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Start and stop a resource adapter

A resource adapter can be started and stopped just like any other Enterprise application. If the resource adapter is deployed as part of an Enterprise adapter, it is started and stopped whenever the Enterprise application that contains it is started or stopped. Starting a resource adapter makes the application available to WebLogic Server clients; stopping it makes it unavailable.

When you start an application, you can make it immediately available to clients, or you can start it in Administration Mode to first ensure that it is working as you expect. Starting in Administration mode allows you to perform final checking of the distributed application directly in the production environment without disrupting clients.

Similarly, you can stop an application so that no clients can use it, or you can stop it in Administration Mode so that only administrative tasks can be performed.

Stopping an application does not remove its source files from the server; you can later redeploy (also called update) a stopped application to make it available to WebLogic Server clients once again.

To start or stop an installed resource adapter, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane of the Console, click Deployments. A table in the right pane displays all deployed Enterprise Applications and Application Modules.
  2. In the table, locate the Enterprise application that contains the resource adapter you want to start or stop and select it by checking the box to the far left of the Enterprise application.
  3. Click the Start button at the top or bottom of the Deployments table to start a stopped application. Similarly, click the Stop button to stop an application.

    When you start an application, you must pick one of the following options:

    • Servicing all requests: Specifies that WebLogic Server make the application immediately available to all clients.
    • Servicing only administrative requests: Specifies that WebLgoic Server make the application available in Administration Mode only.

    When you stop an application, you must pick one of the following options:

    • When work completes: Specifies that WebLogic Server wait for the application to finish its work and for all currently connected users to disconnect.
    • Force stop now: Specifies that WebLogic Server stop the application immediately, regardless of the work that is being performed and the users that are connected.
    • Stop, but continue servicing administrative requests: Specifies that WebLogic Server stop the application once all its work has finished, but to then put the application in Administration Mode so it can be accessed for administrative purposes.
  4. Click Yes to confirm your decision.

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