BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType snmp-agentType


name?, notes?, enabled?, send-automatic-traps-enabled?, snmp-port?, snmp-trap-version?, mib-data-refresh-interval?, server-status-check-interval-factor?, community-prefix?, user-defined-mib?, debug-level?, snmp-trap-destination*, snmp-proxy*, snmp-gauge-monitor*, snmp-string-monitor*, snmp-counter-monitor*, snmp-log-filter*, snmp-attribute-change*, community-based-access-enabled?, snmp-engine-id?, authentication-protocol?, privacy-protocol?, inform-retry-interval?, max-inform-retry-count?, localized-key-cache-invalidation-interval?, snmp-access-for-user-m-beans-enabled?, inform-enabled?, master-agent-x-port?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: snmp-agent-deploymentType
Components using this type: none

This MBean is an SNMP agent that can be targeted to instances of WebLogic Server.

With SNMP, you configure agents to gather and send data about managed resources in response to a request from managers. You can also configure agents to issue unsolicited reports to managers when they detect predefined thresholds or conditions on a managed resource.

In a WebLogic Server domain, you can choose a centralized or de-centralized model for SNMP monitoring and communication:

To support domains that were created with WebLogic Server release 9.2 and earlier, a domain also hosts a singleton SNMP agent whose scope is the entire domain (see SNMPAgentMBean ). SNMPAgentMBean offers the same features as an instance of this MBean (SNMPAgentDeploymentMBean) that you have targeted as described in the centralized model above. However, the underlying implementation of SNMPAgentMBean is different and it will eventually be deprecated. SNMPAgentMBean is overridden if you target an instance of this MBean to the Administration Server.

MBean: SNMPAgentDeploymentMBean

This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain.

BEA provides this MBean to support domains that were created with WebLogic Server release 9.2 and earlier. For new domains, create an instance of SNMPAgentDeploymentMBean and target it to the domain's Administration Server.

MBean: SNMPAgentMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

booleanenabled optional

This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain.

booleansend-automatic-traps-enabled optional

This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain.

annonymous type derived from intsnmp-port optional

The port on which you want this SNMP agent to listen for incoming requests from SNMP managers that use the UDP protocol.

annonymous type derived from intsnmp-trap-version optional

The SNMP notification version that this SNMP agent generates.

annonymous type derived from intmib-data-refresh-interval optional

The minimum number of seconds that this SNMP agent caches OIDs before checking if new ones have been added to the Management Information Base (MIB).

annonymous type derived from intserver-status-check-interval-factor optional
annonymous type derived from stringcommunity-prefix optional

The password (community name) that you want this SNMP agent to use to secure SNMPv1 or v2 communication with SNMP managers.

annonymous type derived from stringuser-defined-mib optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdebug-level optional

The minimum severity of debug messages that this SNMP agent generates.

anyTypesnmp-trap-destination 0...∞

WebLogic Server uses a trap destination to specify the SNMP management station and the community name used by the SNMP agent to send notifications.

anyTypesnmp-proxy 0...∞

The SNMP agents for which this SNMP agent is a proxy.

anyTypesnmp-gauge-monitor 0...∞

The SNMPGaugeMonitorMBeans which describe the criteria for generating notifications based on JMX GaugeMonitor.

anyTypesnmp-string-monitor 0...∞

The SNMPStringMonitorMBeans which describe the criteria for generating notifications based on JMX StringMonitor.

anyTypesnmp-counter-monitor 0...∞

The SNMPCounterMonitorMBeans which describe the criteria for generating notifications based on JMX CounterMonitor.

anyTypesnmp-log-filter 0...∞

The SNMPLogFilterMBeans which describe filters for generating notifications based on server log messages.

anyTypesnmp-attribute-change 0...∞

The SNMPAttributeChangeMBeans which describe the MBean type and Attribute name for which attribute change notification should be sent when an attribute change is observed.

booleancommunity-based-access-enabled optional

This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain.

stringsnmp-engine-id optional

An identifier for this SNMP agent that is unique amongst all other SNMP agents in the current WebLogic Server domain.

annonymous type derived from stringauthentication-protocol optional

The protocol that this SNMP agent uses to ensure that only authorized users can request or receive information about your WebLogic Server domain.

annonymous type derived from stringprivacy-protocol optional

The protocol that this SNMP agent uses to encrypt and unencrypt messages.

annonymous type derived from intinform-retry-interval optional

The number of milliseconds that this SNMP agent will wait for a response to an INFORM notification.

annonymous type derived from intmax-inform-retry-count optional

The maximum number of times that this SNMP agent will resend INFORM notifications for which it has not received a response.

longlocalized-key-cache-invalidation-interval optional

The number of milliseconds after which WebLogic Server invalidates its cache of SNMP security keys.

booleansnmp-access-for-user-m-beans-enabled optional

This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain.

booleaninform-enabled optional

This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain.

annonymous type derived from intmaster-agent-x-port optional

The port that this SNMP agent uses to communicate with its subagents.


BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0