Remove Delegated Administration from Groups

If you no longer want Delegated Administration rights to be available for a group of users, you can simply remove Delegated Administration privileges from the group.

To Remove Delegated Administration from Groups:

Before you remove Delegated Administration from a group, consider that you can simply reduce the capabilities on the Delegated Administration assigned to a group, which is described in this procedure.

  1. In the Users & Groups tool, select an authentication provider from the "Browse User-Groups from" field.
  2. In the resource tree, select the group from which you want to remove Delegated Administration. (If you do not see a list of groups, see the Notes below.)
  3. Selected the Edit Delegated Administration tab.
  4. In the Delegated Administration Roles list, select the check box next to any of the Delegated Administration roles you want to remove.
    (As an alternative to removing a Delegated Administration role, you can reduce the capabilities on that role by deselecting them and clicking Save.)
  5. Click Remove Selected Roles.

Notes: If a list of groups is not displayed, make sure you have built a group hierarchy tree for the authentication provider. If after that you still do not see a list of groups, the authentication provider probably does not allow read access (see View Security Provider Properties to find out). However, you can activate a text field for group name entry for authentication providers that do not allow read access.

If you are using an RDBMS authentication provider, be aware of case sensitivity when looking up groups. For example, group "Managers" is different than group "managers.

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