BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType messaging-bridgeType


name?, notes?, target?, deployment-order?, source-destination?, target-destination?, selector?, quality-of-service?, qos-degradation-allowed?, durability-enabled?, reconnect-delay-minimum?, reconnect-delay-increase?, reconnect-delay-maximum?, idle-time-maximum?, transaction-timeout?, async-enabled?, started?, batch-size?, batch-interval?, preserve-msg-property?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge. A messaging bridge instance interoperates between separate implementations of WebLogic JMS or between WebLogic JMS and another messaging product.

For WebLogic JMS and third-party JMS products, a messaging bridge communicates with a configured source and target destinations using the resource adapters provided with WebLogic Server.

MBean: MessagingBridgeMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

stringtarget optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdeployment-order optional

A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item.

stringsource-destination optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringtarget-destination optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringselector optional

The filter for messages that are sent across the messaging bridge instance.

annonymous type derived from stringquality-of-service optional

The QOS (quality of service) for this messaging bridge instance.

booleanqos-degradation-allowed optional

This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge.

booleandurability-enabled optional

This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge.

annonymous type derived from intreconnect-delay-minimum optional

The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.

annonymous type derived from intreconnect-delay-increase optional

The incremental delay time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance increases its waiting time between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.

annonymous type derived from intreconnect-delay-maximum optional

The longest time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits between one failed attempt to connect to the source or target, and the next retry.

annonymous type derived from intidle-time-maximum optional

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance remains idle.

annonymous type derived from inttransaction-timeout optional

The amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager waits for each transaction before timing it out.

booleanasync-enabled optional

This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge.

booleanstarted optional

This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge.

annonymous type derived from intbatch-size optional

The number of messages that are processed within one transaction.

longbatch-interval optional

The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size has been reached or not.

booleanpreserve-msg-property optional

Specifies if message properties are preserved when messages are forwarded by a bridge instance.


BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0