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Setting up Jolt for WebLogic

What is Jolt for WebLogic?
Configuring Jolt
Configuring Jolt for TUXEDO
Configuring Jolt for WebLogic
Jolt startup properties
Jolt shutdown properties
Jolt for WebLogic in the Console
Try the Jolt Servlet Examples
Contacting BEA customer support

Other documents
WebLogic installation guides (Getting started)
Using Jolt for WebLogic

What is Jolt for WebLogic?

BEA Jolt for WebLogic allows BEA TUXEDO services to be web-enabled using the BEA WebLogic Server as its front end. Jolt is a Java API that manages and allows requests to BEA TUXEDO services via a Jolt Service Listener, running on the TUXEDO server. The Jolt API is embedded within the WebLogic API and is accessible from a servlet, JHTML, or any other WebLogic application. This Admin Guide describes how to configure a Jolt session (connection) pool between TUXEDO and WebLogic.

Configuring Jolt

Configuring Jolt for TUXEDO

Refer to the Jolt documentation for instruction on setting up a Jolt Service Listener (JSL) within TUXEDO. This Administrators guide presumes that these services have already been configured within the TUXEDO domain, and only describes how to establish a session pool connection to them from WebLogic.

Configuring Jolt for WebLogic

This section describes how to set up a BEA Jolt connection pool between the WebLogic Server and the JSL in the TUXEDO domain. Your WebLogic Server must have access to the host running the JSL.

Jolt startup properties

You must instruct WebLogic to invoke the PoolManagerStartUp class, which will establish the pool connection to TUXEDO, from the file as shown in the example below. The WebLogic Server will invoke the PoolManagerStartUp class when it is started, or restarted.


These example properties are already included in the default WebLogic properties file, but they are commented out. You should find them, adjust them for your system configuration, and uncomment them, in order for them to take effect.

You must then start (or restart) the WebLogic Server.

The first property above instructs WebLogic to invoke the PoolManagerStartUp class when the WebLogic Server starts. The second property specifies initialization arguments that are passed to the PoolManagerStartUp class. These are defined as:

    (Optional) Defines a name for this session pool, that should be unique from other session pools. This is an optional argument, but it is recommended that you use it to avoid ambiguity. The SessionPoolManager allows only one session pool to be unnamed in this way. You may access this unnamed session pool from your application by supplying null in place of the poolname String argument to the getSessionPool method.

    (Required) Defines a list of primary Jolt Server Listeners on the TUXEDO system. These are defined in the format:
    You may specify multiple addresses, separated by a semi-colon (;). This is a required argument, and you must specify at least one hostname:port address.

    (Optional) You may specify a list of fail-over Jolt Server Listeners. These are tried if the connections listed above fail. You specify one or more listeners in the same format as for appaddrlist above.

    (Required) Specifies the initial session pool size when the session pool is created.

    (Required) Specifies the maximum session pool size. Each session within a pool can handle up to 50 outstanding requests at any one time.

    (Optional) TUXEDO user name. This is required only if TUXEDO authentication level is USER_AUTH.

    (Optional) TUXEDO user password. This is required only if TUXEDO authentication level is USER_AUTH.

    (Optional) TUXEDO user role. This is required only if TUXEDO authentication level is USER_AUTH or APP_PW.

    TUXEDO application password. This is required only if TUXEDO authentication level is USER_AUTH or APP_PW.
It is recommended to configure one Jolt session pool for each application running on the WebLogic Server.

Jolt shutdown properties

Configure WebLogic to disconnect the Jolt session pools from TUXEDO when it shuts down by adding the following lines to the WebLogic properties file (or uncommenting the appropriate lines if they already exist).

Name of the Jolt pool to be disconnected at shutdown
The first property instructs WebLogic to invoke the PoolManagerShutDown class when the WebLogic Server shuts down. The second property describes arguments passes to the PoolManagerShutDown class, defining the poolname of the Jolt session pool to be closed. The second property is associated with the first via the virtual name binding -- in this case joltapp. The poolname will be specific to your application.

Jolt for WebLogic in the Console

Jolt for WebLogic connections are also displayed in the WebLogic Console. Start the Console. If you connect to a Weblogic Server that has Jolt correctly configured you will see a ManagedObject for the Jolt connection pool:

Jolt connection pool

Server with Jolt connection pool

For each Jolt connection pool there is an individual ManagedObject which displays the pool name, maximum connections, pool state, and statistics about the connection status.

Try the Jolt servlet examples

We ship several Jolt for WebLogic examples, in the examples/jolt/servlet directory of the distribution. Instructions for running the examples are included in each example directory.

Contacting BEA customer support

If you have questions about this version of Jolt for WebLogic or if you have problems installing or running the classes, please contact BEA customer support through BEA Websupport. You can also contact customer support by using the contact information provided on the Customer Support Card included in the product package.

When contacting customer support, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name, email address, and phone and fax numbers
  • Your company name and address
  • Your machine type and authorization codes
  • Name and version of the product you are using
  • Description of the problem and content of pertinent error messages


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Last updated 1/11/1999