Preview a Modified Campaign Action

As an administrator, you can preview a modified action within a campaign. These campaign actions include:

Within the WebLogic Administration Portal, you can modify these actions by changing the conditions or content queries of these actions. After changing an action, you can preview it to verify the change is correct.

To preview a modified campaign action:

  1. In the Campaigns Resource tree, select the Campaign and subsequent action you want to modify.
  2. Modify the discount, email, or content action accordingly. Save your changes.
  3. Click Show Previews.

    Note: The modified content does not show in the preview at this time. Continue with step 4.

  4. Close the Campaigns Resource tree, then re-expand it.
  5. In the Campaigns Resource tree, select the Campaign and subsequent action you want to preview.
  6. In the Editor pane, click Show Previews.

The modified content can now be previewed.

Note: To close the preview, click Hide Previews.

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