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Running the WebLogic Console

Starting the Console
Command-line options for starting the Console
How the Console is arranged
Parts of the display
The left panel display
The top toolbar
The right panel display
Other right panel display options
The Console hypergraph
Displaying logfiles
Stopping the Console
Change history

Using the WebLogic Console with Exceed

The WebLogic Console, introduced in WebLogic Release 3.0, is a pure-Java GUI management console that gives you detailed information about every aspect of WebLogic. With it you can monitor all of the current connections to the server, the memory being used, the clients connected, and a variety of other aspects of the WebLogic environment.

Starting the Console

To start the Console:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server. We provide startup scripts for UNIX and Windows in the distribution. If you installed the Windows InstallShield version (.exe), start the Server by selecting "WebLogic Server" from the "WebLogic" folder in the Start menu.

  2. Then start the WebLogic Console. We provide startup scripts for UNIX and Windows in the distribution. (There is on Windows a "WebLogic Console" menu item in the "WebLogic" folder for starting the Console.)

    You can start the Console from the command line by changing your current directory to the directory of the weblogic distribution and entering the following command, as shown in this example for Windows (to be entered on one line):

     $ java  -mx32m -classpath java\lib\;
    Where weblogic is the directory where you installed WebLogic Server and java is the directory of your JDK.

    If you are using Java 2 (JDK 1.2.x), omit java\lib\ from the -classpath option.

    A login dialog will appear. It contains information necessary to connect to a WebLogic Server with the Console, and some information is supplied by default. You will need to supply the system password, and you may need to adjust some of the default information at the login screen. For example, if you are running WebLogic on a host other than the default "localhost," or if you are running WebLogic on a port other than the default 7001, you will need to change this information in the login screen.

    The Console login window

    The Console login window

  3. Click the OK button to login.

    If any of the login information is incorrect, a dialog box will be displayed with the error message. Most often this happens when you fail to enter your password, or enter it incorrectly. Additionally, if you are using a custom realm (other than the weblogic default), be sure to set your file as shown in the DefaultRealmExtender example.

Command-line options for starting the Console

You can start the Console with additional options on the command line. You can use such options to supply information for the login dialog box so that you can just hit Enter when the dialog appears; or you can supply the same information in the login dialog box.

The command and its arguments follow a set format that is illustrated by this example from Windows, which supplies the password as a command-line option (to be entered on one line):

$ java -mx32m -classpath java\lib\
  weblogic.Console -password systemPassword
Where weblogic is the directory where you installed WebLogic Server and java is the directory of your JDK.

If you are using Java 2 (JDK 1.2.x), omit java\lib\ from the -classpath option.

Arguments shown here are qualified by "Required", "Recommended" or "Optional," and the default value for optional arguments. "Required" means that the value must be supplied to start up the Console; it may be supplied either on the command line or in the login dialog.

-mx32m (Recommended)
The Console should be started with a maximum Java heap size of at least 32meg.

-classpath (Required)
The classpath passed to start the Console must include the directories shown.

-password (Required for access to a WebLogic Server)
The WebLogic system password (administrator password).

-url (Optional)
URL of the WebLogic Server. The default for this option is t3://localhost:7001. Supply this option to attach the Console to a WebLogic Server running on a different host or port.

-verbose (Optional)
Prints out any unexpected errors in the window from which the Console was started. The default is non-verbose mode.

How the Console is arranged

Details about WebLogic's services are displayed as "managed objects" in the Console. When an object is "managed" -- that is, when it implements a particular interface -- information about the object shows up in various displays in the Console. A ManagedObject may be events, memory usages, connections, or a variety of other processes.

The Console display is divided into two panels and a top toolbar:

  • The left panel is an outline representation of all of the ManagedObjects in the system.
  • The right panel displays details (its properties) about the object selected in the left panel.
  • The top toolbar has icons for configuration and the About Box.

You can resize the Console window, and you can move the border between the left and right panels.

When you start up the Console, the right panel displays information about the Console subsystem itself on a tab labeled "Console subsystem." The Console subsystem tab shows information about the Console, its memory usage, and the JVM under which it is running.

The Console subsystem display

The Console subsystem ManagedObject in the left panel,
with its detail displayed in the right panel

When you connect to a WebLogic Server, details about the WebLogic Server will appear on a new tab in the right panel, as shown here. A WebLogic Server's tab, like the "myserver" display shown in the illustration, shows information about the server, its memory usage, and the JVM it is using.

WebLogic Server display

The WebLogic Server ManagedObject in the left panel,
with its detail displayed on a new tab in the right panel

After Release 3.0, WebLogic will make its ManagedObject API public so that you can view the ManagedObjects in your own application with the Console.

Parts of the display

The left panel display

On the left side of the display is an outline of all of the objects currently being monitored by the Console. You can expand or collapse this list.

Console left panel

The left panel display

The circular reference icon -- two arrows going in a circle -- shows up in the outline if the same object exists elsewhere in the outline in the left panel. Clicking on the circular reference icon shows the details for the object. An example of a circular reference is the "RMI registry" entry for the WebLogic Server itself, which appears here under the "Distributed objects" folder and also at the top of the left panel, as shown in the previous illustration.

Circular references

The circular reference icon in the left panel display (circled in red)

Left panel actions

The icons or folders in the left panel represent ManagedObjects, the objects that the Console monitors. If a ManagedObject disappears from the WebLogic Server -- such as when a user disconnects -- the corresponding icon and label will disappear from the left panel, and any display showing that object will disappear. If a new ManagedObject appears on the WebLogic Server (such as an event registration), it will be added dynamically to the left panel.

  • Click on a plus sign (+) next to an icon or folder to expand the subobjects in the outline below the icon or folder.

  • Click on the minus sign (-) next to an icon or folder to collapse the outline below the icon or folder.

  • Click on the folder or icon itself to display general information about that collection of ManagedObjects in the right panel. Labels of the items in the left panel that have been clicked on and are currently displayed in a tab or frame are highlighted in blue.

The top toolbar

The top toolbar has twelve icons:

Save current Console configuration
Restore a saved Console configuration
Print Console contents to a text file
Start a new WebLogic Server
Attach to a WebLogic Server, Console or object
Control the placement mode of details in the right panel
Pops up the Console about dialog
Triggers context sensitive help

Console top toolbar The top toolbar

Top toolbar actions


     Save current Console configuration
Save allows you to save the current configuration of the Console to a file. You can later restore that configuration from the file, and the Console will display the same set of objects as nearly as possible.

If a displayed item is not obtainable when you restore the configuration -- such as the display of a particular user session -- the object is skipped.

Save will pop up a dialog box prompting you for the name of the configuration file to use.

     Restore a saved Console configuration
Restore allows you to restore a previously saved Console configuration.

You will be prompted for the password for each server when it is restored.

If an item is not obtainable when you restore the configuration -- such as the display of a particular user session -- the object is skipped.

Restore will pop up a dialog box prompting you for the name of the configuration file to use for the restoration.

     Print Console contents to a text file
Print will write the contents of the currently displayed objects to a text file. This is useful when working with WebLogic support staff.

Print will pop up a dialog box prompting you for the name of the text file to use.


     Start a new WebLogic Server
Start allows you to start a WebLogic Server from the Console.

You will be asked via a dialog box for the name of the server, the WebLogic system password for that server, the root directory for the WebLogic distribution, and the Java heap size to use.

The root directory is the directory that contains the individual server directories.

When the Console attempts to start the server, it displays the contents of the server startup process in the Console subsystem messages tab. If successful, it also connects to the server and displays the top level server object.

     Attach to a WebLogic Server, Console or object
Attach to server allows you to connect to an existing WebLogic Server and control its operation. You may connect to more than one server at a time.

You will be asked via a dialog box for the DNS name of the server, the port number, protocol, and the WebLogic system password. If the server was started using the default values, you only need to enter the system password.

Placement mode
These next four buttons act as a set to indicate the current placement mode:

     Place new selection in a new tab
The first of the four placement icons is selected by default, which sets the display so that each time you select a ManagedObject in the left panel, its detail appears on a new tab in the right panel. You can continue to add tabs to the right panel display, and you can switch between detail views by clicking each tab.

     Replace current tab with new selection
Select the second placement icon to set the display so that each time you select a ManagedObject in the left panel, its detail replaces the contents of the current tab.

     Add new selection to current tab
Select the third placement icon to set the display so that each time you select a ManagedObject in the left panel, its detail is added to the current tab, below the existing detail. Use the scroll bar in the right panel to view new content at the bottom.

     Place new selection in a new window
Select the fourth placement icon to set the display so that each time you select a ManagedObject in the left panel, its detail appears in a new window on your desktop. You can continue to add windows, which you can move around and arrange as you wish.

Identification and help

     About dialog
Click the WebLogic "W" icon to pop up the about dialog, which identifies the version of the Console that you are running.

     Context-sensitive help
Clicking on the help icon changes the cursor into a pointing hand. You can then click on an object in the Console (or the Console itself) and the help window will appear with information about the object ("What is this?") and what you can do with it ("How do I use this?").

The right panel display

The right panel displays details -- properties -- for the ManagedObject selected in the left panel. Your display will depend upon the placement mode you have selected in the top toolbar.

right panel

The right panel display

Right panel actions

The right panel display can be configured in several ways with the icons on the top toolbar. In general, every tab in the right panel will have at least two icons in the upper right corner: Tear-off and Close. If the detail you are viewing in the right panel can be manually updated, the tab may also have an Update Now icon.

  • If you are viewing the right panel in its default placement mode so that a new tab is created for each new ManagedObject detail, click the tabs to change views. Each time you select a ManagedObject in the left panel, its available information -- its properties -- will be displayed in the right panel.

    Displays of property values that change are updated every five seconds. The background color behind an updating property fades from bright to dark between updates, generally indicating how long since that property was last updated.

  • Pause the cursor momentarily over a property label to display its Tooltip. There are Tooltips available for all property labels shown in the Console.

  • Click the Update now icon, which appears only on frames or tabs that have ManagedObjects that can be manually updated, to force an immediate update of the property. If the Update now icon is not present, the ManagedObject automatically updates periodically. Manual updating is provided for certain specialized display that are time-consuming to refresh, such as an event hypergraph.

  • Click the purple arrow -- the Tear-off icon -- to remove the tab from the right panel and display the tab in a new, separate frame.

  • Click the large "X" -- the Close icon -- to delete the tab from the display or close the frame, depending on your configuration selection from the top toolbar.

Update now, Tear-off and Close icons

The Update now, Tear-off and Close icons (circled in red) in a right panel display

  • If you tear off a tab, the detail about that ManagedObject will appear in a new frame with at least two icons, a Reattach icon and a Close icon.
    • Click the Reattach icon to return the frame to its former position in the right panel.
    • Click the Close icon to close the frame.

The Reattach icon in a torn-off panel

The Reattach icon in a torn-off panel

  • If there are alternate ways to show a property, a right mouse-click on the property name will display a popup menu with options for that property. For example, the strip chart for the Console "Used heap space" display can be displayed as either a strip chart or a number.

Pop-up menu

The popup menu with property display options

Other right panel display options

The Console hypergraph

The Console includes a hypergraph display for displaying an entire tree of objects -- for example, all of the active threads or events. The objects and their properties are shown projected on the surface of a hemisphere, with objects in the center appearing larger than objects on the periphery. A large amount of information can be displayed in this manner.

Events hypergraph display

Hypergraph display of Events topic tree

Hypergraph actions

  • To move objects of interest to the center of the hypergraph, use the left mouse button to click and drag the object to the center of the display. To rotate an object, use the right mouse button to click and drag it. As objects become bigger, their labels will appear (if there is enough space), as they become smaller, the labels will disappear. The label of the object the cursor is currently over always appears in the upper-left corner of the hypergraph, outside of the large circle.

  • To see the labels of objects in the hypergraph that are not currently visible, either move the object to the center of the hypergraph or position the cursor over the object. The label for the object will appear on the object (unless it is too small) and in the upper left corner of the hypergraph panel.

  • Click on an object in the hypergraph to open a detail for that object. Depending on the placement mode you have selected in the top toolbar, this will create a new detail with tab, or add it to the current detail, or create a frame. If there is a subtree for the object, a new hypergraph will appear showing the subtree, with the selected object as the root of the new tree.

Displaying logfiles

There are log file displays for the Server log, the JDBC log, and the HTTP log, each of which logs WebLogic Server activity. Once the log display is opened on the Console, any messages that get written to the corresponding log on the server are also shown on log display on the Console.

Stopping the WebLogic Console

To stop the Console, click the Console's window manager close button (the "X" in the upper-right corner of the window for the Console) or type Ctrl-C in the window from which you started the Console.

Change history

Release 3.1

Added commands to the Console for managing WebLogic Servers, including Start, Shutdown, Lock, Unlock, Cancel shutdown.

Added a default -ms and -mx heap sizes for automated WebLogic Server start from within the Console. The default is set to 16M and may be changed in the login dialog .

The Server startup output and shutdown log messages are now redirected to the Console managedobject log.

Upgraded version of swing to 1.0.1.

Release 3.0.4

Made a modification to accommodate a bug in java.awt.GridBagLayout that was causing memory problems in the Console.

Fixed a timing problem that was preventing garbage collection for displays with strip charts.

Release 3.0.1 -- 3/10/98

Added support for displaying JDBC log messages.

Fixed the following display problems:

  • Cyclic references would display new instead of changing focus to existing object.
  • In replace mode that caused an exception after all tabs were deleted, when another object was added.
  • When property values changed from long strings to shorter strings.
  • With the JDBC connection pool count.
  • Exception when Console subsystem object was deleted and re-added.
  • Exception when last tab in the tab folder was deleted.
  • Conflation of fully-qualified classnames and object instances names in display headers.
  • Replace mode deadlock.
  • Popup menu on property values on Solaris.

Release 3.0 -- 1/29/98

First release.


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Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 07/27/1999