BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType jms-system-resourceType


name?, notes?, target?, module-type?, compatibility-name?, source-path?, sub-deployment*, deployment-order?, deployment-principal-name?, descriptor-file-name?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: jms-interop-moduleType
Components using this type: none

This bean defines a system-level JMS resource. It links a separate descriptor that specifies the definition.

MBean: JMSSystemResourceMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

stringtarget optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringmodule-type optional

The values match those defined by jsr88.

stringcompatibility-name optional

This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.

stringsource-path optional

The path to the source of the deployment unit on admin server.

anyTypesub-deployment 0...∞

Targeting for subcomponents that differs from targeting for the component.

intdeployment-order optional

A numerical value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other DeployableUnits on a server, during startup.

stringdeployment-principal-name optional

A string value that indicates what principal should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown.

stringdescriptor-file-name optional

The name of the file that contains the module.


BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0