BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
element before-completion-iteration-limit

<before-completion-iteration-limit>annonymous type derived from int</before-completion-iteration-limit>
Disallowed substitutions (block)
none (extensions, restrictions and substitutions are allowed)
Substitution group exclusion (final)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)

The maximum number of cycles that the transaction manager will perform the beforeCompletion synchronization callback for this WebLogic Server domain.

Nothing prevents a Synchronization object from registering another during beforeCompletion, even those whose beforeCompletions have already been called. For example, an EJB can call another in its ejbStore() method. To accommodate this, the transaction manager calls all Synchronization objects, then repeats the cycle if new ones have been registered. This count sets a limit to the number of cycles that can happen.

Privileges: Read/Write

Default Value: 10

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 2147483647

MBean Attribute: JTAMBean.BeforeCompletionIterationLimit

Fundamental Facets
equality, numeric, bounded, totaly ordered, countable infinite value space
White Space Processing
Pattern Facet
Digits Facets
fraction digits: 0
BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0