BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType federation-servicesType


name?, notes?, source-site-enabled?, source-site-url?, intersite-transfer-uri*, its-requires-ssl?, assertion-retrieval-uri*, ars-requires-ssl?, ars-requires-two-way-ssl?, assertion-store-class-name?, assertion-store-properties?, signing-key-alias?, signing-key-pass-phrase-encrypted?, destination-site-enabled?, assertion-consumer-uri*, acs-requires-ssl?, post-recipient-check-enabled?, post-one-use-check-enabled?, used-assertion-cache-class-name?, used-assertion-cache-properties?, ssl-client-identity-alias?, ssl-client-identity-pass-phrase-encrypted?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.1-based Federation Services, including the intersite transfer service, assertion consumer service, and assertion retrieval service.

MBean: FederationServicesMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

booleansource-site-enabled optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

stringsource-site-url optional

The URL for the Source Site.

stringintersite-transfer-uri 0...∞

The Intersite Transfer URIs.

booleanits-requires-ssl optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

stringassertion-retrieval-uri 0...∞

One or more URIs on which to listen for incoming assertion retrieval requests.

booleanars-requires-ssl optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

booleanars-requires-two-way-ssl optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

stringassertion-store-class-name optional

The class that provides persistent storage for assertions, if you use an Assertion Store class other than the default class.

stringassertion-store-properties optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringsigning-key-alias optional

The alias used to store and retrieve the Source Site's signing key in the keystore.

stringsigning-key-pass-phrase-encrypted optional

The encrypted passphrase used to retrieve the Source Site's signing key from the keystore.

booleandestination-site-enabled optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

stringassertion-consumer-uri 0...∞

The Assertion Consumer URIs.

booleanacs-requires-ssl optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

booleanpost-recipient-check-enabled optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

booleanpost-one-use-check-enabled optional

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 1.

stringused-assertion-cache-class-name optional

The class used as the persistent store for the Used Assertion Cache.

stringused-assertion-cache-properties optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringssl-client-identity-alias optional

The alias used to store and retrieve the Destination Site's SSL client identity in the keystore.

stringssl-client-identity-pass-phrase-encrypted optional

The encrypted passphrase used to retrieve the Destination Site's SSL client identity from the keystore.


BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0