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Using WebLogic Server as an HTTP server

WebLogic Server as an HTTP server (HTTPD)
Setting up WebLogic Server as an HTTP server
Serving requests over HTTP with WebLogic Server
Setting up a document root
Setting up the FileServlet
Setting up a default page
Registering servlets in the file
Serving Java servlets using the ServletServlet
Setting up the ClasspathServlet
Proxying requests to another HTTP server
Setting up dynamic page compilation
Setting up JHTML
Setting up JSP
Using server-side includes
Setting standard MIME types
Referring to servlets in a browser
Setting up WebLogic Server for HTTP tunneling
Enabling and using the HTTP server logs
Setting up access log rotation
Enabling event-based HTTP request information
Setting up session management
HTTP session properties
Configuring session cookies
Configuring session persistence

WebLogic Server as an HTTP server (HTTPD)

The WebLogic Server can be used as your primary webserver. WebLogic Server is designed to serve Java class files (servlets), arbitrary file types (like HTML pages, JAR files, etc) and images, and can be set up to proxy requests to another webserver, even another webserver on a different machine.

Setting up WebLogic Server as an HTTP Server

There are four steps to setting up WebLogic Server as an HTTP server (HTTPD).

Step One: Install the WebLogic Server distribution on the server host.

Step Two: Choose the appropriate properties from the list below and set them in the file.

For more information, see Setting WebLogic Server properties. You use properties to register servlets, set up the proxy servlet, and set up other servlets, all of which are described in more detail in that document.

Step Three: An additional step for Unix

Although WebLogic Server is pure-Java and requires no installation of native code, we do provide an UNIX-specific way to start the Server on port 80. Allocating port 80 usually must be done from a privileged account like root. For security reasons, you do not want to run your web server from a root account. To add an additional layer of security, we ship a UNIX shared object that allows WebLogic Server to run from a non-priveledged account.

To use the shared object, go to the weblogic/lib/UNIX_VERSION directory for the machine that you are using. Install (general UNIX) or (for HPUX 10/11) in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (UNIX) or SHLIB_PATH (HPUX). (If you have problems, see using shared libs on UNIX.)

If you prefer, instead of installing the shared object, you can simply add the appropriate directory weblogic/lib/UNIX_VERSION

Step Four: Run WebLogic Server.

Serving requests over HTTP with WebLogic Server

You can configure WebLogic Server to serve many kinds of files, including HTTP Servlets, images, HTML pages, JSP files, and pages that use server-side includes. WebLogic Server has its own servlet engine to serve HTTP servlets registered in the file. In addition, you can set up special servlets to serve other types of files.

Setting up a document root

The document root is where the FileServlet, the JSPServlet, and the ServerSideIncludeServlet search for files to serve. HTML, JSP, and SHTML files and images that will be served through browser requests must be placed in the document root (or one of its subdirectories). Additionally, HTML files that serve applets should be placed here, even though the CODEBASE (and the supporting classes) for the applet are located in a different directory structure.

The default document root for WebLogic Server is the weblogic/myserver/public_html directory. You can change the location of the documenet root by setting a property in the file:

The path can be absolute or relative, in which case the directory structure of path is assumed to exist in the weblogic/myserver/public_html directory.

Setting up the FileServlet

The FileServlet is included in the distribution and can be configured to serve files of all types. The types of files served by the FileServlet must be defined MIME types in the file. With the FileServlet, you set a URL prefix that maps to the document root on the WebLogic Server host where the files are located. The FileServlet also allows you to set a default filename (like "index.html") to protect the directory from scanning.

  1. To set up the FileServlet, register the FileServlet with a virtual name as the prefix that you will use in your URLs. For example, this sample entry registers a virtual name of "file" to point to the file servlet:

  2. Supply a single initialization argument for the FileServlet, which sets the name of a default file that should be read in the event there is no file that matches the request. Usually the default filename is set to "index.html" or "home.html" to protect the directory from being scanned in the browser (see general HTTPD properties to set access of directory listings). This sample entry from the file shows how the initialization arguments might be set up:
  3. Construct your URL or CODEBASE after this pattern:
    where localhost:7001 is the URL of your WebLogic Server, and filename.extension is the full filename of the file you want to serve, which should be located in the document root. For instance, if you place "myapplet.html" in c:/weblogic/myserver/public_html, requests to serve the HTML page from the WebLogic Server on your local host should have this form:
If you are using Netscape Communicator 4.x, you will experience problems when you run WebLogic Server on the same machine as your browser client. Please check the FAQ for more information on how to set up your environment.

Setting up a default page

WebLogic Server allows you to set a default page that is served if the requested URL is a directory. This is useful for making your site more friendly, since users may type a URL without giving a specific filename. It can also act as a security measure to prevent clients from obtaining a directory listing at a particular URL. To turn off directory listing in the WebLogic Server, set the property to false, as described in general HTTPD properties. You can set a default page that is static or dynamic.

Serving static default pages

A static default page is served by the FileServlet, and is typically set below the FileServlet registration in the file, as shown below.


If the URL request is a directory, the FileServlet will attempt to serve a file of the set default filename from the requested directory. If the default filename does not exist in that directory, either a directory listing (if or an HTTP error (403 for 4.5.2 and 4.5.1 service pack 6 and above, 404 for 4.5.1 service pack 5 and below) will be returned.

For example:

When a client requests the URL:
The FileServlet will attempt to serve the file at URL:

If a client requests the URL:
The FileServlet will attempt to serve the file at URL:

Serving dynamic default pages

WebLogic Server can serve dynamic default files, delivered by the JSPServlet, the PageCompileServlet, or your own custom servlet. To serve dynamic pages as the default for a directory, you register the dynamic page(s) with the folowing property:,
Where the dynamic extensions ".foo" and ".bar" have been registered with the appropriate servlet, such as:

When a URL is a directory, WebLogic Server attempts to serve a file from the comma-separated list of weblogic.httpd.indexFiles, in the order that they are listed. Registered files are attempted before the invocation of the FileServlet, so registered dynamic pages that exist in the directory of the URL will be served before WebLogic Server attempts to serve the static defaultFilename associated with the FileServlet. Note that servlets must be registered to handle the listed file extension types.

Serving a default JSP file

This example shows how to serve a default JSP file from a directory.

  • Set the following property in your file:

  • Register the JSPServlet to handle files with the extension ".jsp". For more details, see Setting up Weblogic JSP in the Administrators Guide, "Setting WebLogic Properties".

  • Add a JSP file named "index.jsp" to each directory.

To set the older style JHTML files as default, substitute "index.jhtml" for "index.jsp", in the directions above, and register the PageCompileServlet to handle files with extension ".jhtml".

Resolving which default page will be served

Understanding the order in which WebLogic Server attempts to serve default pages can help you troubleshoot and configure your default files.

  1. The server looks in the requested URL for one of files specified by the property weblogic.httpd.indexFiles, files are searched in order.

  2. If a default file is found in the URL directory (for example, index.jsp), the server attempts to match the file extension to a registered servlet. In the case of the name "index.jsp", the JSPServlet must be registered to handle the extension ".jsp".

  3. The registered servlet is invoked to serve its default filename. In the case of the JSPServlet, this is always the file "index.jsp".

  4. Each file in the list is attempted. If none are found, the registered default servlet is invoked. At distribution, the default servlet is the FileServlet and the following two steps are executed. If the default servlet is the proxy servlet, the request is proxied to the Webserver associated with the proxy servlet.

  5. Once the FileServlet is invoked, it looks in the URL directory for a file of the defaultFilename. If a file of that name is found, it is served.

  6. If the FileServlet fails to find the defaultFilename file, a directory listing is served if allowed, or an HTTP 404 error is returned.

Registering servlets in the file

The WebLogic Server supports HTTP Servlets that are written to conform to the JavaSoft Java Servlet API, which are the packages javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http, available from JavaSoft.

To be used in the standard manner, HTTP Servlets must be registered with the weblogic.httpd.register property in the file. Arguments and initialization parameters to be passed to the servlet are registered with the the weblogic.httpd.initArgs property. Registered servlets are loaded at startup.

When you register a servlet, you can also set access control lists (ACLs) on the servlet (or servlet hierarchy) to restrict access to certain users.

For more information on registering servlets, see Setting WebLogic properties.

Serving Java servlets using the ServletServlet

The ServletServlet allows you to request any servlet in the servlet classpath. For security reasons, we do not suggest that you deploy a production server with the ServletServlet enabled. However, in a development environment, you may wish to invoke HTTP servlets that are not registered in the properties file. For more information about writing servlets and the ServletServlet see, "Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets".

Setting up the ClasspathServlet

The ClasspathServlet loads class files from the WebLogic Server classpath. This allows you to use additional directories for your Java class files (like applets and servlets) as long as you include them in the WebLogic Server classpath. With the ClasspathServlet, WebLogic Server searches its entire classpath to find classes for a request. This allows multiple directory structures with class files to be equally accessible to WebLogic Server.

  1. To use the ClasspathServlet, you must register a virtual name for it in the file. The virtual name becomes the CODEBASE for your applets.

    For example:


  2. Place your applet class files in the WebLogic Server classpath, as you would for a regular Java class file. The WebLogic Server classpath is specified on the command line when you start the server with the weblogic.class.path property. For example, the applet "myapplets.mypackage.OpenTheTour.class" might be located on your WebLogic Server host in the directory c:\appletdir\myapplets\mypackage\OpenTheTour.class, where the C:\appletdir is included in the weblogic.class.path property.

  3. To serve an applet in an HTML page, you must include an <APPLET> tag. For more details on setting applet tag attributes see Troubleshooting CODEBASE?.

  4. Put the HTML file that calls the applet in your WebLogic Server's document root. Here, we assume the file is called "open.html".

  5. Set the CODEBASE for the applet to "/classes/".

  6. Call the HTML file with the URL:
    Where WebLogicURL:Port is the URL and port number of the WebLogic Server.

  7. The classes for the applet will be loaded from the WebLogic Server's classpath.

Proxying requests to another HTTP server

When you use the WebLogic Server as your primary webserver, you may also want to configure WebLogic Server to pass on, or proxy, certain requests to a secondary HTTP server, like Netscape Enterprise Server or Microsoft IIS. Any request that the WebLogic Server cannot answer it passes on, as received, to the URL registered with the proxy servlet (redirectURL). You can even proxy to another webserver on a different machine. The HttpProxyServlet takes an HTTP request, redirects it to the proxy URL, and sends the response to the client's browser back through the WebLogic Server.

  1. To set up a proxy, you set two properties in the file:
    where otherURL is the URL of the server to which proxy requests should be directed.

  2. To proxy all requests that are not registered with WebLogic Server to a different Webserver, register the proxy servlet as the default servlet in the file:
    Note that the default filename will not be served by WebLogic Server if the default servlet is the proxy servlet.

This example shows a sample request and how it would be handled:

  1. On a WebLogic Server "," a request is received for However, that file does not exist in any of the configured WebLogic Server's searchable directories or document root.

  2. The WebLogic Server is configured to proxy unanswerable requests to with the property entry weblogic.httpd.initArgs.proxy=redirectURL=

  3. The request is proxied as

Setting up dynamic page compilation

Dynamic page compilation allows you to embed Java into an HTML page to provide dynamic content to your web pages. WebLogic Server supports both the JSP (JavaServer Pages) and JHTML standards.

WebLogic Server can automatically compile JHTML or JSP files into servlets and call upon them to respond to HTTP requests. For more information on writing JSP or JHTML, see Using WebLogic JHTML, and Using WebLogic JSP.

WebLogic Server uses special page-compile-servlets for compiling and delivering JSP and JHTML pages, which must be registered in the file with the relevant file extension. When a user requests a ".jhtml" or ".jsp" page, the registered servlet compiles the page (if necessary) into an HTTP servlet which is invoked to deliver the response to the browser.


If you use WebLogic Server 4.5.1 on Windows NT to serve JHTML or JSP pages, add the following property to your file:


Without this property, and depending on how the page is requested, WebLogic Server may return the source of a JHTML or JSP page instead of compiling and executing the page. This is fixed in WebLogic Server 4.5.1 service pack 10 and in WebLogic Server 4.5.2.

Setting up JHTML

We recommend that you use JSP for future servlet projects instead of JHTML. These notes remain here for completeness.

To serve JHTML files, you must register the PageCompileServlet and several initArgs as illustrated below:


  verbose=boolean, false by default,\
  pageCheckSeconds=interval WebLogic checks for recompilation,\
  compileCommand=path to compiler,\
  workingDir=path to directory of compiled .jhtml files
You need to set the initialization arguments to match your own installed environment. For example, you need to identify the absolute path to your Java compiler. You also need to specify the directory where the compiled servlet classes will be placed.

There are more details on registration in the Setting WebLogic properties.

Setting up JSP

To serve JSP files, you must register the JSPServlet and several initialization parameters as illustrated below:


  verbose=boolean, false by default,\
  pageCheckSeconds=interval WebLogic Server checks for recompilation,\
  compileCommand=path to compiler,\
  workingDir=path to directory of compiled .jsp files
You need to set the initialization arguments to match your own installed environment. For example, you need to identify the absolute path to your Java compiler. You also need to specify the directory where the compiled servlet classes will be placed.

There are more details on configuring the WebLogic Server for JSP in Setting WebLogic Properties. For information on developing JSP, see Using WebLogic JSP.

Using server-side includes

The WebLogic Server supports server-side includes using a default WebLogic servlet called the ServerSideIncludeServlet. The ServerSideIncludeServlet is registered in the file to handle all .shtml files using this property:

SHTML files must be located under the document root, as is the case for static HTML pages. There is more information about server-side includes in the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets.

Setting standard MIME types

You also must configure your WebLogic Server to serve certain MIME types by making a registration in the properties file, such as:
For more information, see Setting WebLogic properties.

Referring to servlets in a browser

When you register a servlet -- and optionally set up an access control control list for it -- you then refer to that servlet with its virtual name, which is the registered name. Each time you change a registered servlet or any classes on which it depends, you must restart WebLogic Server for the changes to take effect. (Note that during development, you may find it easier to use the ServletServlet, which does not require restarting the Server.)

You invoke the servlet from a browser window by entering its virtual name. For example, the properties file contained in the distribution kit registers a servlet in the package examples.servlets.PhoneServlet, to be invoked with the virtual name "phone." It requires one initialization argument, the full pathname for the text file "phonelist" that contains names and phone numbers. To register this servlet and set its initialization arguments, these lines should appear in your properties file:\

To use this servlet, you point your browser at the URL of the WebLogic Server, with the virtual name of the registered servlet. For a WebLogic Server listening on port 80 of the host "", you would enter this URL in your browser window:

Several servlets come with the distribution to provide administrative and maintenance functions. These include the T3Admin servlets.

The T3Admin servlets are already registered in the default properties file in the distribution. For more information about using the T3Admin servlets, see the WebLogic Administrators Guide document Using the T3Admin servlets.

Also included in the file, but commented out, are several servlets from the weblogic/examples directory of the distribution. You can register these servlets to see how they work by uncommenting the file and restarting the WebLogic Server. For more information about using the example servlets, see the Code Examples.

Setting up the WebLogic Server for HTTP tunneling

HTTP tunneling provides a way to simulate a statefull socket connection between the WebLogic Server and a Java client when your only option is to use the HTTP protocol. It is generally used to 'tunnel' through an HTTP port in a security firewall. HTTP is a stateless protocol, but WebLogic Server provides tunneling functionality to make the connection appear to be a regular T3Connection. However, you can expect some performance loss in comparison to a normal socket connection.

Configuring HTTP Tunneling on the WebLogic Server

The WebLogic Server is always set up to receive HTTP tunnel requests. However, you must enable servlets in the file, using the following setting:

WebLogic HTTP tunneling uses a number of internal servlets to handle the HTTP tunnel requests. You can control access to other specific servlets with other properties as described in Setting up ACLs for servlets in the WebLogic realm.

You control access to services through an HTTP tunnel connection in the same way as you control access to those services accessed via a regular T3Connection.

Connecting from the client

When your client requests a connection with the WebLogic Server, you must specify the HTTP protocol in the URL in order to use HTTP tuneling. For instance:
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
  env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http://wlhost:80");
  Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
On the client side, a special tag is appended to the http protocol, so that the WebLogic Server knows this is a tunneling connection, instead of a regular HTTP request. This process is transparent to your application code.

The client must specify the port in the URL, even if the port is 80. You can set up your WebLogic Server to listen for HTTP requests on any port, although the most common choice is port 80 since requests to port 80 are customarily allowed through a firewall.

To specify the port for the WebLogic Server, set the property weblogic.system.listenPort in the file.

Configuring the HTTP tunneling connection

Under the HTTP protocol, a client may only make a request, and then accept a reply from a server. The server may not voluntarily communicate with the client, and the protocol is stateless, meaning that a continuous two-way connection is not possible.

WebLogic HTTP tunneling simulates a T3Connection via the HTTP protocol, overcoming these limitations. There are two properties that you may configure in the file on the server to tune a tunneled connection for performance. It is advised that you leave them at their default settings unless you experience connection problems. These properties are used by the server to determine that the client connection is still valid, or that the client is still alive.

Here, we talk about the underlying WebLogic implementation of the client-to-server HTTP tunneling connection. This is not behavior that an application developer needs to implement, but we explain it here so that you can understand these properties.


When an HTTP tunnel connection is setup, the client automatically sends a request to the server, so that the server may volunteer a response to the client. The client may also include instructions in a request, but this behavior happens regardless of whether the client application needs to communicate with the server. If the server does not purposefully respond to the client request within clientPingSecs seconds, it does so anyway. The client accepts the response and automatically sends another request immediately. Default is 45 seconds; valid range is 20 to 900 seconds.


If clientTimeoutSecs seconds have elapsed since the client last sent a request to the server (in response to a reply), then the server regards the client as dead, and terminates the HTTP tunnel connection. The server checks the elapsed time every clientPingSecs, when it would otherwise respond to the client's request. Default is 40 seconds; valid range is 10 to 900 seconds.

Enabling and using the HTTP server logs

You can enable logging to an HTTP access log for WebLogic Server by setting the property weblogic.httpd.enableLogFile to true in the file of the WebLogic Server.

All WebLogic Server information will continue to be written to the weblogic.log file; the subset of log information that has to do with HTTP access will be written to the file access.log. The access log for the HTTP server is available in the WebLogic Server directory that is parallel to your file. The default location, if you have only one WebLogic Server running and have not assigned it a name, is in the myserver directory. The WebLogic Server weblogic.log is also located in this directory; if you have enabled JDBC logging, that log will also be located in the myserver directory.

The access.log for WebLogic Server is written in common log format. Each line in this file is patterned after the following format:

  host RFC931 auth_user
   [day/month/year:hour:minute:second UTC_offset]
   "request" status bytes
Either the DNS name or the IP number of the remote client
Any information returned by IDENTD for the remote client; WebLogic does not support user identification
If remote client user sent a userid for authentication, the user name; otherwise "-"
day/month/year:hour:minute:second UTC_offset
Day, calendar month, year and time of day (24-hour format) with the hours difference between local time and GMT, enclose in square brackets
First line of the HTTP request submitted by the remote client enclosed in double quotes
HTTP status code returned by the server, if available; otherwise "-"
Number of bytes listed as the content-length in the HTTP/1.0 header, not including the HTTP/1.0 header, if known; otherwise "-"

Note that unless you set up access log rotation, the access log will grow indefinitely, and must be maintained manually.

Setting up access log rotation

Note: Access log rotation requires one of the following:
  • WebLogic Server 4.5.1, Service Pack sp12 or later.
  • WebLogic Server 4.5.2, Service Pack sp1 or later.
  • WebLogic Server 5.1, Service Pack sp5 or later

Access log rotation allows you to rotate your HTTP access log when it reaches a certain size or after a specified amount of time has passed. When the access log rotates, a new log file with a new file name is started. The access log's file name includes a numeric portion that is incremented upon each rotation.

To set up access log rotation, set the following properties (in addition to those properties you set to enable access logs) in your file:

Set to date to rotate your access log by date. If you choose this option, you must also set two additional properties: weblogic.httpd.logRotationPeriodMins and weblogic.httpd.logRotationBeginTime.

Set to size to rotate your access log when it exceeds a certain size. If you choose this option, you must also set the weblogic.httpd.maxLogFileSizeKBytes property. The default value is size.

If you are rotating your access log by date, set this to the number of minutes after which the access log will rotate. (1440 minutes = 24 hours, 100080 minutes = 1 week). The default value is 1440.

Sets the date when the first access log rotation will occur. If you do not set this property, the access log rotates after the amount of time specified with the weblogic.httpd.logRotationPeriodMins property. Enter the date using the java.text.SimpleDateFormat, MM-dd-yyyy-k:mm:ss. See the javadocs for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class for more details. For example:    11-24-2000-12:30:00

If, when you start WebLogic Server, this date has already passed, the first access log rotation will occur on the day you start WebLogic Server, at the hour, minute, and second specified by weblogic.httpd.logRotationBeginTime.

Set to the maximum size, in kilobytes, for your access log file. When the access log reaches this size, it is rotated. If set to 0 (the default value) access log files do not rotate based on size. This property is ignored when weblogic.httpd.logRotationType is set to date

Enabling event-based HTTP request information

After release 2.5, you can also register an interest in HTTP requests by registering at the topic WEBLOGIC.LOG.HTTPD. For more information on events, see Using WebLogic Events. The ParamSet that is passed with each EventMessage includes the following:
  • RFC931
  • DATE

To enable this feature, you must:

  1. Set the property weblogic.httpd.enableEvents to true in the file, as detailed in the WebLogic Administrators Guide document, Setting WebLogic properties.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server and register an interest in the event WEBLOGIC.LOG.HTTPD.

Setting up session management

For an introduction to HTTP sessions, see the Developer's Guide, Using session tracking from a servlet.

The WebLogic Server is set up to handle session tracking by default. You need not set any of these properties to use session tracking, but configuring how WebLogic Server manages sessions is a key part of tuning your servlet application for best performance. This will depend upon factors such as:

  • How many users you expect to hit the servlet
  • How many concurrent users hit the servlet
  • How long each session will last
  • How much data you expect to store for each user

HTTP session properties

You configure WebLogic Server session tracking with properties in the file. (A summary of all configuration properties is in Setting WebLogic properties.) The relevant properties are described here in more detail:

By default, this property is set to true to enable session tracking using the HttpSession object in the WebLogic Server. You can disable session tracking by setting this property to false.

Sets how long WebLogic Server waits before timing out a session, where x is the number of seconds between a session's activity. Sessions occupy RAM, and on busy sites you can tune your application by adjusting the time-out of sessions appropriately. While you want to give a browser client every opportunity to finish a session, you do not want to tie up the Server needlessly if the user has left the site or otherwise abandoned the session.(Defaults to 3600; minimum is 1, maximum is Integer.MAX_VALUE.)

Where x sets how long WebLogic Server waits between doing house-cleaning checks for timed out and invalid sessions, at which point WebLogic Server will delete the old sessions and free up memory. Again, this is a parameter you use to tune the server for best performance on high traffic sites. If unset, the property defaults to 60 seconds; the minimum is every second (1), and the maximum is once a week (604,800 seconds).

Configuring session cookies

The WebLogic Server uses cookies for session management when supported by the client browser.

The cookies that the WebLogic Server uses to track sessions are set as transient by default and do not out-live the life of the browser. When a user quits their browser, the cookies are lost and the session lifetime is regarded as over. This behavior is in-the-spirit of session usage and it is recommended that you use sessions in this way. However, it is possible to configure many aspects of the cookies used to track sessions with the following properties in the file.

Use of session cookies is enabled by default and is recommended, but you can disable them by setting this property to false. You might turn this option off to test URL rewriting on your site.

Sets the comment that is stored internally in the cookie. The user does not usually see this, but it appears in the cookie file to identify the cookie. This defaults to "WebLogic Session Tracking Cookie" if unset. You can set it to a more appropriate name for your application.

This property identifies the server that the browser shall send this cookie information to when the browser makes a request. This defaults to the server that issued the cookie. For example, will send cookies back to any server in the * domain. The domain name must have at least two parts; a name set to *.com or *.net is invalid. You will normally leave this unset to use the default. However, you can set this to a different server, causing the cookie to be sent there when the user visits.

This property sets the lifespan of the cookie, where x is the number of seconds that the cookie shall be valid before it expires on the client. The default is "-1", which sets the cookie to expire when the user exits the browser. The minimum value is 0, which means the cookie is cleaned up immediately (hardly ever used). The maximum value is MAX_VALUE, which means the cookie lasts essentially forever. It is recommended that you leave this value as "-1" which is in-the-spirit of session tracking. That is, a session should die when the user exits the browser.

For longer lived client-side user data, your application should create and set its own cookies on the browser via the HTTP servlet API, and should not attempt to use the cookies associated with the HTTP session. Your application might use cookies to auto-login a user from a particular machine, in which case you would set a new cookie to last for a long time. Remember that the cookie will only be sent from that client machine; Your application should store data on the server if it must be accessed by the user from multiple locations.

Note that you ca not directly connect the age of a browser cookie with the length of a session. If a cookie goes away before its associated session, that session becomes orphaned. If a session goes away before its associated cookie, the servlet will not be able to find a session. At that point, a new session will be assigned when the getSession() method is called. You should only make transient use of sessions.
Defaults to "WebLogicSession" if unset. You may set this to a more appropriate name for you application. Cookie names have local scope to the issuing domain, so there is no problem with conflicts between your server and other servers. However, two or more applications that use session tracking and run on the same server will use the same cookie, and hence share the same session. This is one reason why sessions should be treated as transient data stores.

Defaults to "/" if unset, which means that the browser will send cookies to all URLs served by the WebLogic Server. You can set the path to a narrower mapping to limit the request URLs that the browser will send cookies to.

For more information on setting configuration properties, see Setting WebLogic properties.

Configuring session persistence

For an introduction to HTTP session persistence, see the Developers Guide, Making sessions persistent.

There are four different implementations of session persistence:

  1. Memory (single-server, non-replicated) -- fast, short-term storage

  2. File system persistence -- slower, long-term storage, does not require a database

  3. JDBC persistence -- slower, long-term storage

  4. In-memory replication (across a cluster)

The first three are covered here; in-memory replication is covered in Setting up a WebLogic Cluster: Using in-memory state replication with a proxy server.

For each method, you need to specify the value of the property weblogic.httpd.session.persistence.

For file, JDBC and in-memory replication, you need to set additional properties, including the weblogic.httpd.session.persistentStoreType. Each method has its own set of properties as shown below.

Common properties

You can configure the number of sessions that are held in RAM by setting the following properties. These properties are only applicable if you are using session persistence:

Where x limits the number of cached sessions at any time. If you are expecting high volumes of simultaneous active sessions, you do not want these sessions to soak up the RAM of your server since this may cause performance problems swapping to and from virtual memory. When the cache is full, the least recently used sessions are stored in the persistent store and recalled automatically when required. If you do not use persistence, this property is ignored, and there is no soft limit to the number of sessions allowed in main memory. By default, the number of cached sessions is 1024. The minimum is 16, and maximum is Integer.MAX_VALUE. An empty session uses less than 100 bytes, but will grow as data is added to it.

Where x is the interval the server waits between purging the least recently used sessions from the cache to the persistent store, when the cacheEntries limit has been reached.

If unset, this property defaults to 10 seconds; minimum is 1 second, and maximum is 604800 (1 week).

Using memory-based, single-server, non-replicated persistent storage

To use memory-based, single-server, non-replicated persistent storage, set the property:


Using file-based persistent storage

For file-based persistent storage for sessions:

  1. Set the session persistence to true:

  2. Set file as the persistent store method by setting the property:

  3. Set the directory where WebLogic Server will store the sessions, using the property:

    where dirPath is a manually created directory, either relative to the myserver/ directory in your WebLogic Server installation or an absolute path. Ensure that you have enough room on disk to store the number of valid sessions multiplied by the size of each session.

    You can make file-persistent sessions cluster-able by making this directory a shared directory amongst different servers.

Using a database for persistent storage

For JDBC-based persistent storage for sessions:

  1. Set the session persistence to true:
  2. Set jdbc as the persistent store method by setting the property:
  3. Set a JDBC connection pool to be used for the persistence storage:

    Note: virtualPoolName must be a JDBC connection pool that is only used by JTS pool drivers. In other words, you cannot use a JDBC connection that is used by non-JTS drivers. To be safe, you should create a separate JDBC pool for session persistence; but you can share a JDBC pool that is used only for servlet session persistence and/or EJB, since these use JTS pool drivers.

    The JTS pool driver uses a JDBC pool to support special transactional connections that do not operate in the same way as straight JDBC pool connections. JTS transactions are used by EJB and by servlet persistence. Regular JDBC connections use a weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver class, but servlet persistence uses a proxy weblogic.jts.pool.Driver class. Although you set up both types of pools with the same property name (weblogic.jdbc.connectionPool), you can not mix JTS and regular traffic in the same connection.

    For more details on setting up a database connection pool, refer to Setting up registration for a connection pool later in this document, and the JDBC connection pools section in the Administrators Guide document, Setting WebLogic properties.

    To recap, you might use a non-JTS connection pool in your servlet for general database access, but you can not use the same connection pool to support session persistence.

  4. Set an ACL for the connection pool that corresponds to the users that have permission.

  5. Set this property to the name of the connection pool.

  6. If the back-end database will be used by multiple WebLogic Servers for JDBC-based persistence, set the property:

    This property refers to whether database reads are cached. Generally, clustered environments will want persistentStoreShared=true, that is always check the database, but for non-clustered environments using persistentStoreShared=false improves performance with caching.

  7. Set up a database table named wl_servlet_sessions for JDBC-based persistence. The connection pool that connects to the database will need to have read/write access for this table:

    wl_servlet_sessions table

    Column name Type
    wl_id Must be set as a primary key. Variable-width alphanumeric column, up to 100 characters; for example, Oracle VARCHAR2(100)
    wl_is_new Single char column; for example, Oracle CHAR(1)
    wl_create_time Numeric column, 20 digits; for example, Oracle NUMBER(20)
    wl_is_valid Single char column; for example, Oracle CHAR(1)
    wl_session_values BLOB column; for example, Oracle LONG RAW
    wl_access_time Numeric column, 20 digits; for example, NUMBER(20)

  8. You can configure a maximum duration that the JDBC session persistence should wait for a JDBC connection from the connection pool with the property:
    where x is the number of seconds that the servlet will wait for a connection. The default value is 120 seconds, the minimum is 1 second, and the maximum is 604800 seconds (1 week).


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Last updated 12/07/1999