Modify Portlet Properties

Portlet properties are all of the features and elements that make up the portlet. As a Portal Administrator, you can modify some of these properties in the Portlet Properties editor.

To modify portlet properties:

  1. In the Portal Resources tree, select a portlet.
  2. Select the Portlet Properties tab in the Editor pane if not already selected.
  3. Update the information in the fields. Use the tables below for guidance.
  4. For the locale:
  5. For this Field: Enter This Information:
    For the Locale

    Select a default language for your portlet from the drop-down menu.

    You can also choose to add or delete a locale.

    Click Save Changes to save your settings.

    Note: For Library portlets, you cannot delete the default locale.


    A new title for the portlet. Click Save Changes to save your settings.

    Note: For Library portlets, the portlet title in the default locale is read-only.

    Description A new description of your portlet. Click Save Changes to save your settings.
  1. To add a new theme to your portlet, select one from the drop-down list. Click Save Changes to save your settings.
  1. For Portlet Performance:
  2. Should the portlet run in its own thread?

    If this portlet was created to enable its processing to run independently, you can choose to set it to run in its own thread at runtime. This can be helpful for portlets with longer processing times (five seconds or longer).

    Click Save Changes to save your settings.

    Should the portlet's rendered output be cached?

    How Long?

    If this porlet was created to allow its output to be cached, you can choose to cache its output.

    You can also set how long (in seconds) the output will be cached.

    Click Save Changes to save your settings.


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