Overview of Configurable Services

Service Name Description
Ad Service Configures the content rendering and content event services to control content placeholders. Provides content rendering, click-through, and impression event tracking support for enabling content display.
Behavior Tracking Service Configures how and which behavior events will be persisted for analytics. Persists user-driven actions and events to enable analytics tools to track user behavior.
Cache Manager Configures the portal caches, which are used by the other services to cache data; includes the ability to flush cached data. Provides support for caching generated data in a cluster-aware and managed system; used internally by many other services in the portal product.
Campaign Service Configures the interaction management services to control how they execute. Interaction management services for enabling advanced personalization by reacting to user events to conditionally display content, send emails, and offer discounts.
WSRP Consumer Security Service Configures login and security information for WSRP consumers.
Event Service Configures EvenListeners to receive user events from portal. Generic application event service for passing events to listeners for processing; used by behavior tracking and interaction management.
Mail Service Configures how email is sent from Campaigns. Provides support for creating batches of email messages and sending email from portal.
Payment Service Client Configures how the sample commerce payment client code will contact a payment service. Configuration for the sample tax and payment client code.
Scenario Service Interaction management services for enabling advanced personalization by reacting to user events to conditionally display content, send emails, and offer discounts.
Tax Service Client Configures how the sample commerce tax client code will contact a tax service.