WebLogic Messaging API Class Library

MessageFormatException Class

This exception will be thrown when a JMS client attempts to use a data type not supported by a message or attempts to read data in a message as the wrong type. It is also thrown when equivalent type errors are made with message property values. For example, this exception will be thrown if IStreamMessage.WriteObject is given an unsupported class or if IStreamMessage.ReadShort is used to read a boolean value. Note that the special case of a failure caused by an attempt to read improperly formatted String data as numeric values throw a System.FormatException.

For a list of all members of this type, see MessageFormatException Members.


public class MessageFormatException : MessageException

Thread Safety

This type is safe for multithreaded operations.


Namespace: WebLogic.Messaging

Assembly: WebLogic.Messaging (in WebLogic.Messaging.dll)

See Also

MessageFormatException Members | WebLogic.Messaging Namespace