BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType network-channelType


name?, notes?, target?, deployment-order?, description?, listen-port?, listen-port-enabled?, ssl-listen-port?, ssl-listen-port-enabled?, cluster-address?, t3-enabled?, t3s-enabled?, http-enabled?, https-enabled?, com-enabled?, outgoing-enabled?, bound-outgoing-enabled?, channel-weight?, accept-backlog?, login-timeout-millis?, login-timeout-millis-ssl?, tunneling-enabled?, tunneling-client-ping-secs?, tunneling-client-timeout-secs?, complete-t3-message-timeout?, complete-http-message-timeout?, complete-com-message-timeout?, max-t3-message-size?, max-http-message-size?, max-com-message-size?, iiop-enabled?, iiops-enabled?, complete-iiop-message-timeout?, max-iiop-message-size?, idle-iiop-connection-timeout?, default-iiop-user?, default-iiop-password-encrypted?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

This MBean defines a network channel. A network channel is used to configure additional ports for a server beyond its default listen ports. Network channels do not support IIOP.

A network channel can be targeted at multiple clusters and servers. Targeting a channel at a cluster targets it at every server that is a member of that cluster. A server can support multiple channels.

A server can fine-tune its network channel settings by using a NetworkAccessPointMBean. The NetworkAccessPointMBean also servers to set the listen address and external DNS name that a server uses for a particular channel.

A server serves up to three default listen ports: ServerMBean ListenPort, ServerMBean AdministrationPort, and SSLMBean ListenPort. The default listen ports form implicit channel(s) of weight 50.

A network channel also defines the creation of server-to-server connections. If a server is initiating a new connection to another server, the highest weighted common (same named) channel that supports the desired protocol is used to determine which port to contact.

MBean: NetworkChannelMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

stringtarget optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdeployment-order optional

A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item.

stringdescription optional

Optional short description of this channel for console display purposes.

annonymous type derived from intlisten-port optional

The plaintext (non-SSL) listen port for the channel.

booleanlisten-port-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

annonymous type derived from intssl-listen-port optional

The SSL listen port for the channel.

booleanssl-listen-port-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

stringcluster-address optional

This channel's cluster address.

booleant3-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleant3s-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleanhttp-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleanhttps-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleancom-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleanoutgoing-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleanbound-outgoing-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

annonymous type derived from intchannel-weight optional

A weight to give this channel when creating server-to-server connections.

annonymous type derived from intaccept-backlog optional

Allowed backlog of connection requests on the listen port(s).

annonymous type derived from intlogin-timeout-millis optional

The login timeout for the server, in milliseconds.

annonymous type derived from intlogin-timeout-millis-ssl optional

Duration allowed for an SSL login sequence.

booleantunneling-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

annonymous type derived from inttunneling-client-ping-secs optional

Interval (in seconds) at which to ping an http-tunneled client to see if its still alive.

annonymous type derived from inttunneling-client-timeout-secs optional

Duration (in seconds) after which a missing http-tunneled client is considered dead.

annonymous type derived from intcomplete-t3-message-timeout optional

The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete T3 message to be received.

annonymous type derived from intcomplete-http-message-timeout optional

The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete HTTP message to be received.

annonymous type derived from intcomplete-com-message-timeout optional

The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete COM message to be received.

annonymous type derived from intmax-t3-message-size optional

The maximum T3 message size allowable in a message header.

annonymous type derived from intmax-http-message-size optional

The maximum HTTP message size allowable in a message header.

annonymous type derived from intmax-com-message-size optional

The maximum COM message size allowable in a message header.

booleaniiop-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

booleaniiops-enabled optional

This MBean defines a network channel.

annonymous type derived from intcomplete-iiop-message-timeout optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intmax-iiop-message-size optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intidle-iiop-connection-timeout optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdefault-iiop-user optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdefault-iiop-password-encrypted optional

The encrypted password for the default IIOP user.


BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0