Task 3: Setting Entitlements for Portal Resources

Visitor Entitlements, also called entitlements, control access to portal application resources such as portlets, pages, and desktops. Entitlements can be set in the library or in portal applications. Entitlements use Visitor Entitlement roles and security policies to control access to resources.

Visitor Entitlement roles dynamically group users based on username, group membership, profile, session and request attributes, and an assortment of date and time functions. Security policies determine what capabilities for a given resource are available to a given role. Entitlement capabilities differ by resource and include view, minimize, maximize, and edit.

This task take 20 minutes to complete.

Task Goals

At the end of this task you will have created entitlement roles and applied them to desktops, pages, and portlets.

Task Overview

In this task you will set entitlements on the following portal resources:

Steps in This Task

Step 1: Start the WebLogic Administration Portal

In this step you open the WebLogic Administration Portal.

Step 2: Create Visitor Entitlement Roles

In this step you create three entitlement roles and assign groups to them.

Step 3: Entitle a Desktop

In this step you entitle a desktop with your new entitlement roles.

Step 4: Entitle a Page in the Portal Library

In this step you entitle a page in the Portal Library with your new entitlement roles.

Step 5: Entitle a Portlet

In this step you entitle a portlet in the Portal Library with your new entitlement roles.