Overview of Desktops

A desktop is a view of the portal that the visitor accesses. There can be one or more desktops per portal, so the portal is effectively a container for the desktops.

A desktop contains all the portlets, content, and look and feel elements necessary to create individual user views of a portal. All users access the default before they define their own desktops.

The hierarchy is as follows:

You can create one or more desktops per portal, and tailor each desktop for a target audience.

Note: Book and Page resources are often created by developers in WebLogic Workshop. In order to make these resources visible in the library, you must create a desktop in the Administration Portal using the portal created in Workshop as the template. For example, if a developer creates book and page resources in a portal called NewTestPortal in Workshop, you must create a new desktop and select the NewTestPortal as your template for the desktop.

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