Tax Service Client Configuration Parameters

Field Name Description
Tax Calculator JNDI Name The JNDI name of the TaxService EJB. This property is required. Defaults to BEA_commerce.TaxCalculator.
Tax Calculator WSDL The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) URL of the tax Web
service. Defaults to http://localhost:7001/taxws/BEA_commerce.TaxWebService/wsdl.jsp. WSDL is an XML language that is used to both describe a Web service and to specify how to communicate with the Web service.
Currency Enter the ISO 4217 currency code for the currency to be used in your
Web application. This property is required.
Ship From Province/State

The state or province from where goods are shipped. This value must
be mappable from the <country-abbreviation> file using either the name or the abbreviation of the province.

This property is not required for addresses outside the United States and Canada. WebLogic Portal provides twoprovince properties files: for Canada, and for the United States. They are in the ebusiness.jar file in PORTAL_HOME\lib\commerce\ejb. If you need to make changes, unjar theebusiness.jar file, make your updates, and jar the files again. If neededyou can add <country-abbreviation> files for countries other than Canada and the U.S.

Ship From City The city from where goods are shipped. This property is required.
Ship From Postal Code The ZIP code or postal code from where goods are shipped. This property is required.
Ship From Location Code The tax table code that specifies an address that covers multiple
taxing jurisdictions. It is only used for U.S. and Canadian addresses.
This property is optional.
Ship From Country Code The ISO 3166 two- or three-character abbreviation for the country
from which orders are shipped. This property is required.
Order Origin City This property is exactly the same as the Ship From City property. It
is used when the order is taken at a different location than the
place where the order is shipped. To determine if an order origin address exists, the commerce services of WebLogic Portal check for the existence of the Order Origin City property. If it does not exist,
WebLogic Portal instead defaults to the Ship From City value.
Order Origin Postal Code This property is exactly the sae as the Ship From Postal Code property. It is used when the order is taken at a different location than the place where the order is shipped. To determine if an order origin address exists, the commerce services of WebLogic Portal check for the existence of the Order Origin Postal Code property. If it does not exist, WebLogic Portal instead defaults to the Ship From Postal Code value.
Order Origin Location Code This property is exactly the same as the Ship From Location Code property. It is used when the order is taken at a different location than the place where the order is shipped. To determine if an order origin address exists, the commerce services of WebLogic Portal check for the existence of the Order Origin Location Code property. If it does not exist, WebLogic Portal instead defaults to the Ship From Location Code value.
Order Origin Country Code This property is exactly the same as the Ship From Country Code property. It is used when the order is taken at a different location than the place where the order is shipped. To determine if an order origin address exists, the commerce services of WebLogic Portal check for the existence of the Order Origin Country Code property. If it does not exist, WebLogic Portal instead defaults to the Ship From Country Code value.
Title Passage Location

A property that lets the tax service determine the point of title
passage. This property is optional and is only used in the United States
and Canada. If it is set to

shipFrom (case insensitive),

it indicates that legal transfer occurred at the point of origin. If set to


it indicates that legal transfer occurred at the point of delivery.

Your Company ID When you configure the tax service in order to calculate taxes, you
need to provide identification information for your company. This property is required. Because it is possible for multiple corporate entities to share a set of configuration files with your tax service, your CompanyId must be specified with each request to the tax service. This property is the identifier for your company as configured in your tax service deployment.
Business Location Code You may also need to specify your business location for global reporting. If the seller registration number is not set, a global tax service uses the business location and company ID to look up the seller registration number. This mapping is set up using the tax service tools. If neither the business location nor the seller registration number are set, a global tax service cannot properly calculate the tax.
Tax Type Depending on the nature of your busines, you may need to select the type of taxes you want to calculate. Possible tax type values: Sales, Use, ConsumerUse, Rental, Services. The default is sales. The Use value is for commercial use taxes.
AVS Return List On Zip Failure For some AVS service providers this parameter can be used when a ZIP code cannot be located in the AVS services database. These services return a list of possible replacement ZIP codes to use instead. WebLogic Portal uses this parameter to determine if this condition is an error or if the list of ZIP codes returned should be presented to the end user.
Seller Registration Number If you have accounts outside of the U.S. or Canada, you might need to set the registration number of the seller. This parameter works with the businessLocation parameter.
Tax Debug If this parameter exists, regardless of its value, it turns on
debugging output for the address verification service.