Behavior Tracking Service Configuration Parameters

Field Name Description
Data Source JNDI Name Specifies the JNDI name of the BehaviorTracking EJB.
Maximum Buffer Size Sets the maximum number of entries (events) for the buffer. Default value: 100 events.
Buffer Sweep Interval Determines how often the events buffer is checked to determine whether the events in the buffer should be persisted to the database. Two conditions will trigger buffer persistence: 1) if the maximum buffer size has been reached or 2) if the maximum time allowed in the buffer (sweep max time) has been exceeded. (Note: events are added to the buffer as soon as they are received -- this has nothing to do with the buffer sweep interval.)
Buffer Sweep Maximum Time Sets the maximum time in seconds before the buffer's contents are either persisted to the database (if the event type is listed in Persisted Event Types) or flushed from memory. In your development environment, start with a set of baseline values for Buffer Sweep Interval and Buffer Sweep Maximum Time, and try higher or lower values while testing expected, peak site usage with your Web application. A buffer sweep should be performed often enough that writing to the database is not too time consuming, but not so frequent that the operation is wasteful. Default value: 120 seconds.
Persisted Event Types If listed, events of this type are persisted to the database. For facilitating offline processing of customer interactions with a Web site, Behavior Tracking events are designed to be persisted to a table in the database, called the EVENT table. Part of the process of recording data from Behavior Tracking events is creating an XML representation of the data, which is stored in the xml_definition column of the EVENT table. You can persist events in an alternate location and table structure as requirements dictate.