Document Manager Service Configuration Parameters

Field Name Description
Document Connection Pool Name Specifies the name of the DocumentConnectionPool that the DocumentManager EJB uses. Default behavior: DocumentManager checks the DocumentManager EJB deployment descriptor for this setting.
Property Case

Determines whether the DocumentManager searches for document properties (metadata) that are in upper case, lower case, or whether the lookups are case insensitive. For example, if you specify upper, then document queries ignore lower-case words. Use one of the following values: upper, lower, or none. Default behavior: Lookups are case insensitive (none).

Metadata Caching Enabled? If checked, DocumentManager caches the metadata that it retrieves as part of a document search. Default behavior: enabled.
Metadata Cache Name Specifies the name of the cache that DocumentManager uses for metadata. Use this option if you configure a new cache for storing metadata. Default behavior: DocumentManager uses the preconfigured documentMetadataCache. You can modify the configuration of this cache, or you can create a new cache.
Is User ID in the Cache Key? If checked, the ID of each user is included in the keys for data items in the cache. Default behavior: not enabled.
Content Caching Enabled? If checked, DocumentManager caches the documents that it retrieves. Default behavior: DocumentManager caches documents.
Content Cache Name Specifies the name of the cache that DocumentManager uses for documents. Use this option if you configure a new cache for storing documents. Default behavior: DocumentManager uses the preconfigured documentContentCache. You can modify the configuration of this cache, or you can create a new cache.
Maximum Size of Cached Content Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) for a document that DocumentManager stores in the Content Cache. If a query returns a document larger than the maximum size, DocumentManager does not store it in the cache. Default behavior: Caches documents up to 32768 bytes.