Configure the Behavior Tracking Service

The Event system provides you with the ability to identify the interactions that visitors have with your portal or Web site. One of the primary uses of events is in customer interactions such as promotions or Campaigns. A simple example of using events in a Campaign is triggering the display of an ad for a related product when a customer places an item in a shopping cart.

Another primary use of events is to track visitor behavior by recording events. Recording events is more than just navigation logging, which tells you only what pages were visited. Behavior Tracking allows you to know what the visitor saw and responded to, or equally important, ignored on a page.

As an administrator, you can modify the configuration settings for the Behavior Tracking Service.

To configure the Behavior Tracking Service:

  1. In the Application Configuration Settings Resource tree, select Behavior Tracking Service.

    Note: If Behavior Tracking Service does not appear in the Resource tree to the left, follow the instructions Add or Remove a Configurable Item to add it, and restart this process at step 1.

  2. Fill in the fields to configure the Behavior Tracking Service. To select a Persisted Event Type, you must double click the item in the window. For detailed descriptions of the configuration setting fields, see Behavior Tracking Configuration Parameters.
  1. Click Update.

A message at the bottom of the window indicates that your changes have been applied.

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