BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType server-debugType


name?, notes?, debug-scope*, debug-abbreviation?, debug-connection?, debug-messaging?, debug-routing?, debug-load-balancing?, debug-fail-over?, force-gc-each-dgc-period?, debug-dgc-enrollment?, log-dgc-statistics?, debug-ssl?, debug-rc4?, debug-rsa?, debug-muxer?, debug-muxer-detail?, debug-muxer-timeout?, debug-muxer-connection?, debug-muxer-exception?, debug-iiop?, debug-iiop-transport?, debug-iiop-marshal?, debug-iiop-security?, debug-iiopots?, debug-iiop-replacer?, debug-iiop-connection?, debug-iiop-startup?, debug-self-tuning?, diagnostic-context-debug-mode?, debug-mask-criteria*, server?, listen-thread-debug?, magic-thread-dump-enabled?, magic-thread-dump-host?, magic-thread-dump-file?, magic-thread-dump-back-to-socket?, bug-report-service-wsdl-url?, debug-app-container?, debug-libraries?, debug-http?, debug-url-resolution?, debug-http-sessions?, debug-http-logging?, debug-web-app-identity-assertion?, debug-web-app-security?, debug-web-app-module?, debug-ejb-compilation?, debug-ejb-deployment?, debug-ejb-mdb-connection?, debug-ejb-caching?, debug-ejb-swapping?, debug-ejb-locking?, debug-ejb-pooling?, debug-ejb-timers?, debug-ejb-invoke?, debug-ejb-security?, debug-ejb-cmp-deployment?, debug-ejb-cmp-runtime?, debug-event-manager?, debug-cluster-fragments?, debug-cluster?, debug-cluster-heartbeats?, debug-cluster-announcements?, debug-replication?, debug-replication-details?, debug-leader-election?, debug-drs-calls?, debug-drs-heartbeats?, debug-drs-messages?, debug-drs-update-status?, debug-drs-state-transitions?, debug-drs-queues?, debug-jndi?, debug-jndi-resolution?, debug-jndi-factories?, debug-tunneling-connection-timeout?, debug-tunneling-connection?, debug-jms-back-end?, debug-jms-front-end?, debug-jms-common?, debug-jms-config?, debug-jms-dist-topic?, debug-jms-locking?, debug-jmsxa?, debug-jms-dispatcher?, debug-jms-store?, debug-jms-boot?, debug-jms-durable-subscribers?, debug-jmsjdbc-scavenge-on-flush?, debug-jmsame?, debug-jms-pause-resume?, debug-jms-module?, debug-jms-message-path?, debug-jmssaf?, debug-jms-wrappers?, debug-jmscds?, debug-jtaxa?, debug-jta-non-xa?, debug-jtaxa-stack-trace?, debug-jtarmi?, debug-jta2pc?, debug-jta2pc-stack-trace?, debug-jtatlog?, debug-jtajdbc?, debug-jta-recovery?, debug-jta-recovery-stack-trace?, debug-jtaapi?, debug-jta-propagate?, debug-jta-gateway?, debug-jta-gateway-stack-trace?, debug-jta-naming?, debug-jta-naming-stack-trace?, debug-jta-resource-health?, debug-jta-migration?, debug-jta-lifecycle?, debug-jtallr?, debug-jta-health?, debug-jta-transaction-name?, debug-jta-resource-name?, debug-messaging-kernel?, debug-messaging-kernel-boot?, debug-saf-life-cycle?, debug-saf-admin?, debug-saf-manager?, debug-saf-sending-agent?, debug-saf-receiving-agent?, debug-saf-transport?, debug-saf-message-path?, debug-saf-store?, debug-saf-verbose?, debug-path-svc?, debug-path-svc-verbose?, debug-security-realm?, debug-security?, debug-security-password-policy?, debug-security-user-lockout?, debug-security-service?, debug-security-predicate?, debug-security-ssl?, debug-security-ssl-eaten?, debug-embedded-ldap?, debug-embedded-ldap-log-to-console?, debug-embedded-ldap-log-level?, debug-embedded-ldap-write-override-props?, debug-security-adjudicator?, debug-security-atn?, debug-security-atz?, debug-security-auditor?, debug-security-cred-map?, debug-security-encryption-service?, debug-security-key-store?, debug-security-cert-path?, debug-security-role-map?, debug-security-e-engine?, debug-security-jacc?, debug-security-jacc-non-policy?, debug-security-jacc-policy?, debug-security-saml-lib?, debug-security-saml-atn?, debug-security-saml-cred-map?, debug-security-saml-service?, debug-jdbc-conn?, debug-jdbcsql?, debug-jdbcrmi?, debug-jdbc-driver-logging?, debug-jdbc-internal?, debug-messaging-bridge-startup?, debug-messaging-bridge-runtime?, debug-messaging-bridge-runtime-verbose?, debug-messaging-bridge-dump-to-log?, debug-messaging-bridge-dump-to-console?, debug-store-io-logical?, debug-store-io-logical-boot?, debug-store-io-physical?, debug-store-io-physical-verbose?, debug-store-xa?, debug-store-xa-verbose?, debug-store-admin?, debug-xml-registry-debug-level?, debug-xml-registry-debug-name?, debug-xml-registry-include-time?, debug-xml-registry-include-name?, debug-xml-registry-include-class?, debug-xml-registry-include-location?, debug-xml-registry-use-short-class?, debug-jaxp-debug-level?, debug-jaxp-debug-name?, debug-jaxp-include-time?, debug-jaxp-include-name?, debug-jaxp-include-class?, debug-jaxp-include-location?, debug-jaxp-use-short-class?, debug-xml-entity-cache-debug-level?, debug-xml-entity-cache-debug-name?, debug-xml-entity-cache-include-time?, debug-xml-entity-cache-include-name?, debug-xml-entity-cache-include-class?, debug-xml-entity-cache-include-location?, debug-xml-entity-cache-use-short-class?, debug-deploy?, debug-deployment?, debug-deployment-service?, debug-deployment-service-status-updates?, debug-deployment-service-internal?, debug-deployment-service-transport?, debug-deployment-service-transport-http?, master-deployer?, slave-deployer?, application-container?, class-finder?, classpath-servlet?, web-module?, class-loader?, class-loader-verbose?, classloader-web-app?, debug-bootstrap-servlet?, debug-file-distribution-servlet?, debug-diagnostic-lifecycle-handlers?, debug-diagnostic-instrumentation?, debug-diagnostic-instrumentation-weaving?, debug-diagnostic-instrumentation-weaving-matches?, debug-diagnostic-instrumentation-actions?, debug-diagnostic-instrumentation-events?, debug-diagnostic-instrumentation-config?, debug-diagnostic-archive?, debug-diagnostic-file-archive?, debug-diagnostic-wlstore-archive?, debug-diagnostic-jdbc-archive?, debug-diagnostic-archive-retirement?, debug-diagnostics-module?, debug-diagnostics-harvester?, debug-diagnostics-harvester-data?, debug-diagnostics-harvester-m-bean-plugin?, debug-diagnostics-harvester-tree-bean-plugin?, debug-diagnostic-image?, debug-diagnostic-query?, debug-diagnostic-accessor?, debug-diagnostic-collections?, debug-snmp-toolkit?, debug-snmp-agent?, debug-snmp-protocol-tcp?, debug-domain-log-handler?, debug-logging-configuration?, debug-diagnostic-watch?, debug-ra-pool-verbose?, debug-ra?, debug-rax-ain?, debug-rax-aout?, debug-rax-awork?, debug-ra-local-out?, debug-ra-lifecycle?, debug-connector-service?, debug-ra-deployment?, debug-ra-parsing?, debug-ra-security-ctx?, debug-ra-pooling?, debug-ra-connections?, debug-ra-conn-events?, debug-ra-work?, debug-ra-work-events?, debug-wan-replication-details?, debug-server-migration?, debug-jmx?, debug-jmx-core?, debug-jmx-runtime?, debug-jmx-domain?, debug-jmx-edit?, debug-jmx-compatibility?, debug-configuration-edit?, debug-configuration-runtime?, debug-j2ee-management?, debug-iiop-naming?, debug-iiop-tunneling?, debug-consensus-leasing?, debug-server-life-cycle?, debug-wtc-config?, debug-wtct-dom-pdu?, debug-wtcu-data?, debug-wtc-gwt-ex?, debug-wtc-jatmi-ex?, debug-wtc-corba-ex?, debug-wt-ct-bridge-ex?, debug-jpa-meta-data?, debug-jpa-enhance?, debug-jpa-runtime?, debug-jpa-query?, debug-jpa-data-cache?, debug-jpa-tool?, debug-jpa-manage?, debug-jpa-profile?, debug-jpa-jdbc-sql?, debug-jpa-jdbc-jdbc?, debug-jpa-jdbc-schema?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

Defines the debug attributes that are specific to WebLogic Server.

While all attributes will be supported in adherence with the standard WebLogic Server deprecation policies, the resultant debug content is free to change in both form and content across releases.

MBean: ServerDebugMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

anyTypedebug-scope 0...∞
booleandebug-abbreviation optional

Debug abbreviations over JVM to JVM connections

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-connection optional

Debug JVM to JVM connections

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-messaging optional

Debug messages sent over JVM to JVM connections

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-routing optional

Debug routing of messages over JVM to JVM connections

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-load-balancing optional

Debug stub-level load-balancing processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-fail-over optional

Debug stub-level fail-over processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanforce-gc-each-dgc-period optional

Force VM garbage collection on each DGC interval

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-dgc-enrollment optional

Debug each DGC enrollment.

booleanlog-dgc-statistics optional

Debug DGC with Statistics

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-ssl optional

Debug SSL processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-rc4 optional

Debug RC4 cipher processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-rsa optional

Debug RSA security processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-muxer optional

Debug Muxer processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-muxer-detail optional

Detailed debug for Muxer processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-muxer-timeout optional

Debug Muxer timeout processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-muxer-connection optional

Debug Muxer connection processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-muxer-exception optional

Debug Muxer exception processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-iiop optional

Debug IIOP processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-transport optional

Debug IIOP message processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-marshal optional

Debug buffer-level IIOP processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-security optional

Debug IIOP security processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiopots optional

Debug IIOP Object Transaction Service (OTS) processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-replacer optional

Debug IIOP object replacement processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-connection optional

Debug IIOP connection management processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-startup optional

Debug IIOP startup processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

booleandebug-self-tuning optional

Debug WorkManager self-tuning processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: KernelDebugMBean.

annonymous type derived from stringdiagnostic-context-debug-mode optional

Indicates whether or not context based debugging is enabled.

stringdebug-mask-criteria 0...∞

Indicates the dye mask for criteria used to determine whether the debug will be emitted.

stringserver optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanlisten-thread-debug optional

Debug listenThread processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanmagic-thread-dump-enabled optional

Defines the debug attributes that are specific to WebLogic Server.

stringmagic-thread-dump-host optional
stringmagic-thread-dump-file optional
booleanmagic-thread-dump-back-to-socket optional
stringbug-report-service-wsdl-url optional
booleandebug-app-container optional

Debug Application Container processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-libraries optional

Debug application library processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-http optional

Debug WebApp Container HTTP processing.

booleandebug-url-resolution optional

Debug URL resolution for incoming http requests

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-http-sessions optional

Debug Http Session management in the webapp container.

booleandebug-http-logging optional

Debug log manager in the webapp container.

booleandebug-web-app-identity-assertion optional

Debug identity assertion flow when identity assertion occurs in the webapp container.

booleandebug-web-app-security optional

Debug webapp security

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-web-app-module optional

Debug WebApp Module deployment callbacks

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-compilation optional

Debug EJB compilation

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-deployment optional

Debug EJB deployment

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-mdb-connection optional

Debug EJB MDB Connection processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-caching optional

Debug EJB Caching

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-swapping optional

Debug EJB Swapping

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-locking optional

Debug EJB locking

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-pooling optional

Debug EJB pooling

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-timers optional

Debug EJB Timer processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-invoke optional

Debug EJB invocation processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-security optional

Debug EJB Security

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-cmp-deployment optional

Debug EJB CMP deployment processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ejb-cmp-runtime optional

Debug EJB CMP runtime processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-event-manager optional

Debug Event Manager processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-cluster-fragments optional

Debug for each fragment that is sent or received by multicast.

booleandebug-cluster optional

Debug each GroupMessage that is sent or received by multicast.

booleandebug-cluster-heartbeats optional

Debug each cluster Heartbeat that is sent or received by multicast.

booleandebug-cluster-announcements optional

Debug each Announcement, StateDump, and Attributes message that is sent or received by multicast.

booleandebug-replication optional

Debug cluster replication information.

booleandebug-replication-details optional

Debug low-level cluster replication information.

booleandebug-leader-election optional

Debug the cluster leader election messages.

booleandebug-drs-calls optional

Debug Data replication service (DRS) API calls.

booleandebug-drs-heartbeats optional

Debug DRS Heartbeats.

booleandebug-drs-messages optional

Debug DRS Message traffic.

booleandebug-drs-update-status optional

Debug DRS Update status processing.

booleandebug-drs-state-transitions optional

Debug DRS State transitions.

booleandebug-drs-queues optional

Debug DRS Queueing traffic.

booleandebug-jndi optional

Debug basic naming service machinery.

booleandebug-jndi-resolution optional

Debug naming service name resolution.

booleandebug-jndi-factories optional

Debug JNDI state and object factories.

booleandebug-tunneling-connection-timeout optional

Debug HTTP tunneling connection timed out processing.

booleandebug-tunneling-connection optional

Debug HTTP tunneling connection open/close processing.

booleandebug-jms-back-end optional

Debug JMSBackEnd processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-front-end optional

Debug JMSFrontEnd processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-common optional

Debug JMSCommon processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-config optional

Debug JMSConfig processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-dist-topic optional

Debug JMS Distributed Topic processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-locking optional

Debug JMS Lock processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmsxa optional

Debug JMS XA processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-dispatcher optional

Debug JMS Dispatcher processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-store optional

Debug JMS Store operations

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-boot optional

Debug JMS boot operations

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-durable-subscribers optional

Debug JMS durable subscriber operations

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmsjdbc-scavenge-on-flush optional

Debug JMS JDBC store scavenge mode processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmsame optional

Debug JMS AME processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-pause-resume optional

Debug JMS Pause/Resume processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-module optional

Debug JMSModule deployment processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-message-path optional

Debug JMS MessagePath processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmssaf optional

Debug JMS SAF processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jms-wrappers optional

Debug the pooling and wrapping of JMS connections, sessions, and other objects.

booleandebug-jmscds optional

Debug JMS CDS processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtaxa optional

Debug JTA XA resources

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-non-xa optional

Debug JTA non-XA resources

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtaxa-stack-trace optional

Detailed Debug of JTA XA processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtarmi optional

Debug JTA RMI processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta2pc optional

Debug JTA 2PC processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta2pc-stack-trace optional

Detailed Debug of JTA 2PC processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtatlog optional

Debug JTA transaction log processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtajdbc optional

Debug JTA JDBC processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-recovery optional

Debug JTA Recovery processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-recovery-stack-trace optional

Detailed debug of JTA Recovery processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtaapi optional

Debug JTA external API

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-propagate optional

Debug JTA transaction propagation

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-gateway optional

Debug JTA imported transactions

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-gateway-stack-trace optional

Detailed debug of JTA imported transactions

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-naming optional

Debug JTA naming

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-naming-stack-trace optional

Detailed debug of JTA naming

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-resource-health optional

Debug JTA resource health

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-migration optional

Debug JTA TLOG Migration

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-lifecycle optional

Debug JTA ServerLifecycle

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jtallr optional

Debug JTA Logging Last Resource

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jta-health optional

Debug JTA Health Monitoring

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

stringdebug-jta-transaction-name optional

Debug JTA Transaction name filter processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

stringdebug-jta-resource-name optional

Debug JTA Resource name filter

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-messaging-kernel optional

Debugging for the messaging kernel.

booleandebug-messaging-kernel-boot optional

Debugging for the messaging kernel as the server is being rebooted.

booleandebug-saf-life-cycle optional

Debug Messaging SAF Lifecycle.

booleandebug-saf-admin optional

Debug Messaging SAF Admin.

booleandebug-saf-manager optional

Debug Messaging SAF Manager.

booleandebug-saf-sending-agent optional

Debug Messaging SAF SendingAgent.

booleandebug-saf-receiving-agent optional

Debug Messaging SAF ReceivingAgent.

booleandebug-saf-transport optional

Debug Messaging SAF Transport.

booleandebug-saf-message-path optional

Debug Messaging SAF MessagePath.

booleandebug-saf-store optional

Debug Messaging SAF Store.

booleandebug-saf-verbose optional

Detailed debug of Messaging SAF.

booleandebug-path-svc optional

Debug the Path Service

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-path-svc-verbose optional

Detailed debug for the Path Service

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-realm optional

Debug Security Realm processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security optional
booleandebug-security-password-policy optional

Debug Security Password Guessing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-user-lockout optional

Debug Security User Lockout processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-service optional

Debug Security Service

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-predicate optional

Debug Security Framework predicate processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-ssl optional

Debug Security SSL and TLS processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-ssl-eaten optional

Debug Security SSL and TLS exception processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-embedded-ldap optional

Debug Embedded LDAP processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-embedded-ldap-log-to-console optional

Debug Embedded LDAP processing (output to console)

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdebug-embedded-ldap-log-level optional

Debug Embedded LDAP processing (log level)

Privileges: Read/Write

Default Value: 0

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 11

Secure value: 0

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-embedded-ldap-write-override-props optional

Embedded LDAP Write All Overrides to Property Files

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-security-adjudicator optional

Debug Security Framework Adjudication processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-atn optional

Debug Security Framework Atn processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-atz optional

Debug Security Framework Atz processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-auditor optional

Debug Security Framework Auditor processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-cred-map optional

Debug Security Framework Credential Mapper processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-encryption-service optional

Debug Security Framework Encryption Service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-key-store optional

Debug Security Framework KeyStore processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-cert-path optional

Debug Security Framework CertPath processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-role-map optional

Debug Security Framework Role Mapping

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-e-engine optional

Debug Security Framework Entitlements Engine processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-jacc optional

Debug Security Framework JACC processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-jacc-non-policy optional

Debug Security Framework JACC nonPolicy processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-jacc-policy optional

Debug Security Framework JACC Policy processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-saml-lib optional

Debug Security Framework SAML library processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-saml-atn optional

Debug Security Framework SAML Provider atn processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-saml-cred-map optional

Debug Security Framework SAML Provider credential mapper processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-security-saml-service optional

Debug Security Framework SAML SSO profile services

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jdbc-conn optional

Debug JDBC Connection setup/teardown processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jdbcsql optional

Debug JDBC SQL processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jdbcrmi optional

Debug JDBC RMI processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jdbc-driver-logging optional

Debug JDBC DriverLogging processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jdbc-internal optional

Debug JDBC Internal processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-messaging-bridge-startup optional

Debug Messaging Bridge start up processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-messaging-bridge-runtime optional

Debug Messaging Bridge runtime processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-messaging-bridge-runtime-verbose optional

Detailed debug of Messaging Bridge runtime processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-messaging-bridge-dump-to-log optional
booleandebug-messaging-bridge-dump-to-console optional
booleandebug-store-io-logical optional

Debug persistent store high-level logical operations, such as read, write, delete, and update.

booleandebug-store-io-logical-boot optional

Debug persistent store logical boot operations (lists all recovered records).

booleandebug-store-io-physical optional

Debugging for persistent store low-level physical operations which typically directly correspond to file or JDBC operations.

booleandebug-store-io-physical-verbose optional

Detailed debug for persistent store low-level physical operations which typically directly correspond to file or JDBC operations.

booleandebug-store-xa optional

Debug persistent store resource manager transaction activity, includes tracing for the related operations of layered subsystems (such as JMS).

booleandebug-store-xa-verbose optional

Detailed debug of persistent store resource manager transaction activity, includes tracing for the related operations of layered subsystems (such as JMS).

booleandebug-store-admin optional

Debug the persistent store's administration code.

annonymous type derived from intdebug-xml-registry-debug-level optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug levels

Privileges: Read/Write

Default Value: 0

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 3

Secure value: 0

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdebug-xml-registry-debug-name optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug name

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-registry-include-time optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug IncludeTime

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-registry-include-name optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug IncludeName

Privileges: Read/Write

Secure value: true

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-registry-include-class optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug IncludeClass

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-registry-include-location optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug IncludeLocation

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-registry-use-short-class optional

XML Registry debugging option: Debug UseShortClass

Privileges: Read/Write

Secure value: true

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdebug-jaxp-debug-level optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug level

Privileges: Read/Write

Default Value: 0

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 3

Secure value: 0

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdebug-jaxp-debug-name optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug name

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-jaxp-include-time optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug IncludeTime

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-jaxp-include-name optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug IncludeName

Privileges: Read/Write

Secure value: true

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-jaxp-include-class optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug IncludeClass

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-jaxp-include-location optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug IncludeLocation

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-jaxp-use-short-class optional

JAXP debugging option: Debug UseShortClass

Privileges: Read/Write

Secure value: true

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdebug-xml-entity-cache-debug-level optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug level

Privileges: Read/Write

Default Value: 0

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 3

Secure value: 0

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdebug-xml-entity-cache-debug-name optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug name

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-entity-cache-include-time optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug IncludeTime

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-entity-cache-include-name optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug IncludeName

Privileges: Read/Write

Secure value: true

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-entity-cache-include-class optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug IncludeClass

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-entity-cache-include-location optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug IncludeLocation

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-xml-entity-cache-use-short-class optional

XMLEntityCache debugging option: Debug UseShortClass

Privileges: Read/Write

Secure value: true

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleandebug-deploy optional

Debug deploy command processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-deployment optional

Debug deployment processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-deployment-service optional

Debug deployment service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-deployment-service-status-updates optional

Debug deployment service status update processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-deployment-service-internal optional

Debug internal deployment service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-deployment-service-transport optional

Debug deployment service transport processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-deployment-service-transport-http optional

Debug deployment service HTTP transport processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleanmaster-deployer optional

Debug Master Deployer processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanslave-deployer optional

Debug Slave Deployer processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanapplication-container optional

Debug Application Container deployment processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanclass-finder optional

Debug ClassFinder processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanclasspath-servlet optional

Debug ClassPathServlet processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanweb-module optional

Debug WebModule processing

Privileges: Read/Write

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanclass-loader optional

Debug ClassLoader processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleanclass-loader-verbose optional

Detailed debug of ClassLoader processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleanclassloader-web-app optional

Debug WebApp ClassLoader processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-bootstrap-servlet optional

Debug the bootstrap servlet that runs on the Admin Server and is invoked over HTTP by a booting managed server.

booleandebug-file-distribution-servlet optional

Debug the file distribution servlet that runs on the Admin Server and is invoked over HTTP by a booting managed server.

booleandebug-diagnostic-lifecycle-handlers optional

Debug diagnostic lifecycle handler processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-instrumentation optional

Debug diagnostic instrumentation processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-instrumentation-weaving optional

Debug instrumentation weaving

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-instrumentation-weaving-matches optional

Debug instrumentation weaving for matches only

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-instrumentation-actions optional

Debug instrumentation actions/monitors

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-instrumentation-events optional

Debug instrumentation event records

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-instrumentation-config optional

Debug instrumentation configuration processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-archive optional

Debug diagnostic archive processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-file-archive optional

Debug diagnostic file archive processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-wlstore-archive optional

Debug diagnostic wlstore archive processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-jdbc-archive optional

Debug diagnostic jdbc archive processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-archive-retirement optional

Debug diagnostic archive retirement processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostics-module optional

Debug diagnostic module processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostics-harvester optional

Debug diagnostic harvester processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostics-harvester-data optional

Detailed debug of diagnostic harvester processing

This should be used in conjunction with DebugDiagnosticsHarvester.

booleandebug-diagnostics-harvester-m-bean-plugin optional

Debug MBean harvester processing.

booleandebug-diagnostics-harvester-tree-bean-plugin optional

Debug tree bean harvester processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-image optional

Debug diagnostic image processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-query optional

Debug diagnostic query processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-accessor optional

Debug diagnostic accessor processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-collections optional

Debug diagnostic collection processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-snmp-toolkit optional

Debug the SNMP vendor toolkit implementation.

booleandebug-snmp-agent optional

Debug the SNMP agent framework.

booleandebug-snmp-protocol-tcp optional

Debug the SNMP TCP protocol handler.

booleandebug-domain-log-handler optional

Debug Domain Log Handler processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-logging-configuration optional

Debug log configuration processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-diagnostic-watch optional

Debug diagnostic watch processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-pool-verbose optional

Debug J2EE Resource Adapter pool management (size management) processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra optional

Debug Resource Adapter XA general/top-level processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-rax-ain optional

Debug Resource Adapter XA incoming message processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-rax-aout optional

Debug Resource Adapter XA outgoing message processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-rax-awork optional

Debug Resource Adapter XA Work request processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-local-out optional

Debug Resource Adapter local tx outgoing message processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-lifecycle optional

Debug ResourceAdapter Lifecycle processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-connector-service optional

Debug connector service action processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-deployment optional

Debug Resource Adapter (un)deploy, security id settings

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-parsing optional

Debug Resource Adapter descriptor parsing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-security-ctx optional

Debug setup of resource ref processing (container and application managed security set by calling application components)

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-pooling optional

Debug Resource Adapter operations on a connection pool (proxy testing)

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-connections optional

Debug Resource Adapter outbound connection operations (get, close, associate, disassociate, ping)

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-conn-events optional

Debug Resource Adapter connection event processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-work optional

Debug Resource Adapter Work submission and cancel processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-ra-work-events optional

Debug Resource Adapter work event processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wan-replication-details optional

Debug low-level wan replication processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-server-migration optional

Debug low-level Server Migration processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmx optional

Debug JMX processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmx-core optional

Debug core JMX processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmx-runtime optional

Debug JMX runtime service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmx-domain optional

Debug JMX domain service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmx-edit optional

Debug JMX edit service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jmx-compatibility optional

Debug JMX CompatibilityMBeanServer service processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-configuration-edit optional

Debug management configuration edit processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-configuration-runtime optional

Debug management configuration runtime processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-j2ee-management optional

Debug J2EE management processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-naming optional

Debug IIOP CosNaming processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-iiop-tunneling optional

Debug IIOP tunnelling

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-consensus-leasing optional

Debug cluster consensus lease processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-server-life-cycle optional

Debug Server ServerLifeCycle processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wtc-config optional

Debug WTC configuration processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wtct-dom-pdu optional

Debug WTC XATMI Message processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wtcu-data optional

Debug WTC user data processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wtc-gwt-ex optional

Debug WTC gwt execution

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wtc-jatmi-ex optional

Debug WTC jatmi execution

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wtc-corba-ex optional

Debug WTC corba execution

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-wt-ct-bridge-ex optional

Debug WTC tBridge execution

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-meta-data optional

Debug JPA MetaData processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-enhance optional

Debug JPA post-compilation

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-runtime optional

Debug JPA runtime diagnostics

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-query optional

Debug JPA Query processing

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-data-cache optional

Debug JPA data cache

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-tool optional

Debug JPA tools

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-manage optional

Debug JPA management and monitoring

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-profile optional

Debug JPA profiling

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-jdbc-sql optional

Debug JPA RDBMS SQL interaction

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-jdbc-jdbc optional

Debug JPA RDBMS JDBC interaction

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.

booleandebug-jpa-jdbc-schema optional

Debug JPA RDBMS schema manipulation

Privileges: Read/Write

MBean Attribute: ServerDebugMBean.


BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0