BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType credential-cacheType


credential-caching-enabled?, credentials-cache-size?, credential-cache-ttl?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none
Corresponds to CredentialCacheMBean

Nested Element Summary
booleancredential-caching-enabled optional
          Returns whether non-null credentials are cached by the credential mappers (Interface=weblogic. 
intcredentials-cache-size optional
          Returns the maximum size of the LRU cache for holding credentials if caching is enabled. 
intcredential-cache-ttl optional
          Returns the maximum number of seconds a credential entry is valid in the LRU cache. 

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0