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Administering the WebLogic LDAP security realm

Installing the WebLogic LDAP realm
Testing your LDAP realm
Troubleshooting the LDAP realm
Change history

This document describes how to install and configure the WebLogic LDAP security realm for your WebLogic Server. After installing the LDAP realm, the WebLogic Server uses a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service to authenticate users in place of weblogic.password and properties in the file. Access control lists (ACLs) are still defined in the file.

The WebLogic LDAP realm currently supports Netscape Directory Server and Microsoft Site Server.

Using an LDAP directory to authenticate users provides several benefits. First, you can manage users for your organization in one place--the LDAP directory. You do not have to edit the file whenever a user joins or leaves your company. This also means you do not have to restart the WebLogic Server whenever you change a user.

The WebLogic LDAP realm provides these features:

  • Simple authentication. The LDAP realm sends the username and password to the LDAP server for authentication.

  • Strong authentication. After the client has negotiated an SSL connection with the WebLogic Server, the LDAP realm retrieves the user's common name from the X509 certificate and searches the LDAP server for that name. LDAP realm does not verify the certificate, since that is performed by the SSL protocol.

  • Full support for groups defined in the LDAP server.

  • Users and groups are cached in the WebLogic Server as Enterprise Java Beans. This reduces the frequency of LDAP lookups.

  • Support for Microsoft Site Server and Netscape Directory Server.

  • Secure (SSL) network connections between WebLogic Server and the Netscape and Microsoft LDAP servers.

Currently, the LDAP realm has the following limitations:

  • The WebLogic realm defers to the LDAP realm for authentication, but not for authorization. Authorization is accomplished with access control lists (ACLs), which are defined in the file.

  • The LDAP realm requires a user with read access to security-related fields in the LDAP server for all users and groups. This principal LDAP user and password are defined in the realm configuration in the file.

  • The "system" user must be defined in the file and in your LDAP server. The LDAP "system" user must be a member of the LDAP group that has administrative privileges in the LDAP server.

  • The "guest" user must be defined in the LDAP server with the password "guest".

  • In the WebLogic property file realm, the "everyone" group automatically includes all users. You must create an "everyone" group and add every WebLogic Server user to its membership list, including the "guest" and "system" users.

  • Although the WebLogic realm extends a ManageableRealm, the methods that add, remove, or modify realm users and groups are not currently supported.

Since the WebLogic Server reads ACLs from the file at start up time, you must still restart the WebLogic Server after you change an ACL. If you use groups with your ACLs, however, you can avoid having to restart the server as often. Changing group membership in the LDAP server allows you to manage individual users' access to WebLogic Server resources dynamically.

The WebLogic LDAP realm requires an LDAP user with read access on all directory fields used for authentication.

The WebLogic LDAP realm currently supports Netscape Directory Server and Microsoft Site Server. The LDAP realm retrieves configuration parameters from an file. Although we cannot support LDAP servers we have not tested and certified, the properties in the file are designed to provide a generalized configurable interface for LDAP servers.

Installing the WebLogic LDAP realm

  1. Edit the file, which you will find in the classes/weblogic/security/ldaprealm directory.

    You can save the edited file in the WebLogic home directory (the directory where you start the server). The LDAP realm first looks for the file in the WebLogic home directory, and, if it is not found there, in the classes/weblogic/security/ldaprealm directory. The properties in this file describe how to establish LDAP connections to your LDAP server and how to find users and groups in your LDAP directory. The information includes:

    • The network location of the LDAP service
    • Whether to use SSL for LDAP connections
    • Distinguished name and credential (password or certificate) of user for LDAP connections
    • Type of authentication to use for LDAP connections
    • User schema: attributes that locate unique users in the LDAP directory
    • Group schema: attributes that locate groups and their members in the LDAP directory

    The file has sections for Netscape Directory Server and Microsoft Site Server. Uncomment the section for your server and edit the properties for your environment.
    The location of your LDAP server. Change the url to the name of the computer where the LDAP server is running and the port number where it is listening. If you want WebLogic to connect to the LDAP server using SSL, be sure to use the LDAP server's SSL port in the url.
    Set this property to false if the LDAP server is not configured to use SSL.
    Set this property to the distinguished name of the LDAP user that the WebLogic Server will use to connect with the LDAP server. This user must be able to list LDAP users and groups.
    Set this property to the password that authenticates the principal defined with the property.
    Set this property to simple for simple password authentication, CRAM-MD5 for a secure handshake authentication protocol, or none for no authentication. Netscape Directory Server supports CRAM-MD5. Microsoft Site Server supports simple.
    Set this property to the list of attributes that, when combined with the attribute named in the property, uniquely identifies an individual.
    Set this property to the attribute that identifies the login name of the individual. This may be the common name, but is usually a shorter field, such as the User ID.
    Set this property to the common name attribute, usually "cn".

  2. Add the following property to your file:\

  3. Start the WebLogic Server.

Testing your LDAP realm

After you have started up the WebLogic Server with the LDAP realm installed, you can perform the following checks to test that it is working properly.

  1. Load the T3AdminRealm servlet in a browser. This servlet displays information about the realm the WebLogic Server is using, and it includes lists of all known users and groups. Load the servlet using a URL like this:

  2. Display the realm in the WebLogic Console. The Console displays all the users and ACLs known in the realm.

  3. Add an ACL to your file for the helloWorld example servlet. First find the weblogic.httpd.register property for the helloWorld servlet and make sure that it is not commented out. Add the following property:

    Replace username with the name of a user in your LDAP server. Replace groupname with the name of a group in your LDAP server -- but select a group that does not include username.

    Restart the WebLogic Server and then load the helloWorld servlet with an ACL like this:


    Try entering the name and password for an LDAP user who is not included in the ACL you added for the servlet. You should get a message telling you that you were not authorized.

    Try entering the name and password of an LDAP user who you did include in the ACL, either as an individual or a member of the group. The servlet should load and display the "Hello World" message.


The file contains sections for the Microsoft Site Server and Netscape Directory Server. You uncomment the section for your LDAP server and edit the properties with the correct information for your site.

The file contains three sections. The first section contains the properties that enable the WebLogic LDAP realm to connect to the LDAP server. The second section contains properties that describe how users are stored in the directory. The third section describes how groups are stored in the directory

Here are sample properties for the Netscape Directory Server:

  # Directory Server Properties Manager

  # User Schema, ou=People

  # Group Schema, ou=Groups

This example contains example LDAP realm properties for a Microsoft Site Server:

  # Directory Server Properties

  # User Schema, ou=Members

  # Group Schema, ou=Groups

Troubleshooting the LDAP realm

Diagnosing an LDAP realm startup failure

When you start the WebLogic Server with the LDAP realm installed, you should see messages similar to these in the WebLogic Server log:
  Fri Jan 22 17:39:07 PST 1999:<I> \
          <LDAP> LDAP connectivity initialized
  Fri Jan 22 17:39:08 PST 1999:<I> \
          <LDAP> Created connection to LDAP server

If you do not see the second message, the WebLogic Server could not locate the LDAP server. To help diagnose the problem, you can start the WebLogic Server as described in Command line examples, and add a system property set to display debugging messages:

 $ ... \ ... \

Then watch the log for <LDAP> messages. The messages will help you determine the cause of the failure.

LDAP realm does not appear to recognize certain changes made in the LDAP server

The LDAP realm uses WebLogic EJBs to represent users and groups internally. The EJBs are cached in the WebLogic Server to avoid overly frequent lookups in the LDAP server.

The Deployment Descriptor for the LDAPUserEntity EJB specifies that up to 1000 users can be cached at a time and users not active for at least three minutes may be dropped from cache.

The LDAPGroupEntity EJB Deployment Descriptor allows 10 groups in cache at a time and groups not active for 1000 seconds (about 17 minutes) can be dropped from cache.

When you add new users or groups to your LDAP server, the LDAP realm should recognize them immediately. However, if you delete a user or group, change a user password, or add or delete group members, the WebLogic Server does not recognize the change until the user or group EJB has been dropped from the cache. If you have more than 1000 users and 10 groups, you can try flushing the cache by loading the T3AdminRealm servlet in a browser. Since this servlet pulls all users and groups from the LDAP server into the WebLogic Server, the cached EJBs should be replaced. Otherwise, you must either reboot the WebLogic Server or wait until the EJBs are dropped from the cache.

Change history

Release 4.5

Initial release.


Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 8/23/1999