Assign Delegated Administration to Portal Resources

Delegated Administration roles are dynamic classifications used to qualify users to have the correct access rights to specific tasks and resources. These roles are used to determine whether to grant or deny access to resources, and to determine which capabilities on those resources are available to the administrator.

You have two options for setting delegated administration rights for portal resources:

Note: Before you can assign portal resources to a Delegated Administration role, you must make sure the role exists and has Delegated Administration rights assigned to it. If no role exists, you must create it, then you can add users and portal resources to it. For detailed information about setting up administrators, see How Do I Set Up a New Administrator?

Setting Rights for Resources in the Library

If you have the appropriate delegated administrative authority, you can assign two types of delegated administration rights to resources in the Portal Library: Manage Definition and Create/Remove Instances.

The Manage Definition option allows you to control who can edit resource definitions that will be propogated globally throughout all instances of this resource. For example, an administrator who has delegated administration rights to the Avitek page can edit the contents of the page (portlets), the position of the portlets on the page, or the entitlements for the page, and those changes are applied to every instance of that page. The page is then available as a template that other administrators can use to create new pages. If you assign this option, you automatically also enable the administrator the create/remove instances of this resource.

Use Defintion Resources with this capability are limited to use-only rights and are not displayed in the Library Resource tree. For example, if a user has Use Definition capabilities for a layout, the user can only use that layout within the context of the page that he has rights to manage. He can choose to use that layout, but cannot modify it. Resources that can be used with desktops, books and pages can be given Use Definition capabilities.

The Create/Remove Instances option grants administrators the authority to make these portal resources available to specific portals. Once you create a resource in the Portal Library to use as a template for other pages, you must make that resource available for portal administrators to select from the list of resources available for their portlet. For example, an administrator can create a page template in the Portal Library, then make that page available for specific Portals to use as resources.

Note: You can add these Delegated Administration rights to as many roles as are available.

To set up rights for resources in the Library:

  1. In the Portal Resources tree, expand the Library.
  2. Select the portal resource you want to assign to a role.
  3. Select the Edit Delegated Admin tab in the Editor pane to the the right, if it is not already open.
  4. Use the drop-down menu in the Delegated Administration editor to select a role, and click Add Role.
  5. If you want to assign the portal resource to more than one role, repeat Step 4 until all of the roles are listed.
  6. Check the Manage Definition box and/or the Create/Remove Instances checkboxes.
  7. Click Save.

Setting Rights for Instances of Resources in Portal Desktops

An instance of a resource is a version of that resource. For example, if you have a Login portlet in your library, and you use that portlet in a desktop, you are using an instance of that portlet in the desktop. You can set administration rights on that specific instance of the portlet.

To assign portal resources to a Delegated Administration role:

  1. In the Portal Resources tree, expand the Portals folder.
  2. Select the portal resource you want to assign to a role.
  3. Select the Edit Delegated Administration tab in the Editor pane to the the right, if it is not already open.
  4. Use the drop-down menu in the Delegated Administration editor to select a role, and click Add Role.
  5. If you want to assign the portal resource to more than one role, repeat Step 4 until all of the roles are listed.
  6. Check the Manage Instance box to assign delegated administration rights to instances of this portal resource.
  7. Click Save.

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