated Administration rights assigned to it. If no role exists, you must create it, then you can add users and portal resources to it. For detailed information about setting up administrators, see How Do I Set Up a New Administrator?

To assign portal resources to a Delegated Administration role:

  1. In the Portal Resource tree, select the portal resource you want to assign to a role.
  2. Select the Edit Delegated Administration tab in the Editor pane to the the right, if it is not already open.
  3. Use the drop-down menu in the Delegated Administration editor to select a role. (The role appears in the Can Manage box.)
  4. If you want to assign the portal resource to more than one role, repeat Step 6 until all of the roles are listed in the Can Manage box.
  5. Check the Can Manage box next to each role.
  6. Click Update.
  7. To confirm the role has been assigned, select the resource in the Resource tree, then view the Delegated Administration Editor pane. The role name should appear with the Can Manage box selected.

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