Step 3: Add a Personalized Portlet to a Desktop

In this step you will add a pre-built portlet that demonstrates personalization to one of the desktops you created in Task 2: Building a Portal.

  1. Select Portals in the main navigation pane.

  2. In the Portal Resource tree, select Portals -> MyPortal -> Desktop1 -> Main Page Book -> Avitek Inweb.
  3. In the Manage Page Contents tab, locate Tutorial in the Available Portlets column. Click Add to Page.

  4. Open a browser and go to the URL: http://localhost:7001/sampleportal/appmanager/MyPortal/desktop1.

On the desktop you should now see the newly added Tutorial portlet with a single image displayed within it. This image will change whenever the browser is refreshed, which is sometimes referred to as image rotation. Only the images that match the Placeholder definition will be displayed. In the next step we will change this definition and see the results.