Overview of Library Administration

Portal Library Administrators create portal applications and portal components and make them available to portal administrators and end users in the Portal Library. The definitions in the library are used as templates for portal administrators to create and assemble portals and desktops for end users. In order to have access to the library, you must have delegated administration rights to the resources in the library.

In some cases, changes to a definition in the library can be propagated to deployed portal resources. The portal library is the repository for portal components, including the following:

Note: Book and Page resources are often created by developers in WebLogic Workshop. In order to make these resources visible in the library, you must create a desktop in the Administration Portal using the portal created in Workshop as the template. For example, if a developer creates book and page resources in a portal called NewTestPortal in Workshop, you must create a new desktop and select the NewTestPortal as your template for the desktop.

As the Library Administrator, you can modify the definitions in the Resource library. These modifications are global in scope and carry with them a higher degree of administration responsibility. When you create new portal instances of portal resources and put the in the Portal Library, they will have the following characteristics:

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