Add a Content Item

As an administrator, you can add a new content item to the content management repository.

Note: When adding content to BEA's Virtual Content Repository, whether you are using the WebLogic Administration Portal Content Management tools or the Bulkloader, make sure you store your content for upload in a directory outside of the portal application if you deploy your application as an .ear file.

  1. View the Browse & Edit Content Resource tree by selecting Content from the drop-down list at the top of the tree.
  2. In the Browse & Edit Content Resource tree, select the repository where you want to create the content item.
  3. In the Browse Children pane, click Create Content Item.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name for the new content item.
  5. From the Type List box, select type you want to associate with the content item.
  6. Enter the information requested as dictated by the type selected.
  7. If the content type supports a binary file, use the following steps:
    • In the File to Upload field, use the Browse button to browse to the location of the content file.
    • Optionally, choose an alternate encoding method. Typically, the method should be left as default and the browser will try to identify the mime type automatically.
  8. Click Create.

The new content item should display in the Resource tree.

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