Document Connection Pool Service Configuration Parameters

Field Description
Document Connection Pool Name The name you give a new Document Connection Pool Service. This field is available when you create a new Document Connection Pool.
Driver Name Specifies the name of the driver that DocumentConnectionPool uses to connect to the content management system. Default behavior: uses com.bea.p13n.content.document.jdbc.Driver.
Initial Capacity of Pool Specifies the number of connections to the content management system that the connection pool establishes when you start the Web application. Minimum value is 0.
Capacity Increment Determines an algorithm for expanding the number of connections in the pool. When the number of requests exceeds the current number of connections, the connection pool adds as many connections as this CapacityIncrement attribute specifies (up to the maximum capacity). Default value is 0. Minimum value is 0.
Maximum Capacity of Pool Specifies the maximum number of connections to the content management system that the connection pool maintains. After the connection pool reaches this maximum, additional requests to connect to the content management system wait in a queue until a connection is available. Minimum value is 1.
Is Shrinking Enabled? If checked, the connection pool decreases the number of available connections if they are not all being used. Default behavior: shrinking is not enabled.
Login Timeout (seconds) Specifies the number of seconds that the pool waits for a connection to become available. If it is unable to make a connection after this time expires, the pool returns an exception to the object that requested the
connection. Default: 0. 0 or less means wait indefinitely until a connection becomes available.
JDBC URL Specifies the URL that the DocumentManager EJB uses to access the connection pool.
JDBC Properties

Provides parameters (properties) to configure the driver. Enter properties one per line in the format of name=value. For example:

docBase=d:/bea/weblogic700/samples/portal/p13nDomain/ dmsBase